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Birth Order Term Papers

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The result I got from the checklist was very accurate to the research prediction. As a firstborn, I am, most of the time, aggressive, driven, motivated, and authoritative. I also realized that my position in the birth order resulted into the dichotomous personalities of being the firstborn. Aside from being aggressive and authoritative, I also have nurturing and considerate tendencies. As I see it, the motivated aspect of me can be considered as the effect of my nurturing side and not just by the aggressive part. In his book, the Birth Order Book, Dr. Kevin Leman stated that firstborns are typically aggressive but at the same time, people pleasers. According to Mary Wallace, the author of Birth Order Blues, some of the personality differences …show more content…
When I was younger, both of my parents are working so I have already assumed their roles as the caregiver and the disciplinarian of my younger siblings. I basically learned the things I know through observing the adults in our neighborhood. When my mother stayed home to take care of us, I had the impression that I do not have to be entirely responsible of my younger brothers so my aggressive part became more dominant. I started to compete with my siblings for the attention of my mother. I am close to my mother. This is because I spent most of my childhood with her. Even she has the title of being the mother, she gave me the liberty to be a figure of authority. My father works away from us so my mother gave me that privilege and at the same time duty to help her in managing the household. However, even if my father was away, he never failed to give me advice on how to play my role as the firstborn. He taught the importance of discipline, control, and obedience. Because I am the firstborn, he favors me most of the time. He gave me his trust that since I am the firstborn, he believes that I already know what to do and I have the initiative to what should be

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