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Submitted By Tripti63
Words 808
Pages 4
Acronyms Used in this Report
|ATM |Automated Teller Machine |
|BRPD |Banking Regulation and Policy Department |
|CEO |Chief Executive Officer |
|COD |Clean Over Draft |
|CRAB |Credit Rating Agency of Bangladesh |
|DD |Demand draft |
|EFT |Electronic Fund Transfer |
|EMI |Equal Monthly Installment |
|EPS |Earning Per Share |
|FDBP |Foreign Documentary Bill Purchase |
|FDR |Fixed Deposit Receipt |
|GOB |Government of Bangladesh |
|H/O |Head Office |
|HSBC |Hankong Sanghai Banking Corporation |
|L/C |Letter of Credit |

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...Creating APA Style Annotated Bibliographies, 6th Ed. Annotated bibliographies are not specifically addressed in the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th ed. We have taken the example given online at the OWL at Purdue1 as the basis for formatting. It is a good idea to take careful note of any directions given in your assignment, and to check with your professor if you have specific questions. Contents 1. 2. 3. Guidelines Sample Annotated Bibliography Sample Standard Reference List/Bibliography Guidelines The following is a summary of things to know when creating an APA style annotated bibliography:  The annotated bibliography consists of two elements o Citation in current APA style format o Annotation The annotation will follow the citation on the next line. There is not an extra space— double spacing is used throughout. An annotation is different from an abstract. It should have several sentences summarizing the main points or ideas found in the item. It should then include your own statement evaluating the quality of the item and/or relating the item to your own research topic. For a longer annotated bibliography, it is appropriate to divide into sections or topics, and to title those sections as seems fitting.    Note: These annotations are for illustrative purposes only and have no relationship to the content of the sources. The citations are from the sample list found at the end. 1 Sample...

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Annotated Bibliographies

...1 Annotated Bibliography Student Name Course/Number Due Date Faculty Name You may include a cover page for your annotated bibliography. This is an example of an APA cover page for undergraduate and master’s students. Doctoral students should use the annotated bibliography sample found on the Doctoral Writing Resources site under Formatting. 2 Annotated Bibliography Biemiller, L. (2013, December 6). From a million MOOC users, a few early research results. The This annotated bibliography includes references formatted according to APA standards. Chronicle of Higher Education [Web log post]. Retrieved from An annotated bibliography is a list of references to books, articles, web pages, and other sources. The reference is listed first and is followed by a brief summary, or annotation, of the source. The annotation informs the reader of the relevance and quality of the sources. This article discusses a study conducted by the University of Pennsylvania's Graduate School of Education. Sixteen massive open online courses, or MOOCs, were observed to determine student retention. Student completion of the courses was unremarkable. Several differing variables may have contributed to the outcomes of each course based on topic, length of course, student nationality, and so on. More studies on how MOOCs are administered and conducted must be made. Films for the Humanities and Sciences. (Producer)...

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