...Understanding the BIOS and POST Abdus-Salaam Sabir NT1110: Computer Structure and Logic_ Module 5_Short Answer August 22, 2015 Darius Banks Understanding the BIOS and POST Why is it necessary to use ROM for the BIOS and not RAM? The basic input/output system (BIOS) is an essential component of the mother- board. This boot firmware, also known as System BIOS, is the first code run by a computer when it is booted. It prepares the machine by testing it during boot- up and paves the way for the operating system to start. It tests and initializes components such as the processor, RAM, video card, magnetic disks, and optical disks. If any errors occur, the BIOS reports them as part of the testing stage, known as the power-on self-test (POST). The BIOS resides on a ROM chip and stores a setup program that you can access when the computer first boots up. From this program, a user can change settings in the BIOS and upgrade the BIOS as well. It is necessary to use ROM for the BIOS because the data in the RAM is cleared when the computer shuts down, but the data in the ROM is always there for the BIOS to use. The BIOS is typically placed in a ROM (Read-only memory) chip that comes with the computer. This ensures that the BIOS will always be available and will not be damaged by disk failures. It also makes it possible for a computer to boot itself. Read-only memory is computer memory on which data has been prerecorded. Once data has been written onto a ROM chip,...
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...Video Summary BIOS One of the most common uses of Flash memory is for the basic input/out put system of you computer, commonly known as the BIOS. The BIOS makes sure all other chips, hard drives, ports and CPU function together. BIOS is the first program that is activated during the boot, running on ROM, ready only memory. Start up BIOS activates the POST bootstrap loader which runs POST. POST checks the basic system hardware testing memory and assigning system resources. Startup BIOS also check the CMOS, comparing them to the hardware found during POST. CMOS setting are stored in the RAM ( Random Access Memory) and are not permanent as BIOS setting are and can be changed by the user. BOIS and CMOS are different they are stored on different chips. BIOS are stored in ROM and CMOS are stored in RAM. BIOS are permanent, while CMOS are volatile, it can be erased if the power goes off. BIOS cannot be edited by users. CMOS can be edited by users, configuration can be saved. CMOS setting are not lost because of the CMOS battery, providing power during shutdown. Preserves CMOS configuration stored in RAM. If the battery dies the symptoms would be low battery= slow clock, dead battery which means checksum error during boot. The system will reboot once you clear the checksum error. After POST is complete and the CMOS are checked, the BIOS check the MBR (Master Boot Record), which is located on the first sector on the hard drive. MBR finds the activate partition and loads the 1st...
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...commonly known as the BIOS. The BIOS makes sure all other chips, hard drives, ports and CPU function together. BIOS is the first program that is activated during the boot, running on ROM, ready only memory. Startup BIOS activates the POST bootstrap loader which runs POST. POST checks the basic system hardware testing memory and assigning system resources. Startup BIOS also check the CMOS, comparing them to the hardware found during POST. CMOS setting are stored in the RAM ( Random Access Memory) and are not permanent as BIOS setting are and can be changed by the user. BOIS and CMOS are different they are stored on different chips. BIOS are stored in ROM and CMOS are stored in RAM. BIOS are permanent, while CMOS are volatile, it can be erased if the power goes off. BIOS cannot be edited by users. CMOS can be edited by users, configuration can be saved. CMOS setting are not lost because of the CMOS battery, providing power during shutdown. Preserves CMOS configuration stored in RAM. If the battery dies the symptoms would be low battery= slow clock, dead battery which means checksum error during boot. The system will reboot once you clear the checksum error. After POST is complete and the CMOS are checked, the BIOS check the MBR (Master Boot Record), which is located on the first sector on the hard drive. MBR finds the activate partition and loads the 1st operating system file. BIOS are referred to as firmware, which is a set if instructions that is in the BIOS chip. BIOS are either hardware...
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...Version 2.0 – June 10, 2008 American Megatrends, Inc. Checkpoint & Beep Code List 2.0 Copyright (c) 2008 American Megatrends, Inc. All Rights Reserved. American Megatrends, Inc. 5555 Oakbrook Parkway Suite 200 Norcross, GA 30093 (USA) This publication contains proprietary information which is protected by copyright. No part of this publication may be reproduced, transcribed, stored in a retrieval system, translated into any language or computer language, or transmitted in any form whatsoever without the prior written consent of the publisher, American Megatrends, Inc. American Megatrends, Inc. retains the right to update, change, modify this publication at any time, without notice. For Additional Information Call American Megatrends BIOS Sales Department at 1-800-828-9264 for additional information. Limitations of Liability In no event shall American Megatrends be held liable for any loss, expenses, or damages of any kind whatsoever, whether direct, indirect, incidental, or consequential, arising from the design or use of this product or the support materials provided with the product. Limited Warranty No warranties are made, either express or implied, with regard to the contents of this work, its merchantability, or fitness for a particular use. American Megatrends assumes no responsibility for errors and omissions or for the uses made of the material contained herein or reader decisions based on such use. Trademark and Copyright Acknowledgments All product names used in...
