...Zoecon Corporation Case Study Introduction Zoecon Corporation was found in 1968 in Palo California by Dr Carl Djerassi to research endocrinological methods of insects’ population control Djerassi was a pioneer in the development of chemical methods for human birth control which subsequently led to the introduction of the birth control pill. The name Zoecon is a combination of the Greek words Zoë for life and con for control. Mission Zoecon Corporation was acquired in 1983 by Sandoz. I.T.D. a Swiss based producer of pharmaceuticals, agrichemicals, and colors and dyes. Zoecon’s mission was to be marketing arm of sandoz I.T.D in the animal health and insect control areas. Products I. Animal health products to small-animal veterinarians and clinics II. Pest control chemicals for farm animals III. Insecticides for household pets and pest control to supermarkets, pest stoes, veterinarians, and pest control companies IV. Products and chemical compounds to firms engaged in marketing pest control products to consumer market. Problem Definition In January 1986, Zoecon corporation executives met to assess future growth and profit opportunities for its strike brand insect growth regulator (IGR) called Strike ROACH ENDER. The meeting was prompted by a recent change in the top management and corporate objectives which was emphasized a focus on high financial return businesses and products. However, three alternatives were raised by executives in order to achieve target: ...
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...help. However, it is unrealistic for the government to prevent so-called unfit parents from having children. Since birth control will never be one-hundred percent effective, there must be a means of stopping a population spurt, especially when many irresponsible people decide to have children. In the 1980s, a famous court case changed the nation by the name of Roe vs. Wade: This led to a woman’s right to choose to abort her child (“When Abortion Was Illegal”). Abortions are very common in the United States. One out of every three women has an abortion by the time they reach age forty-five (Finer et al. 116). Now, that is not going to say that people should regard abortion as a method of birth control, but the option should still be available, especially in particular cases. Health care providers are available for women to discuss their best options for their individual situation. In some cases, women are two young or not financially stable enough to care or provide for a child. In even more extreme cases, a woman can become pregnant from rape. With unwanted pregnancy can come resentment towards the unwanted child, which may end badly. If abortion was eliminated, women would find other ways to abort a child. Even though adoption is another possibility, imagine how hard it would be to give up a child after carrying it for nine months. Although there are other options, women should have the choice to abort their fetus in order to prevent unwanted pregnancy and neglectful child upbringings...
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...March 17, 2007 Comm 201 Contemporary Issues Paper Women of Color and Reproductive Rights If it were up to me, I would describe a contemporary issue as a problem that has the potential to affect a vast majority of people throughout the same period of time. Being a young Black woman in the beginning stages of a new century and era, I have found that it is extremely important that I know everything that has to do with my health and my reproductive rights. As a little girl growing up, I can remember that I always had a fear of doctors; I always associated doctors with shots and needles. As I became older, my mother taught me that it was my responsibility to know all there was to know about my body and how make sure I stayed healthy. When I reached a certain age, my mother told me that it was time for me to make an appointment with a gynecologist and have my first pap smear. In the beginning, I was absolutely mortified at the thought of being invaded at such a personal level. When I explained my fears and apprehension to my mother, she explained that it was my responsibility to do any and everything in my power to make sure I was healthy, even if it meant being uncomfortable for a few minutes. She finally suggested that I do a little research to learn why I needed to go through such a procedure. When I learned of the benefits, I realized that I was gaining a sense of duty for myself in knowing the details of my reproductive health. I later realized that because I...
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...was illegal. Almost forty years after the Equal Rights Amendment was first introduced to Congress. However, abortion was not always a crime. During the eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries, abortion of early pregnancy was legal under common law. Still abortion was illegal during a time when women had little to no rights over what they said, or desired and certainly no control over their right to give birth or not. Even still generations of women persisted in the need to control the amount of children they would have. In a time where birth control was very ineffective or not at all the likely hood of an unwanted pregnancy was inevitable. During the more than 100 years abortion was illegal in the United States some late-nineteenth-century doctors believed there were two million abortions a year. Many women died as a result of trying to have illegal abortions, but if these numbers are even close to being accurate as far as the number of illegal abortions done then these deaths were unusual. Some would like to believe that these deaths were a direct result of abortion being illegal, but this is not the case. First abortions were publicly advertised and available, and even the first statutes governing abortion in the United States did not punish women for...
