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Lung Regeneration Research Paper

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Lung regeneration is usually very minimal. If you lungs are so badly damaged that they can no longer transfer adequate amounts of oxygen into your body, you may need to consider a lung transplant if no other treatment options have been effective. However, some lung regeneration does occur after you quit smoking. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a condition that arises from various forms of damage to the airways. Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is becoming a major cause of death worldwide. Pulmonary emphysema, one of the main forms of COPD, is characterised by the progressive and irreversible loss of pulmonary alveoli. Despite recent advances in new drugs and in the understanding of this disease, …show more content…
So by this way it can help generate new cells, tissue or at times even organs. Various techniques are used in regeneration which include the stem cells therapy where the stem cells can b used to generate all the other type of cells. Not only stem cells tissue engineering has also helped in generating different tissue and organs. Various techniques like scaffolding , 3D printing and other techniques can be used to engineer tissue and organs. Stem cells are becoming a reality and futre applications will continue to require strong colabaration between basic scientist, clinician and patient. Treatments classified as regenerative medicine help our natural healing processes work more rapidly and effectively. These technologies can enable regeneration in missing or damaged tissue that would not ordinarily regrow, producing at least partial regeneration, and in some promising animal studies complete regeneration. So various organs like liver, lung , heart can be regenerated by these tehqniques in near future. Organs like liver, nose, ears are already been made by the help of these regenerative therapies. Also these therapies have been demonstated in laboratory to atleast partially heal broken bones, bad burns, blindness, deafness, heart damage, and a range of other conditions. Less complex organs such as bladder and trachea have also been constructed from patient cell and scaffolds and successfully

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