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...* BIOS: The first program activated during boot. * BIOS is asset of instructions written as ROM on a chip on the motherboard * It is permanent , cannot be edited , and does not require power to maintain content * Startup BIOS activates the bootstrap loader which runs the POST or Power On Self-Test * Which checks memory and assigns system resources * CMOS also checked by startup BIOS and compares to hardware found during POST * CMOS settings are stored in RAM and are not permanent and may be changed by the user * BIOS and CMOS are used interchangeably by term but are different * BIOS is stored in ROM and is permanent and cannot be edited * CMOS is stored in RAM is volatile and can be edited * Both stored in different chips * CMOS battery saves settings for configurations during power outages * If the battery starts to die the computers system clock will start to lose time * If the battery is dead you will get a checksum error during boot * You can still boot simply clear the checksum error And let the startup BIOS use the default CMOS setting stored in the BIOS which is ROM and not disturbed by power outages * Flashing the BIOS * BIOS cannot be edited but can be change by replacing the motherboard or Flashing the BIOS * BIOS is firmware not hardware or software * BIOS uses EEPROM or Electronically Erasable Programmable ROM * Old instructions are replaced with new ones * The BIOS is very important...
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...use rom for the bios and not rom? It is necessary to use ROM for the bios because the data in the RAM is cleared when the computer shuts down, but the data in the ROM is always there for the bios to use. Bios is typically placed in a ROM chip that comes with the computer. This ensures that the bios will not be damaged by disk failures. It also makes it possible for a computer to reboot itself. Read-only memory is computer memory on which data has prerecorded. Once data has been written onto ROM chip, it cannot be removed and can only be read. How do the post beep codes make troubleshooting a computer start-up problem easier? The computer power-on self- test also known as (post). It tests that the computer has to make sure it meets necessary system requirements and that all hardware is working properly before starting the reminder of the boot process. If the computer passes post the computer gives a single beep (with some computer bios manufactures it may beep twice) as the computer starts and the computer will continue to start normally. However, if the computer fails the post the computer will either not beep at all or will generate a beep code, which tells the user the source of the problem. Why is the hard disk busy when performing a cold boot? The hard drive has to load the system files and kernels then the operating system. How can you recover your system from a failed bios update? It is two options: you can install a replacement bios chip (if the bios is located in...
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...and system configuration settings, needed by the basic input/output system (BIOS) to start the computer. This name is somewhat misleading, however, as most modern computers no longer use CMOS chips for this function, but instead depend on other forms of non-volatile memory. CMOS chips are still found in many other electronic devices, including digital cameras. In a computer, the CMOS controls a variety of functions, including the Power On Self Test (POST). When the computer’s power supply fires up, CMOS runs a series of checks to make sure the system is functioning properly. One of these checks includes counting up random access memory (RAM). This delays boot time, so some people disable this feature in the CMOS settings, opting for a quick boot. If installing new RAM it is better to enable the feature until the RAM has been checked. Ad Once POST has completed, CMOS runs through its other settings. Hard disks and formats are detected, along with Redundant Array of Independent Disk (RAID) configurations, boot preferences, the presence of peripherals, and overclocking tweaks. Many settings can be manually changed within the CMOS configuration screen to improve performance; however, changes should be made by experienced users. Changing settings improperly can make the system unstable, cause crashes, or even prevent the computer from booting. The CMOS configuration screen is accessible during the POST phase of boot up, by pressing a key before the operating system initializes...
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...BIOS, CMOS Inside every PC out there is BIOS, which stands for Basic Input Output System. In a nutshell, BIOS is software that interacts between a computer’s hardware and the operating system and software applications. There are several types of BIOS', ranging from the motherboard ROM BIOS to adapter BIOS' such as video BIOS, drive controller BIOS, network adapter BIOS, SCSI adapter BIOS, etc... These BIOS' are the lowest level of software in a computer providing a set of small programs or software routines that allow the hardware of a computer to interact with the operating system by a set of standard calls. The Boot Process To get to the operating system, a computer must first boot from the BIOS. The BIOS performs a number of tasks when a computer is started. From initializing the microprocessor to initializing and testing hardware to starting the operating system. Starting a computer is not a simple task. It's a methodical process that is performed every time power is applied to computer. Here is a detailed description of the boot process. This process will vary with different computers and different BIOS', but the overall goal is the same. When you first turn on a computer the very first operation performed by the CPU is to read the address space at FFFF: 0000h. This address space it reads from is only 16 bytes, which is not nearly enough space to house the BIOS found on a motherboard. Instead, this location contains a special instruction called a jump command (JMP) that...
