...Course Hero has millions of student submitted documents similar to the one below including study guides, practice problems, reference materials, practice exams, textbook help and tutor support. Why (a) do you suppose Union Planters purchases investments, rather than simply making loans? Why does it purchase investments that vary in nature both in terms of their maturities and in type (debt versus stock)? 1. They may have excess funds that they havent loaned out yet and instead of having the money just sit there the bank manager may decide that it could earn more revenue by choosing to invest. 2. Depending on the situation the bank manager may also feel that they can make more money by investing the excess funds rather than lending the money out. For example right now interest rates are at an all-time low and they may feel like the return on the interest is not enough compared to investing. 3. The bank manager may feel that these investments will mature and be worth more in the future so they may choose to hold long term to create more revenue. (b) How must Union Planters account for its investments in each of the two categories? 1. Trading securities Balance sheet at fair market value a. Gain/Loss reported as part of income 2. Available-for-Sale Balance sheet at fair market value a. Gain/Loss Comprehensive income/ separate from Stockholders equity until realized 3. Held to-Maturity reported at amortized cost Planters had none (c) In what ways does classifying into investments...
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...BIO 101 Principles of Biology Program Council The Academic Program Councils for each college oversee the design and development of all University of Phoenix curricula. Council members include full-time and practitioner faculty members who have extensive experience in this discipline. Teams of full-time and practitioner faculty content experts are assembled under the direction of these councils to create specific +courses within the academic program. Copyright Copyright 2009 by the University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix® is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft®, Windows®, and Windows NT® are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks or their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix® editorial standards and practices. Course Syllabus Course Title: | BIO 101 Principles of Biology | Course Schedule: | April 25, 2011 to May 23, 2011 | Course Location/ Times/Newsgroup: | Henderson CampusMonday, 6:00 pm to 10:00 pmHEFOUN78E | Required Text: | Simon, E. J., Reece, J. B., Dickey, J. L. (2010). Essential biology with physiology. (3rd ed.). San Francisco, CA: Pearson/Benjamin Cummings. Note: All required text materials can be found on the...
Words: 4229 - Pages: 17
...all. lakeside hospital case solution PDF may not make exciting reading, but lakeside hospital case solution is packed with valuable instructions, information and warnings. We also have many ebooks and user guide is also related with lakeside hospital case solution PDF, include : Applied Calculus 4th Edition Even Answers, Basic Chemical Solutions, Catalytic Solutions Inc Case Study, Calculus Early Transcendentals 7th Edition Yonsei Solutions, Congress Scavenger Hunt Answers, College Algebra Textbook Answers 2, Congress Of Vienna Guided Answers, Chapter 18 Study Guide Answers, English Grammar Third Edition Answer Key, Fac1502 Oct Nov 2012 Solution Docx, Food Safety Test Questions And Answers, Hayden Mcneil Bio 101 Lab Manual Answers, Harcourt Trophies 5th Grade Answer Key, Holt Mathematics Lesson 9 8 Answers, Intermediate Algebra Practice Test With Answers, Julius Caesar Act 4 Answer Key Test, Material Safety Data Sheet Kellysolutions Com, Plato Learning Environment Answer Key, Precalculus Hs Mathematics Unit 09 Lesson 01 Answer Key, Physics Study Guide Reflection And Refraction Answers, Spanish 2 Expresate Answer Key, Standardized Test Practice Chapter 8 Chemistry Answers, Student...
Words: 2722 - Pages: 11
...|[pic] |Syllabus | | |Axia College/College of Humanities | | |FP/101 Version 4 | | |Foundations of Personal Finance | | |Course Start Date: 06/11/2012 | | |Course End Date: 08/12/2012 | Copyright © 2011, 2010, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. Course Description This course provides an overview of the elements necessary for effective personal financial planning and the opportunity to apply the techniques and strategies essential to this understanding. Primary areas of study include creating and managing a personal budget, understanding and paying taxes, working with financial institutions, wise use of credit cards and consumer loans, financing automobiles and homes, and the use of insurance for protecting one’s family and property. Policies ...