Words: 1961 - Pages: 8
...million abortions took place in the United States. 85.5% of those abortions were performed on unmarried women. The reasons vary on why a women chooses abortion over birth. From having unprotected sex, failure of birth control and even rape are to name but a few. Either way, the birth of a child comes with lifelong responsibilities and affects both mother and child (Abort 73.com, 2009). Regardless of the reasons for choosing abortion, it comes down to having the freedom to choose what happens to our bodies. It is our bodies that will be subjected to the changes pregnancy brings as well as the risks. It is our finances that will support that child throughout its life. It is our maternal skills that will raise that child to be a caring, valuable member of society. Members of congress or pro-life advocates are not going to come to our homes and do these things for us so therefore, it has to be our choice to control whether we proceed with or terminate a pregnancy. If termination is our choice then we should have access to that option in a clean, safe environment. With over one million women choosing abortion over giving birth, lends to the supporting evidence in favor of right to choose arguments. Women should not be dictated to by laws of government or religious ideology in regards to their own bodies. They should retain control and be free to exercise their freedom of choice. Pregnancy can be a wonderful thing when both parents are ready mentally, emotionally and financially to take...
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...MIDW113 – Jodie Sparke S00163149_assess2 b). Postnatal case study – Gina is a 34 year old G2 P2 woman, day 2 post caesarean section. You enter her room to find her teary and upset; she tells you she had planned on having a natural birth in a midwifery led model of care. However, she experienced an emergency caesarean section after her baby showed signs of fetal distress. Describe and discuss the role and responsibilities of the midwife in providing pre and post-operative care to a woman in Gina’s position. You are expected to demonstrate, plan and evaluate safe, holistic, woman centred evidence-based midwifery care. This paper considers a postnatal case study of Gina, a day two post-operative, 34 year old Gravida 2 Para 2 woman. She experienced an Emergency Caesarean Section (ECS) resulting from fetal distress. This essay will investigate why birth can become an emergency and the evidence-based indications involved in decision making. It will explore the roles and responsibilities of a midwife in both the pre and post-operative support of a woman; based on a safe, woman centred and holistic approach to maternal care. It will discuss the emotional effects an ECS can have on a woman and her family as a crucial aspect in this case. An integral part of the preparation for birth is a birth plan. This allows the woman to detail how she would like her labour/birth to progress. It often includes the expectation of a natural vaginal birth. However, due to a variety of physiological complications...
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...The one-child policy is the one-child limitation in the population control policy of the People's Republic of China. The Chinese government refers to it under the official translation of family planning policy. It officially restricts married, urban couples to having only one child, while allowing exemptions for several cases, including rural couples, ethnic minorities, and parents without any siblings themselves. A spokesperson of the Committee on the One-Child Policy has said that approximately 35.9% of China's population is currently subject to the one-child restriction. The Special Administrative Regions of Hong Kong and Macau are completely exempt from the policy. Also exempt from this law are foreigners living in China. This policy was introduced in 1978 and initially applied to first-born children in the year of 1979. It was created by the Chinese government to alleviate social, economic, and environmental problems in China, and authorities claim that the policy has prevented between 250 and 300 million births from its implementation until 2000, The policy is controversial both within and outside China because of the manner in which the policy has been implemented, and because of concerns about negative social consequences. The policy has been implicated in an increase in forced abortions, of female births, and has been suggested as a possible cause behind China's gender imbalance. Nonetheless, a 2008 survey undertaken by the Pew Research Center reported that 76% of the...
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..."Birth Assessment" Throughout history there have been many ways medical and non-medical people have modified and enhanced the effectiveness of child birth. Some have made the experience more positive while others have caused physical and emotional harm to women. There are different ways that women can give birth: natural, cesarean, and hypno-birthing. Of these ways women can deliver I feel some of the most important aspects are in the advancement of men in the delivery room. It is wonderful to see the great accomplishments and improvements our culture has made through the years. In many years before men were not allowed to witness the birth of their child because it was considered inappropriate. Now men are allowed to be there in the room and most men chose to be there in the room to support their partner and witness the birth of their child. When a woman gives birth without the help of surgical or medical helped it is called natural childbirth. Many women chose to give birth this way and they do this to feel more in tune or at ease with the natural way. Just because a woman may give birth naturally it does not necessarily mean that they are not in a hospital or under the supervision of a medical professional. Any woman that chooses to go the natural childbirth route can choose where they give birth and what doctor they choose to be there for the event. Another positive is that a natural childbirth can allow the mother to be in control of every aspect of the labor and...
