...November 12, 2010. NEED TO DEVELOP UNIFORM CREDIT TRANSFER SYSTEM Dr. Pandit Vidyasagar. The changing paradigm in higher education at global level has brought forward issues which need to be addressed at national level. One of such issues is introduction of credit system at under-graduate & post-graduate level. In India, at present the situation that exists is complex in nature. Though U.G.C. (University Grants Commission) has issued guidelines that the credit system be adopted at all levels of higher education, the actual implementation has not been done. At many universities the annual system is still in practice. Though some of the universities have adopted semester system at under-graduate & post-graduate level, very few universities have implemented credit system and that also, mostly at the post-graduate level. In this scenario the students who wish to join other universities during their studies at under-graduate level or after completion of graduation face many hurdles. This is mostly because there is no accepted system for assigning proper credits for the studies undertaken and to establish the equivalence. In fact, there is no change in attitude of the teacher and academic administrators to accept the credit system. European nations have realized these problems years before and have successfully tried to develop European Credit Transfer System(ECTS). This system is operational at present and has facilitated the movement of the students among...
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...CU2491 1 - Use and develop systems that promote communication 1.1 - Within my job role I communicate with a variety of people. These include residents, relatives, and colleagues with in my team. I also communicate with external professionals, social services, housing associations and the safeguarding teams. On a larger scale I maintain communication with my service manager, head office and support communication systems within lifeway’s. I also have a part to play in communicating with the inspecting authorities such as CQC. I support effective communication by various methods within my job role. Formally in the regular scheduling of staff, and in the organisation of regular team meetings. When planning such meetings the use of a planned agenda being distributed to the relevant parties and requests for any suggestions to be add to the agenda, are beneficial in opening the lines of communication. Ensuring that minutes of meetings are taken, and distributed to relevant parties following the completion of the meeting. There are a range communication needs with in my work place that need addressing, despite all service users having high capacity and can verbally communicate with minimal assistance, however they do need support in wording their feelings and emotions in appropriate ways. Some people prefer to write things down instead of speaking as they can feel afraid of voicing their true opinions and feelings. It’s important that I teach the staff the best ways of communicating...
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...alzheimers.org.uk Eating and drinking People with dementia often experience various problems with eating and drinking. Eating a healthy, balanced diet is important. It can help maintain physical and mental wellbeing. This factsheet looks at the importance of a healthy diet and the difficulties a person with dementia may have with eating and drinking. It will also look at some practical ways to help a person with dementia eat and drink well. The importance of eating and drinking Eating and drinking well is important to stay healthy. A healthy and varied diet is likely to improve a person’s quality of life. Not eating enough can lead to weight loss and other problems including vulnerability to infection, reduced muscle strength and fatigue. People with dementia may become dehydrated if they are unable to communicate or recognise that they are thirsty, or if they forget to drink. This can lead to headaches, increased confusion, urinary tract infection and constipation. These can worsen the symptoms of dementia. While a healthy, balanced diet is important, in late-stage dementia the priority should be making sure the person with dementia takes on nutrition, and a higher-calorie diet may be appropriate. A dietitian can advise on what is best in a particular situation. 1 Weight loss Weight loss is common in people with dementia, although the causes vary. They may include lack of appetite, difficulties cooking, problems with communicating or recognising hunger, poor co-ordination...
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...Develop the argument that certain kinds of cultures, political and economic systems are, by their nature, resistant to economic development through international trade. In this modern age of globalization, where capital can cross the national borders so easily and the investment funds can be pulled from one country to another in order to respond to new business opportunities, economic development is attainable in the most of the countries. However, the economic development depends on the certain kinds of cultures, political and economic systems. In general for any country to reach an economic development there are few conditions to be met such as stable government, no corruption and friendly culture. In other words, economic development is “affected by those intangibles that are collectively known as culture” (Francis & Hezel). Max Weber in the early 20th century offered a different view on how cultural and even religious values impact the economic output. “He argued that the Protestant work ethic, supported by Reformation teachings that the pursuit of wealth was a duty, inculcated the virtues needed for maximum economic productivity. For this reason, Protestants were more productive than Catholics throughout Europe-just think of Germany and Great Britain, for instance, compared to Ireland, Spain, Portugal and Italy in his day.” (Francis & Hezel). The question is why some countries do very well, while others fail to develop, even when there are help to support their development...