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...BIO 101 – Principles of Biology Simon, E. J., Dickey, J. L., & Reece, J. B. (2013). Campbell essential biology with physiology (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Always if possible respond with Auto parts field Resource: MasteringBiology Access Log into MasteringBiology. Instructions for logging into MasteringBiology and accessing the investigations are found in the "MasteringBiology Access" document located on the student website. Complete the MasteringBiology Lab: Chapter 9 Investigation: What Can Fruit Flies Reveal About Inheritance? * Take notes in the investigation's notebook as you perform the experiments. * Answer the 8 questions associated with the investigation. Save your answers as a Microsoft® Word document. * Click the Submit for Grading button. * Type your e-mail address in the appropriate field. Your results will be e-mailed to you. * Copy your results and paste them into a Microsoft® Word document. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. What Can Fruit Flies Reveal About Inheritance? Investigation What Can Fruit Flies Reveal About Inheritance? 1. Why is it important to remove the adults in the parental generation? 2. What generation will their offspring be? 3. Based on the data obtained, is the cross in Case 1 monohybrid or dihybrid? Explain. 4. Is the cross in Case 1 sex-linked or autosomal? Explain. 5. Based on the data obtained, is the most likely mode of inheritance...
Words: 320 - Pages: 2
...Nestle India Limited Financial Analysts’ Meet November 29, 2006 Financial Analysts Meet, Nov 29, 2006 Agenda Introduction & CSR Martial Rolland Financials Shobinder Duggal Questions & Answers All Financial Analysts Meet, Nov 29, 2006 Disclaimer This presentation may contain statements which reflect Management’s current views and estimates and could be construed as forward looking statements. The future involves certain risks and uncertainties that could cause actual results to differ materially from the current views being expressed. Potential risks and uncertainties include factors such as general economic conditions, availability and prices of commodities, competitive products and pricing pressures and regulatory developments etc. Responses can only be given to questions, which are not price sensitive. Financial Analysts Meet, Nov 29, 2006 Introduction & CSR Financial Analysts Meet, Nov 29, 2006 An example of CSR Nestlé Milk District Model 45 years of a progressive partnership with farmers FINANCIAL ANALYSTS MEET 29.11.06 Financial Analysts Meet, Nov 29, 2006 AN EXAMPLE OF CSR : NESTLE milk district model 1 2 3 4 5 6 Nestlé – An Overview Evolution of the Nestlé Milk Districts Nestlé in India Nestlé Milk Districts & Rural Growth Concerns for the Environment and the Community Summary and Conclusions Financial Analysts Meet, Nov 29, 2006 1 Nestlé – An Overview Nestlé – The World Food Company Henri Nestlé...
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...DNA Inheritance Joel Klingensmith BIO/101 Due Date: 10/12/2015 University of Phoenix Not all phenotypes can be seen. Blood types can only be observed by laboratory techniques. The ability to roll your tongue are phenotype variables. As humans, our shape, size, hair color, eye color, height and so on; are all about phenotype variables. I am able to recognize my family tree of all different phenotype variables, could be passed through genes or caused by environmental factors. Influencing body weight can be directed by genes or by diet, which is the environmental factor. Genotypes are the makeup of the cell where it leads next to the personal expressions, and characteristics; or better known as phenotypes. The blue eyes that are shown in my family tree, more occurring than the brown eyes, is a part of the characteristics. The blonde hair that my grandmother had is the phenotype, or my older brother being left handed is a phenotype. My grandfather’s baby blue eyes would be a trait I would pick out of the three generations. Choosing my grandfather’s blue eyes, I would make a hypothesis using the Punnett square. My grandfather’s parents would have each their own allele, either dominant or recessive. Each square in the Punnett square have a 25 percent chance. If my grandpa’s father had brown eyes, his alleles would be “Bb” for dominant and recessive, or two different alleles. If my grandfather’s mother had blue eyes, the genotypes would be “bb”. Taking those two down...