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...Birth Control: Availability to Teens. Many teenagers today are very sexually active and take the risk that comes with sexual intercourse. Education is our number once source in getting sexual information out to our teens: “We have got to start educating our teenagers by introducing the ABC's for sexual education. "A-abstinence; B-be faithful; C-latex condoms." (Rosenthal 113). A type of contraceptive, also called birth control, is to do just that: control birth. Teen and teen births are greatly rising over the years due to lack of education, contraceptives, and finances. Teenagers now days do not wait till a certain age to become sexually active, more and more teens are starting at a younger age. Whether they are having sex or engaging in another form of sexual activity. “The principle behind age-of-consent law is that teens below a certain age are not mature enough to make an intelligent decision about engaging in sexual activity. Twenty-six states set the age of consent for medical making decisions at twelve years of age, yet no state sets the age sexual consent at less than sixteen. Some states provide no provisions for sexual relations between teens of the same age, provided that they are older than twelve, but there is always a penalty if one of the partners is a certain number of years older. Teens are no better prepared to make decisions about their medical health; so then the school or other public authority should inform the parents. Supporters of the lower age...
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...Research has shown that the cumulative cost associated with the approximately four million annual hospital births in the United States exceeds $50 billion annually – almost 10% of all inpatient hospital costs (Rosenthal). With approximately 100,000 births to Tricare beneficiaries annually, the extrapolated cost to Tricare annually for hospital births is likely in excess of $1.25 billion or more, since Tricare’s coverage of maternity/pregnancy care, postpartum care and newborn care is very generous. While that $1.25 billion is a small part of Tricare’s annual budget of almost $48 billion, the Department of Defense (DoD) is looking for cost savings in Tricare. For the 2015 fiscal year, the DoD’s budget proposal for Tricare included $9 billion in savings through increased co-pays and new out-of-pocket costs for beneficiaries (Kime). With a clear mandate to find opportunities for cost-savings and reliable data on the cost of maternity and newborn healthcare, ways to save money on this key expense must be considered by DoD...
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...Case Study Analysis: Uterine Fibroids Victoria Moss COMM/215 5/14/12 David Mumford Case Study Analysis: Uterine Fibroids Uterine fibroids develops in the muscular wall in the uterus are not malignant tumors or growth. Fibroids are found in women and are a type of growth not cancer. It is common in women who are between the ages of 25-45. Uterine fibroids are also called leionyomas or myomas. Fibroids do not cause problems when they remain small. They can grow inside and outside the uterus. Once the fibroids grow larger in size they can cause complications. Sometimes fibroids have grown large enough to fill the whole abdomen. In African American women uterine fibroids exist more than in White women. Researching upon uterine fibroids it is not understood the causes and fibroids grow quicker in African American women. The female hormones estrogen and progesterone can increase or decrease throughout women's life. When a woman goes through menopause it decreases estrogen. When going through menopause fibroids tend to shrink. Birth control pills can cause fibroids to grow because it is a hormonal drug that contains estrogen. Fibroids may cause some of these symptoms like changes in menstruation, heavy periods, and cramps. Vaginal bleeding other than menstrual cycle can cause anemia. Causes pain in the abdomen or lower back. It may inquire pain while acquiring sex or pressure when urinating. The uterus is enlarged, miscarriages, and infertility are other symptoms. When...
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...The Role of Technology in Rising Health Care Costs. What should or shouldn’t be done. Neha Para, MPH Student 5453-001 US Health Care System University of Oklahoma Health Sciences Center December 8, 2010 Abstract Health care costs are a longstanding concern to policymakers. For years, health care spending has been rising faster than the rate of economic growth, raising the question of what factors are responsible for rising health care costs. This paper explores published articles that report results from research conducted on technological innovations in health care and its relation to rising health care costs. The cost increases have a significant effect on households, businesses, and government programs. Health care experts indicates the development and diffusion of medical technology as primary factors in explaining the persistent difference between health spending and overall economic growth, with some arguing that new medical technology may account for about one-half or more of real long-term spending growth. Rising health care expenditures lead to the question of whether we are getting value for the money we spend. On an average, increases in medical spending as a result of advances in medical care have provided reasonable value. An alternative viewpoint holds that although new technologies represent medical advances, they are prone to overuse and thereby excess cost. Most of the suggestions to slow the growth in new medical technology in the U.S. focus on...
