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Gram Staining Experiment

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Before this practical at A level I had previously performed a gram staining of bacteria, although I had not observed them under a microscope before. I had studied about fungal structure and growth but had not observed them under the microscope before. I had learned about small motile aquatic organisms although methods for their observation were not included in my previous study.

In this practical we began first by setting up our microscopes using standard operating procedures of practice. This involved following a series of steps in order to ensure correct working of the microscopes in the observation of our sample. For this practical we examined bacteria and fungi microscopically following a series of preparation and staining techniques …show more content…
I placed a drop of the stain on the slide and transferred a small amount of the fungus to the stain and teased out the hyphae using a mounting needle. It was then left to rest for 3 minutes at room temperature and covered with a cover slip and was ready to examine.

I then began my staining of the bacterial stain while I allowed the Chlorazol black to act on the fungal slide. For the staining of bacteria we first had to prepare and air dried, head fixed smear of the bacterial culture. The slide was first dipped in alcohol and passed through the flame of a Bunsen to burn off the alcohol.

I then used an inoculating loop to transfer 2 loopfuls of culture onto the slide and spread it thinly over one end of said slide. This was then allowed to air dry completely and was then passed through the flame of a bunsen in order to fix it to the slide and then allowed to cool.

This slide was then gram stained using a series of reagents before it was examined under the microscope, the gram staining allowed for the distinction between gram positive and gram negative bacteria due to the uptake of different stains. Gram positive bacteria will remain deep blue/purple and the gram negative bacteria are stained

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