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Jean Baptiste Research Paper

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Jean Baptiste(John Baptist) de la Salle was born on April 30, 1651.He was the first child of Louis de La Salle and Nicolle de Monet. By the age of eleven, De La Salle decided to cut off all of his hair to show his religious devotion towards God. Later on, by the age of sixteen, he was already named canon of Rheims Cathedral. Furthermore, throughout Jean’s incredible life, he was mostly known for being very involved in education. John truly had a passion for education and wanted young children to have an opportunity to have a healthy education. He founded the Institute of the Brothers of the Christian School and officially started the first teacher colleges in Paris. More importantly, he was also one of the first to establish classroom teaching …show more content…
In my perspective, I believe that this is symbolizing De La Salle’s deep passion for education. He genuinely loved education and wanted to give everyone the chance to receive an education. Furthermore, this symbol also signifies how he wanted all of his school/educators to conduct themselves during school. There are certain guidelines and instructions that he wanted the students and instructors to follow, therefore, he enforced rules on how he wanted them to act. Moreover, in the iconography, John Baptist also appears to be wearing a special type of clothing. When looking at this type of clothing, it reminds you of the type of clothing that teachers supposedly worn back during that …show more content…
He has personally shown me that education is just that important in our daily lives. De La Salle devoted his whole life just for the sake of children being able to receive a healthy education. This only shows me how important education truly meant to him. Furthermore, I think that John Baptist greatest virtue is his determination. For years he has been determined to give others the chance to receive an education. He never gave up and always pushed to give his full effort. In my opinion, this is probably one of the greatest virtue to have. If you’re determined, you can complete any task without anything ever stopping

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