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Assignment-Sheet Self Assessment

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Assignment Sheet Self-Assessment
For my universe I decided to go with the X-Men (superheroes) universe because I really love superheroes and what they can do. Going back to the syllabus I had Logan, a.k.a. Wolverine, as the teacher of a history class about mutant history. And just for a quick overview of Logan, his personality is somewhat of a “dick” personality. So whenever there is a rude or offensive comment in the assignment sheet, which is intended. For my assignment sheet I decided to go with the class writing a paper. This is because pretty much every class that someone has taken, they have had to write some form of paper, whether it was for extra credit or for an assignment, I thought that this would be a good time for the students …show more content…
I used a lot of antecedent knowledge for this assignment. I pretty much knew that Logan was kind of a “dick” and I used that to help me further excel in the assignment. I also knew that he was about two hundred years old so I took that to my advantage and made him have the students of his class make a history paper on a hero or villain. Not only that but I used my antecedent knowledge to know what I have learned in the years I have been in some kind of school to also ask the students, “how that hero or villain had changed their life.” What was also used was reception because in reality we have no real life superheroes with superpowers. So the only way the assignment would work if the students had grown up with mutants in there lifetime and could write about it. The last thing that was used for this assignment was representation. Like I said with reception, the students of this school are all mutants and they all have powers that normal people do not have. Logan knew what he was doing when he assigned the paper. It makes the students think about that they are not alone in the world and they have other people just like them and have done something, whether it would be good or bad. It makes them think about what kind of person they want to be when they are older and how they want to effect the world. That’s why I think representation is a good word for this type of

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