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...BIO 101 – Principles of Biology Simon, E. J., Dickey, J. L., & Reece, J. B. (2013). Campbell essential biology with physiology (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Resource: MasteringBiology Access Log into MasteringBiology. Instructions for logging into MasteringBiology and accessing the activities are found in the "MasteringBiology Access" document located on the student website. Complete the MasteringBiology Ch. 1 Activity: You Decide: What Can We Do About Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria? Write a 500- to 700-word essay from your investigation. You are required to answer various questions throughout the investigation. At the end of the activity, you will be required to take a quiz. This quiz consists of one essay question. Copy your essay into a Microsoft® Word document. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Question to be answer according with each page above 1 – What does the second bar represent? a. The number os classes of antibiotics developed in the 1930s b. The number of classes of antibiotics available in the 1930s c. The number of classes of antibiotics developed in the 1940s d. The number of classes of antibiotics available in the 1940s 2 – What does the Y-axis represent? a. The total number of antibiotics consumed b. The total number of erythromycin closes consumed c. The number of erythromycin doses consumed per day d. The number of erythromycin doses consumed per 1000 people per day 3 – What...
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...What is life? Shauna L Joseph BIO/101 December 22nd, 2014 Heather Browning What is life? Part I: Media Relevancy Read each statement. Write a 100-word summary explaining how the chosen media piece supports the statement. Include reference citations. 1. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other that recognizes the fundamental concepts of chemistry in biology. Include a link or reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand how fundamental concepts of chemistry affect biology. After my research at www.infoplease.com it has helped me to understand how fundamental concepts of chemistry affects biology by breaking down the concept of why chemistry and biology goes hand in hand. Infoplease, (2000-2014), stated that biology explained the living parts of the world and their environment. It also said that biology requires a little knowledge of chemistry and that it is important to know aspects of chemistry to make biology come alive. We all know that the understanding of chemistry requires a little mathematic but it is not important to go into detailed mathematical applications to understand the principles of biology. So what is the fundamental concepts of chemistry in biology? Biology overlaps with chemistry in explaining the structure and function of all cellular processes at the molecular level. Reference: Pearson Education. (10/2013). Infoplease. Retrieved from http://www.infoplease.com/cig.biology/chemistry-biology...
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...MICHAEL AWUAH DENKYIRAH BIO/101-PRINCIPLES OF BIOLOGY NOVEMBER 16TH, 2013. JEBA INBARASU 1. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—related to the scientific method, creating hypotheses, or designing experiments. Include the link or reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand how the scientific method is used to create hypotheses and experiments. Answer: The scientific method is the best way yet discovered for distinguioshing the truth from lies and delusions. The scientific method is just a list of steps that one needs to follow when solving a problem. The procedures for scientific methods are: a. Questions and Observation: One must observe some aspect of the universe and ask questions about it. Do research about the observation. b. Experiment and Evidence: Invent a tentative description, called a hypothesis that is consistent with what you have observed .Use the hypothesis to make guesses or predictions .Test those predictions by experiments or further observations and modify the hypothesis in the light of your results. c. Analyzing the date and draw conclusions from the experiments d. Publishing our final results into journals or a display board for other professionals to examine our scientific work. When consistency is obtained the hypothesis becomes a theory and provides a...
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...BIO 101 – Principles of Biology Simon, E. J., Dickey, J. L., & Reece, J. B. (2013). Campbell essential biology with physiology (4th ed.). Boston, MA: Pearson. Resource: MasteringBiology Access Log into MasteringBiology. Instructions for logging into MasteringBiology and accessing the investigations are found in the "MasteringBiology Access" document located on the student website. Complete the MasteringBiology Lab: Chapter 23 Investigation: How Is Cardiovascular Fitness Measured? * Take notes in the investigation's notebook as you perform the experiments. * Answer the questions associated with the investigation. Save your answers as a Microsoft® Word document. * Click the Submit for Grading button. * Type your e-mail address in the appropriate field. Your results will be e-mailed to you. * Copy your results and paste them into a Microsoft® Word document. Click the Assignment Files tab to submit your assignment. Web Site: http://media.pearsoncmg.com/bc/bc_campbell_essentials_5/process_qz/42A/index.html Blood moving through the blood vessels exerts pressure against the vessel walls. This blood pressure is highest in the aorta. It decreases as the blood moves through the arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins. With each contraction of the heart, you can feel the expansion and recoil of the elastic arteries where they pass near the surface of the skin. This is the pulse. When you take your pulse, you measure heart rate – the number...