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...Department of Health and the World Health Organization, convened the 2014 National Summit on Teen Pregnancy last April 24. This summit, which saw the active participation of adolescent youth, delivered a clear message: Adolescent sexual and reproductive health (ASRH), or the lack thereof, is fast becoming the defining issue of this generation of young Filipinos. Without a robust response from all stakeholders, the Philippines is on track toward a full-blown, national teenage pregnancy crisis. Staggering facts support this call for concern. Recent (2014) data from the Philippine Statistical Authority (PSA) reveal that every hour, 24 babies are delivered by teenage mothers. According to the 2014 Young Adult Fertility and Sexuality (YAFS) study, around 14 percent of Filipino girls aged 15 to 19 are either pregnant for the first time or are already mothers—more than twice the rate recorded in 2002. Among six major economies in the Association of Southeast Asian Nations, the Philippines has the highest rate of teenage pregnancies and is the only country where the rate is increasing, per the United Nations Population Fund. According to Josefina Natividad, YAFS coordinator and director of the University of the Philippines Population Institute, young Filipinos have limited access to sex education and ASRH services, especially if they are underage and unmarried. Seventy-eight percent are not using any form of contraception or protection against sexually transmitted diseases and infections...
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...in a miscarriage, or artificially induced, as in a surgical or chemical abortion. Abortion has been a controversial issue dating back long before the United States Supreme Court’s 7-1 decision on the case of Roe versus Wade. As a result of the case, it was decided that the procedure was a fundamental right. Since then abortion has continued to be a subject that draws fluctuating heated emotions from society. The social predictors of abortion attitudes are greatly influenced by varying religious beliefs, demographics, and political views. Generally, the debate over abortion consists of two stances, pro-choice or pro-life. Those who distinguish themselves as a proponent for the pro-choice attitude towards abortion believe that the procedure is a right that should not be limited by the government or a religious entity. They believe that if women do not have legal access to abortions, these women will resort to unsafe options to eliminate their unwanted pregnancy. Individuals who distinguish themselves as a proponent for the pro-life attitude towards abortion believe that life occurs at the time of conception. Therefore abortion is the immoral killing of an innocent human being. As previously mentioned, this debate stems back to the infamous case of Roe versus Wade. This case originated in Dallas, Texas in 1969 when “Roe”, the legal pseudonym for Norma Leah McCorvey, found herself pregnant with her third child. With her best interests at heart, friends and family advised her...
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...ways abortions are performed? How do we as a country, try to limit them?What are the ethics of abortion? 2015 Dakoda Breanna Schoolman Grace College 6/17/2015 Murder in the Womb : Why it Should be Illegal Abortion is a topic that gets a lot of attention but it often misinformed about. What is abortion in definition form? What are the ways abortions are performed? How do we as a country, try to limit them?What are the ethics of abortion? 2015 Dakoda Breanna Schoolman Grace College 6/17/2015 Table of Contents Introduction 1 Body 1 What is an abortion? 1 History of Abortion Laws 2 Roe vs Wade 3 How Harmful Abortion is to the Mother 4 Is Abortion Murder? 5 Is Abortion Morally wrong? 6 Is Abortion the Best Option? 7 Development of Babies 8 Ways to Avoid Pregnancy 8 Closing 9 Dakoda Breanna Schoolman Professor Richard Bragg English 1100 20 November 2014 Murder in the Womb: Why it Should be Illegal Introduction Imagine you have a teenage daughter. You have coached and explained to her the consequences and how you should wait to have sex till after you are married. One day she comes to you crying and upset. She tells you that she broke your rule of no sex before marriage and says that she is pregnant. What would you want her to do? Would you tell her to go have an abortion so that she could live a normal life? Would you tell her to keep the baby? Body What is an abortion? Some people do not understand exactly what abortion...
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