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Biological Influences On A Person's Identity

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A question often asked is, who are we? Is it a question that questions a person’s biological factors or what others see of them? This is the where the idea of the self and identity comes in. The self are the inborn characteristics that they are born with. Some examples are the physical characteristics that distinguish a person from other people, such as, gender and mental stability. The identity is how society shapes a person to be whom they want to be. Influences such as family, friends and communities are factors that shape a persons identity. There is a long debate of whether nature or nurture affects a persons personality traits which determines their identity. Nature would be if genes affect your identity and nurture would be what influences a person after birth. A girl named Genie is an example on how her identity was different from other children her age, after she was discovered being tied up to a potty train toilet. She wasn’t an active member of society which affects how slowly she developed. According to Gardeners Theory of multiple …show more content…
A person who is motivated by their parents to continue their education is most likely going to attend a higher education institution to better their future. Whereas people who are born into broken homes where a parent is in jail is likely to commit to criminal activity. This is how a person’s identity is changed. During a person’s childhood a child doesn’t feel the pressure to chose what they will do in life until the brain is able to reflect on the decision making process. This is how the identity is made among a person. A persons profession is also determined by whether you are respected and or looked down upon. Teachers and professors are most likely to be honored more than a hard laborer worker who lives pay check to pay check. This is where the conflict theory comes

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