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Biotechnology: What Is Epigenetics?

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What is Epigenetics?
Conrad Waddington presented the term epigenetics in the early 1940s. Epigenetics referred to all molecular passageways moderating the expression of a genotype into a particular phenotype. The term epigenetics refers to heritable variations in gene expression that does not include changes to the original DNA sequence.
It is actually a change in phenotype without a change in genotype. Epigenetic change is a consistent and natural existence but can also be influenced by several factors including age, the environment and disease state. Epigenetic change can have more destructive effects that can result in diseases like cancer. At least three systems including DNA methylation, histone modification and non-coding RNA are considered …show more content…
These alterations resulting in gene expression are accomplished without changing the DNA sequence. This modification frequently occurs through methylation, a process in which methyl groups bind and ‘block’ any genes in that stretch of DNA.
In the outcome that genes in that sequence will not expressed. Thus, epigenetic modifiers have the capability to alter gene activity simply by blocking or not blocking the genetic code as its being copied.
The expression of specific genes is not just resolute by our DNA, but also by our lifestyle.
Environmental influences on epigenetics
This is where epigenetics grows really interesting. It’s been found that external influences such as diet, stress and exposure to things like cigarette smoke, heavy metals or pesticides may possibly affect DNA methylation patterns. It leads to epigenetic effects that are caused by a person’s environment or lifestyle. Studies have found that young identical twins have almost identical epigenomes but older twin pairs have arresting differences in their DNA methylation …show more content…
The well-organized a body is at converting foodstuff to energy, the better for performance. De-methylation of genes related to energy metabolism produces a satisfactory adaptation in the skeletal muscles. This include improved fat and glucose metabolism, improving the potential work capacity of the skeletal muscle. An even more interesting discovery from this study was that the changes in the skeletal muscle were intensity dependent. The greater the intensity the greater the gene de-methylation. Epigenetic variations are a response to an environmental stress. Since DNA is not altered. When the environmental stress is removed, the DNA code will return back to its ordinary state. Just as the body converts de-trained when exercise is finished, epigenetic modifiers revert back to their normal state without the influence of exercise. Although DNA regulates the original programming, lifestyle appears to have a big impact on the genes expressed that make us who we are. We may be innate with a set of genes, but what we do in our day-to-day lives can determine what genes are

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