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Should Football Be Allowed In High School?

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47 percent of all reported concussions occur during high school football. Football is one of the most popular sport in the United States, while it is also the leading cause of sports injuries. Football is one of the most dangerous sports that could be played in high school which could bring up the question how much do you value your life? Football leads to long term injuries and could lead to life changing injuries. With this knowledge at hand i believe that football is to dangerous to play in high school. One reason is football could lead to serious head, or neck injuries. People will argue the fact that helmets prevent concussions or head injuries, but if you purchase any brand of helmet you get the warning “no helmet can protect you from serious brain or neck injuries”. It also states “to avoid these risk, do not engage in the sport of football”. Statistics show that 1.6 to 3.8 concussions occur yearly and football is the leading cause. In one football season a player is most likely take 900 to 1500 head blows. The brain injury research institute has shown that 20 percent of all high school player sustain some kind of brain injury and are still given the green light to still play. …show more content…
The effects that concussions and C.T.E. have is doubled in the non fully developed brains. Brains of younger athletes differ from adults brains, for example while the adults brain have the protecting cover of the nerve cell (myelin) younger brains lack that. Also younger brains have not fully developed or the neck muscles are not yet strong enough for support. People are trying to outlaw foot playing football until the age of 18, it has been talked about to be put in the category of things like tobacco, alcohol, etc. Seeing all of the injuries in football 70 percent of youth play football when they turn 14, it's not very hard to see why so many high

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