...role in life. The purpose of this study was to identify the unknown bacterium using biochemical tests and various methods that had been learned from previous the microbiology laboratory class. Identifying the unknown bacterium was determined by separating and differentiating possible bacteria based on specific biochemical characteristics. The differential tests used to identify the unknown cultures were Gram staining, oxidase, indole test, urea test, and casein test. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The unknown bacteria were given out by the lab instructor. Each student chose their own unknown bacteria according to the number. All methods have been practiced to ensure proper procedure identifying bacteria have been applied to this unknown. Procedures were followed as stated in the course laboratory manual provided by the instructor, unless otherwise noted. Each test performed identified was used to determine the specifics and identify the unknown bacterium. All of the following tests were performed on this unknown on February 09, 2008. Some of the tests required a follow-up right after the next lab. The first procedure that needed to be accomplished was to streak the unknown out on a Trypticase Soy Agar plate, using the T streak method described in the lab manual. The unknown culture was inoculated in the Tryptic Soy Broth tube, a TSA plate agar, and a TSA slant. This procedure is needed to be done in order to test...
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...Abstract In this experiment an unknown gram-negative sample was obtained randomly to identify the possible microorganisms. Using comparative analysis several biochemical tests were performed to determine which bacterium out of the six potential unknowns was given. The biochemical tests carried out included; triple-sugar iron agar (TSIA), sulfur indole motility (SIM), citrate, urease, gelatinase, methyl red (MR) and voges-proskaeur (VP). In order to determine the microorganism characteristics the sample was first isolated using a t-streak and the colonies were gram stained to reveal its shape and morphology and then inoculated into several sequences of media corresponding with the proper biochemical test. After allowing the corresponding time for each biochemical test, data was collected to determine the unknown bacteria. The broth culture in this experiment was determined as Escherichia coli. Introduction All organisms are divided into three domains; bacteria, archaea, and eukarya. The organisms making up domain Bacteria and domain Archaea are all prokaryotes. Although bacteria and archaea look the same, archaea is more closely related to eukarya (Madigan et.al 2009). The ability to adapt to a broad range of habitats helps to explain why prokaryotes are the most abundant organism on earth. The main characteristics of a prokaryote include, no nucleus, circular DNA, and no membrane bound organelles. A key feature of nearly all prokaryotic cells is the cell wall, which maintains...
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...techniques to students working on the common problem of identifying an unknown bacterium. This lab helps students develop an understanding of the biochemical and molecular differences in bacteria and introduces the concept of identifying species based on characeristic gene sequences. Students work through two types of identification procedures, one classical and one involving DNA sequencing, then compare the results of the two methods. Educational Context The lab was created to accompany lecture topics in bacterial genetics and biochemistry. The main topics covered in lecture that relate to this lab are prokaryotic replication, transcription, and translation, enzyme function, and cellular respiration. This lab was tailored for second semester freshmen who are in their first semester of a three-semester introductory biology course. The first semester focuses on molecular biology, bacterial genetics, and introductory biochemistry. This lab was designed for 500 students split into lab sections of 20. However, this curriculum is easily adaptable to accommodate any number of students. In this lab, students identify an unknown bacteria using a biochemical method and a molecular method. For the biochemical method, students use a combination of differential growth tests and enzyme tests developed for clinical use. For the molecular method, students PCR amplify and sequence the 16S rRNA gene from their bacteria, then use BLAST to search the bacterial database and identify...
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...IDENTIFICATION OF UNKNOWN BACTERIA It is virtually impossible to identify bacteria based on physical characteristics alone. This is due to the fact that there are only a few basic shapes and physical features commonly seen in the prokaryotic world. Instead, biochemical testing has been used to make bacterial identification down to the “species” level. These schemes are based on creating and matching biochemical profiles of the production of enzymes, acids and gases by isolated pure cultures of a given microorganism. Identification schemes and flow charts can be found in reference texts such as “Bergey’s Manual of Determinative Bacteriology” or “The Prokaryotes”. Each group of students will receive a TSA slant or broth containing a pure culture of an unknown bacterium belonging to the Family Enterobacteriaceae. It is the responsibility of the group to maintain stock cultures of the organism provided. Working stock cultures will be used to inoculate the various biochemical test media over the next several weeks and should be fresh and free from contaminants. A reserve stock culture should be made and after incubation and comparison with the original slant, kept with the original slant in the refrigerator. It is critically important that aseptic techniques are used during transfers and inoculations to prevent contamination of your cultures. If contamination is suspected, you will be able to fall back to your reserve stock. If you fail to maintain a reserve stock...