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...sum of the differences between ROM RAM BIOS and Post I will simply define the basis of each component while defining what they do. ROM is short for (Read-only Memory) Memory which data is prerecorded on a computer. ROM is simply data that cannot be eliminated even when the computer is off. When working in ROM it is difficult or nearly impossible to change. BIOS is short for the acronym (Basic Input Output System) it is a program which stores detailed information and enable the computer to boot. In addition a ROM chip located on the motherboard, it lets you access the basic setup and ensures that the BIOS will readily be available and will not de damaged by disk failures. RAM is (Random Access Memory) Memory that can be access randomly memory that can be access without touching preceding bytes. RAM is the typical memory found in most computers or printers. In addition, RAM is a volatile memory that requires power to keep information accessible. If power is lost, then memory can be lost. Lastly Post is the self-test which is activated by Bios. The post is designed to run checks on the motherboard. It necessary to use ROM for the BIOS because the ROM retains information on the computer even while shut down whereas RAM does not. Whenever a computer is being use the information is being stored on the RAM if the is ever a power shortage or the computer lose power the information is lost. RAM does not store memory when there is no power. POST beep codes make troubleshooting a computer...
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...Fall BIOS – Instructor: Mrs. Nicholas – NT1110 – 1 May 2014 Lavon Hawkins BIOS SUMMARY Lavon Hawkins BIOS SUMMARY BIOS BIOS: The BIOS is software which is stored on the motherboard. It tells the computer how to perform a number of basic functions such as booting and keyboard control. It is also used to identify and configure the hardware in a computer such as hard drive, floppy drive, optical drive, CPU, memory and so on. CMOS: The complementary metal oxide semiconductor is the type of semiconductor chip on the motherboard which stores the system information and computer settings such as date, time, hard drive settings, boot sequence, parallel part settings, on-base audio and video etc. Firmware: Firmware is a combination of software and hardware. Computer chips that have data or programs recorded on them are firmware. POST: The POST or power on self-test is a test the computer does when it first boots up. It’s to verify all the hardware is working. If all checks out it usually gives a single beep. If not a beep code could come up. Beep Code: A beep code is an audible code which is generated during the POST (Power On Self Test) when the BIOS has an issue but has not made it all the way up the boot sequence that it can give you the error as a message on the monitor BIOS update: Updating the BIOS can fix or enhance aspects of a computers performance. Or it may provide support for newly installed hardware. 1 Flash BIOS update: A BIOS chip...
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...In this document of BIO 315 Entire Course you will find the next files: BIO 315 Week 1 DQ1.doc BIO 315 Week 1 DQ2.doc BIO 315 Week 1 Individual Assignment Beren Robinson Field Study Paper.doc BIO 315 Week 2 DQ1.doc BIO 315 Week 2 DQ2.doc BIO 315 Week 2 DQ3.doc BIO 315 Week 2 Individual Assignment Environment, Resources, and Competition.ppt BIO 315 Week 2 Week Two Learning Team Exercises.doc BIO 315 Week 3 DQ1.doc BIO 315 Week 3 DQ2.doc BIO 315 Week 3 DQ3.doc BIO 315 Week 3 DQ4.doc BIO 315 Week 3 Individual Assignment Yeast Culture Lab.doc BIO 315 Week 3 Learning Team Exercises.doc BIO 315 Week 4 DQ1.doc BIO 315 Week 4 DQ2.doc BIO 315 Week 4 DQ3.doc BIO 315 Week 4 DQ4.doc BIO 315 Week 4 Learning Team Assignment Ecosystem WebQuest and Presentation.ppt BIO 315 Week 5 Individual Assignment Estuary Project Paper.doc BIO 315 Week 5 Learning Team Exercises.doc Deadline: ( ), Biology - Ecology and Environmental Science I urgently need help on this course and many other courses. Am almost to the end of week two and haven't been able to post anything due to my work schedule. I will like to have you guys assist me ASAP. Presently am in week two and looking at the tutorial you have here are not the same questions or from the same chapter. We are working with chapter 6,7,11and 13 on learning team. I need week two DQ's, Team assignments and Personal Assignments. Belo you find my team assignment, Please get back to me ASAP. Learning Team Chapter Summaries Read...
