Premium Essay

Bilbo's Archetype In The Hobbit

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Bilbo Baggins symbolizes the hero archetype in The Hobbit, by J.R.R. Tolkien by acting clever. Bilbo finds a way to get the dwarves out of the elf king’s palace by finding thirteen empty wine barrels “with room enough for a dwarf in each”(166). Bilbo thought outside of the box and found a solution to a tough problem, and if the problem was not solved, it would be the end of their quest to reclaim the treasure. To help the dwarves out of the sticky situation they were in when they got caught by giant spiders, Bilbo “began to sing a song to infuriate them(spiders)....and also let the dwarves hear his voice”(147). Baggins’ cleverness and critical thinking led him to this decision, as he made this tactical choice based upon the dire situation that

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