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...Unknown Lab Report Emma Upchurch Department of Science, Hill College BIOL 2120 01BH Professor Aaron Warren November 21, 2024. Introduction: When entering the lab, the class was instructed to pick an unknown test tube with broth. Inside the test tube was a bacterial specimen which I had to run biochemical and culture techniques on to correctly identify the bacteria I had randomly selected. With eleven bacteria I could have picked, it was important that each test was done correctly and that we recorded the results from each test accurately. I ran a total of five tests to be able to correctly identify the bacterial specimen I had chosen, since the four tests required did not give me enough data to identify my exact bacteria. Materials...
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...A. faecalis, P. fragi, and E. coli are all Gram negative bacteria.2 The Gram negative bacteria that was in plate B, had a cell shape of coccobacillus and a single cell arrangement. A. faecalis and P. fragi both are coccobacillus and singled celled while E. coli is bacillus and single celled.2 Because all three species are so close to cell shape and arrangement none of the options were yet eliminated. To narrow down the options with biochemical tests, the MOI test was done first. The results came back as positive, negative, negative. This eliminated E. coli as an option because E. coli’s MOI results are positive, negative/positive, and positive. During the 48 hours of incubation time for the MOI test, an oxidase test was also performed. However, the oxidase test came back as negative. Which, does not match up with the MOI...
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...cultures of unknown bacteria were provided in dilution tubes, labeled 18X and 18Y. The provided cultures were used for Gram staining. A heat fixed smear of each unknown was prepared on two separate clean glass slides. The smears were flooded with crystal violet (1 minute), rinsed with water (2 seconds), covered with Gram’s iodine (1 minute), rinsed with water (2 seconds), decolorized by 95% alcohol applied in a drop wise fashion, rinsed with water (2 sec), counterstained with safranin (30 seconds), and rinsed with water a final time (2 seconds). The stains were dabbed dry then examined under a microscope at 100x with oil immersion for cell shape, cell size, and whether the cells stained Gram-positive (purple) or Gram-negative (pink)....
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...HOW TO WRITE AN UNKNOWN LAB REPORT IN MICROBIOLOGY GENERAL Unknown reports in microbiology are written in scientific format. Scientific writing is written differently from other types of writing. The results of the exercise or experiment are what are being showcased, not the writing. The purpose of scientific writing is not to entertain, but to inform. The writing should be simple and easy to understand. There is a specific style that must be followed when writing scientific reports. Scientific writing is typically written in the passive voice. The pronouns "I", "We" and "They" are not typically used.. For example, instead of writing "I used a TSA agar plate to isolate my unknown," it is customary to write, "A trypticase soy agar (TSA) plate was used to isolate the unknown." It is also customary to write in the past tense for most of the report. This includes the introduction, the summary, the description of the materials and methods and the results. The present tense is reserved for the conclusions about the results. See the examples given below. Some other general rules that should be followed are: Microbial nomenclature: The name of the bacterium should written and spelled correctly. The name should be italicized or underlined. Italicized is preferred. For example, Staphylococcus aureus. The genus is capitalized but the species is not. After the full genus name is given in the paper, it can be written as S. aureus, but still italicized. This is as long as there in no other...
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...Determination of Two Unknown Organisms From Sample number 16 Intro: This was an experiment to identify two unknown organisms from sample number 16. The importance of this experiment is to identify two differential bacteria that are commonly found in the world and in the presence of everyday life. Considerations of organisms that could be in the unknown tube include, but not limited to Bacillus subtilis, Clostridium sporogenes, Serratia marcescens, Micrococcus roseus, Micrococcus luteus, Sarcina lutea, Staphylococcus epidermidis, Alcaligenes faecalis, Pseudomonas fragi, and Escherichia coli. The goal of this experiment is to use scientific method by demonstrating proper lab techniques, observing and collecting data, then analyzing results to...