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...BIOS (basic input/output system) is the program a personal computer's microprocessor uses to get the computer system started after you turn it on. It also manages data flow between the computer's operating system and attached devices such as the hard disk , video adapter , keyboard , mouse , and printer . BIOS is an integral part of your computer and comes with it when you bring it home. (In contrast, the operating system can either be pre-installed by the manufacturer or vendor or installed by the user.) BIOS is a program that is made accessible to the microprocessor on an erasable programmable read-only memory (EPROM) chip. When you turn on your computer, the microprocessor passes control to the BIOS program, which is always located at the same place on EPROM. When BIOS boots up (starts up) your computer, it first determines whether all of the attachments are in place and operational and then it loads the operating system (or key parts of it) into your computer's random access memory (RAM) from your hard disk or diskette drive. With BIOS, your operating system and its applications are freed from having to understand exact details (such as hardware addresses) about the attached input/output devices. When device details change, only the BIOS program needs to be changed. Sometimes this change can be made during your system setup. In any case, neither your operating system or any applications you use need to be changed. Although BIOS is theoretically always the intermediary...
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...User Guide EVGA nForce 780i SLI Motherboard 780i 3-Way SLI Motherboard EVGA ii nForce 780i SLI Motherboard Table of Contents Before You Begin… ..................................................................................................... ix Parts NOT in the Kit .................................................................................................ix Intentions of the Kit ...................................................................................................x EVGA nForce 780i Motherboard..................................................................................1 Motherboard Specifications...................................................................................... 1 Unpacking and Parts Descriptions...............................................................................4 Unpacking ................................................................................................................ 4 Equipment ................................................................................................................ 4 EVGA nForce 780i SLI Motherboard ....................................................................... 5 Hardware Installation ....................................................................................................9 Safety Instructions.................................................................................................... 9 Preparing the Motherboard .........
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...NT1110: Module 5 Computer Operation and Security Lab 5.1 Understanding BIOS, POST, and Security Basics In this lab, you will demonstrate your ability to fix issues related to BIOS/POST and secure the computer from viruses and Trojans. Required Setup and Tools A computer with access to the Internet Recommended Procedures Task 1: Understanding BIOS and POST A user boots his or her computer and hears a sequence of six beeps. The computer uses AMI BIOS. What error is indicated by the six beeps? A different user with a computer using Phoenix BIOS hears a sequence of beeps with pauses in between. The sequence is beep - pause - beep beep beep - pause - beep beep beep beep- pause - beep beep beep. What error is indicated by this beep sequence? Task 2: Basic Security Firewalls may be hardware devices or software programs. Hardware firewalls protect an entire network. Software firewalls protect a single computer. Research the Internet for an example of each of these types of firewalls and compare their features. Linksys and Cisco make firewall/routers for home use. The Zone labs are an example of a software firewall. Submission Requirements: Include a references page citing the resources you used from the textbook, ITT Tech Virtual Library, and credible websites to substantiate your answers. All citations should be in APA format. Refer to ITT Tech Virtual Library> Research Help> Research Guides> Grammar, Writing & Style> APA Formatting and Style Guide for help in APA...
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...NT1110: Module 5 Computer Operation and Security Lab 5.1 Understanding BIOS, POST, and Security Basics In this lab, you will demonstrate your ability to fix issues related to BIOS/POST and secure the computer from viruses and Trojans. Required Setup and Tools A computer with access to the Internet Recommended Procedures Task 1: Understanding BIOS and POST A user boots his or her computer and hears a sequence of six beeps. The computer uses AMI BIOS. What error is indicated by the six beeps? A different user with a computer using Phoenix BIOS hears a sequence of beeps with pauses in between. The sequence is beep - pause - beep beep beep - pause - beep beep beep beep- pause - beep beep beep. What error is indicated by this beep sequence? Task 2: Basic Security Firewalls may be hardware devices or software programs. Hardware firewalls protect an entire network. Software firewalls protect a single computer. Research the Internet for an example of each of these types of firewalls and compare their features. Linksys and Cisco make firewall/routers for home use. The Zone labs are an example of a software firewall. Submission Requirements: Include a references page citing the resources you used from the textbook, ITT Tech Virtual Library, and credible websites to substantiate your answers. All citations should be in APA format. Refer to ITT Tech Virtual Library> Research Help> Research Guides> Grammar, Writing & Style> APA Formatting and Style Guide for help in APA formatting. Your report...
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