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...Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Kwame D. Brooks BIO/101 October 16, 2014 Prof. Rafael Frim Antibiotic-Resistant Bacteria Even though the indiscriminate use of antibiotics is enhanced by their free and uncontrolled availability ‘across the counter’, particularly in developing and Third World countries where regulatory mechanisms leave much to be desired. Alternately, even in developed countries, there is a clear connection between overall antibiotic intake and the rate of recurrence of the discovery of antibiotic-resistant bacteria. According to Barry Commoner, “First law of ecology: ‘Everything is related to everything else’.” As such, these antibiotic-resistant bacteria evolves into a most important health problem that becomes the foundation for some patients to be incurable to previously treated infections because the development of antibiotic resistance. This is primarily due to disproportionate and often superfluous use of antibiotics in humans and animals. According to G. Gopal Rio “Risk factors for the spread of resistant bacteria in hospitals and the community can be summarized as overcrowding, lapses in hygiene or poor infection control practices. Increasing antibiotic resistance in bacteria has been exacerbated by the slow pace in developing newer antibiotics and bacteria can be innately resistant or may acquire resistance to antibiotics” (1998). In essence, these two types of conflict are probably in the same way significant in the perspective of the management...
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...------------------------------------------------- Course Syllabus FP/101 Foundations of Personal Finance Course Start Date: 08/13/12 Course End Date: 10/14/12 Please print a copy of this syllabus for handy reference. Whenever there is a question about what assignments are due, please remember this syllabus is considered the ruling document. Copyright Copyright ©2010, 2009 by University of Phoenix. All rights reserved. University of Phoenix© is a registered trademark of Apollo Group, Inc. in the United States and/or other countries. Microsoft©, Windows©, and Windows NT© are registered trademarks of Microsoft Corporation in the United States and/or other countries. All other company and product names are trademarks or registered trademarks of their respective companies. Use of these marks is not intended to imply endorsement, sponsorship, or affiliation. Edited in accordance with University of Phoenix© editorial standards and practices. Facilitator Information Carol Ward, MBA, DBA cward123@email.phoenix.edu (University of Phoenix) ciward123@yahoo.com (Personal) (901) 270-9434 (Central Standard Time) Facilitator Availability Dr. Ward is available from 9 a.m.-9 p.m. Central Time on most days, but I attempt to reserve Sunday for my family. During the week, I am online most of the time during that 9 a.m.-9 p.m. time...
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...University of Phoenix Material What Is Life? Summer Pigg BIO/101 9/28/2015 Brandy Mcfadden Read each statement. Write a 100-word summary explaining how that media piece supports that statement and include APA formatted references for each media piece. 1. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—related to the scientific method, creating hypotheses, or designing experiments. Include the reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand how the scientific method is used to create hypotheses and experiments. [pic] 2. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—that recognizes the fundamental concepts of chemistry in biology. Include the reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand how fundamental concepts of chemistry affect biology. [pic] 3. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—that describes the energy metabolism of cells. Include the reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better understand the energy metabolism of cells. [pic] 4. Find a media piece—article, video, presentation, song, or other—that compares structures and functions of different cell types. Include the reference citation for the piece and describe how it helped you better compare structures and functions of different cell...
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...Raj Maheshwari BIO 11 Lab Professor Lauren Larin Queens College Spring 2016 Plato to Darwin to DNA – A Brief History Dr. Esther I. Muehlbauer This book has been molded to be a breakdown of how various fields in science have progressed over centuries as mankind has advanced. The book starts off introducing the idea that the telling of natural history has changed numerous times as humans have evolved. We also learn to agree that our knowledge has been shaped by the tools available and the perceptions of its users. In the earliest stages of life, Muehlbauer states “…observers of the natural world had only their senses to work with, and were limited to visual, auditory, tactile, and olfactory descriptions perceived by the unaided human body” (pg. 1, Muehlbauer). Something as simple as the “scientific process”, which is similar to the scientific method we learned in our first week of lecture, is proof of how we have outgrown earlier and more primitive attempts to differentiate between the true story. Humankind has progressed from an era in which religion used to be the ultimate answer to all of mankind’s questions. The skies would rumble when God was mad and crops would go bad due to curses by a higher power. The fight for knowledge through science has helped us as a species progress through this uphill battle to debunk the primitive explanations as to why the world exists in the way it does. From the invention of the wheel to the proof of evolution, we have come a long...
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