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...Weekly iLab iLab: Exploring the Microbiology Lab FirstName Tiffani_LastName: Whitehead Section 1 Lab Safety 1. There are four safety equipment items that a lab should have. Identify two of these four items. (2 pts) Biological Safety Cabinet, Eyewash and shower 2. Identify one of the three ways to keep your work area safe. (1 pt) Keep your workspace free of all unnecessary materials 3. There are five recommendations for dressing properly in a lab environment. Name two of these recommendations. (2 pt) Avoid loose fitting items of clothing, Wear appropriate shoes sandals are not allowed. 4. There are several safety tips to protect one’s mucous membranes and broken skin. Identify one of the recommended tips. (1 pt) Do not apply makeup, put in contact lenses, or otherwise perform activities that might introduce lab organisms to your personal space. 5. When working in a microbiology lab, it is important to contain spills and discard materials properly. Describe how a spill should be cleaned up safely in a microbiology lab. (3 pts) 1. Wear a lab coat, disposable gloves, safety glasses or a face shield, and if needed, approved respiratory equipment. 2. Soak a paper towel(s) in an appropriate disinfectant (70% ethanol or fresh 10% bleach solution) and place around the spill area. 3. Working from the outer edges into the center, clean the spill area with fresh towels soaked in the disinfectant. Be sure to decontaminate any areas or surfaces that...
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...Madeline M. Westrick Unknown 2 Unknown Lab Report INTRODUCTION In this study, each student was assigned a different unknown bacterium, with the task of identifying it correctly. Unknown 2 was Streptococcus pyogenes. S. pyogenes is gram-positive cocci that can result in human ailments that are classified as Streptococcal A infections, such as impetigo, cellulitis, erysipelas, and scarlet fever. The allotted testing time given was a total of four laboratory periods, or two weeks total. MATERIALS AND METHODS The unknown bacterial pathogen was presented via a liquid broth suspension in a double-walled glass test tube and on two nutrient agar (NA) plates. Its appearance was creamy yellow in color with sparse growth of medium-sized colonies...
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...such as bacteria and archaea. This paper will focus on how to identify an unknown bacterium. Bacteria which is also known as the bacterium is a non-cellular microbe that lacks membrane organelles, nucleus, and cell walls. Although bacteria are very small, they have a large diversity and they are different in shapes and sizes. Bacteria have three shapes which are bacilli (rod) shaped, cocci (round) shaped and spirilla (spiral) shaped. The...
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...Introduction Bacteria are microscopic unicellular prokaryotic organisms characterized by the lack of a membrane-bound nucleus and membrane-bound organelles. They are remarkably adaptable to diverse environmental conditions and are found in bodies of all living organisms and on all parts of the earth. The purpose of microbial biochemical tests is to identify the unique traits it yields and with that knowledge we can then categorize them in groups and specify them by scientific name. These experiments included the Triple-sugar iron agar (TSIA), Sulfur Indole Motility (SIM), Methyl Red (MR), Voges-Proskauer (VP), Citrate, Urease, Gelatin, and Oxidase Test. In order for these tests to produce reliable and credible results, the bacterium organism must be grown using strict and meticulous procedure to produce viable colonies of pure culture. Having pure culture is significant to ensure that a single type of bacteria is used for identification without contamination so tests can be run without complications or confusion. Once all these tests are performed, the unknown bacteria in this lab will be one of the following: Escherichia coli, Enterobacter aerogenes, Proteus mirabilis, Klebsiella pneumoniae, or Salmonella typhimurium. This report included the results and details to these experiments which are discussed further on. Abstract Gram negative bacteria Unknown #12 was run through an array of tests which produced positive and negative results. The results obtained from the various...
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...Introduction Morphological, staining, cultural and biochemical data on the characteristics of different microorganisms was gathered. This gained information can be used to identify bacteria. A scientist by the name of David Bergey was the first person who proposed the system of bacterial classification in which bacteria are grouped according to Gram reaction, metabolism, and morphology. The first edition of Bergey’s Manual of Systematic Bacteriology was published in 1984. This book can be used to identify a microorganism. The purpose of this experiment is to identify an unknown bacteria using the skills learned in microbiology laboratory this semester. Materials and Methods This experiment was conducted at Louisiana State University in Shreveport...
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...Bio 15 – Microbiology Final Unknown Report Sheet Unknown # ___90___ Genus and species of unknown _______Escherichia coli_________ Gram reaction and morphology ____Gram Negative reaction/Translucent and Shiny___ Other stains performed and results: Results: Please list the test results for all tests that were performed on the unknown. For tests not performed, write ND. |Carbohydrates: |IMViC Tests: | |Glucose |AG |Indole |+ | |Lactose |+ |Methyl Red |+ | |Mannitol |AG |Voges Proskauer |_ | | | |Citrate |ND | | | |Additional Biochemical Tests: | |Oxidase |_ |Lysine decarboxylase |+ | |Catalase |ND |Ornithine decarboxylase |ND...
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