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...中國工業工程學會九十年度年會暨學術研討會,高雄,民國九十年十二月八日 整合企業流程與物件導向分析方法於工程變更與物料需求之查詢系統 歐陽超* 黃群賀** 鄭宇雄*** 羅盛雄*** *國立台灣科技大學工業管理系 **國立台灣科技大學工程技術研究所自動化與控制學程 ***財團法人中衛發展中心電子商務部 ouyang@im.ntust.edu.tw 解決這個複雜的問題。 摘要 在目前大多以顧客需求導向環境中,發生工 2.文獻探討 程變更是無法避免的。生產製造作業能否順利進 行,唯有將物料需求計劃系統與產品資料管理系統 工程變更(Engineering Change)主要目標就 作整合,解決傳統工程變更的問題,提升工程變更 是針對產品、零組件材料製程、組裝順序做出變更 的效率。本研究之主要目的是將產品資料管理與物 修正,以使其在生產製造過程更有效率,或者滿足 料需求計劃之整合流程元件化以達到提升工程變 顧客的要求。但是頻繁過多的的工程變更會導致排 更的效率。 程計畫上的不穩定性而造成生產效率降低,而因工 本研究在建構模型系統方面,係以產品資料 程變更所引起的零件變更版本的型態管理也會造 管理及物料需求計畫為背景,採用企業流程塑模工 成產品資料庫管理上的問題出現,要如何對零件變 具對產品資料管理與物料需求計劃之整合流程建 更版本作有效的型態管理,使得工程變更的流程合 構模型,並配合利用代物件導向技術---統一模式化 理化、標準化,以提升工程變更的管理效率,正是 語言 (UML,Unified Modeling Language) 作為工具, 我們所需探討的課題。 將產品資料管理與物料需求計劃之整合流程模型 Ho 認為工程變更在製造工廠中為了保持競 轉換成 UML 模型,分析工程變更流程中的元件, 爭力、增加生產力所無法避免且需要的過程[1]。同 從分析結果中建構產品資料管理與物料需求計劃 時頻繁的工程變更是導致物料需求規劃系統績效 整合系統模組,使設計變更順利進行,提高生產系 惡化的主要因素之一,因為工程變更所引起的物料 統執行效率。 表更動,會使得物料表內所有階層下的元件及其他 關鍵字:產品資料管理、物料需求計劃、工程變更 使用相同零件的產品均會影響到物料需求系統的 展開。因此,減少不必要的工程變更對於整個企業 的發展是相當重要的。 1.研究背景與動機 在企業內繁雜的產品相關文件資料,產品資 工程變更對工程活動及相關資訊影響非常的 料管理(Product Data Management,PDM)系統將產品 大,工程變更的成因可以分為兩方面來探討,第一 資訊透過電腦化作有效的系統性的控制管理 PDM , 為企業製造者反應所產生的內在因素如產品重大 管理範圍包含數量需求、產品規格、研發設計、製 瑕疵、安全問題、新增產品功能及降低成本等;第 造等相關資料,PDM 的出現與 MRP 相互整合會加 二方面為市場競爭者、顧客反應的外在因素如客戶 速資訊的流通與正確性,無疑地提供生產製造與設 特殊需求、市場趨勢因素等[2]。 計研發一個系統整合環境。以目前來說產品發展與 Albers 認為產品工程變更的理由有四點[3]: 規格數量大多是以顧客需求為導向,在這樣的環境 ...
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...resin. It wants to develop an inventory management system that will have the following features: The system should store the current inventory levels for different raw materials in a file. If carbon powder is less than 500 lbs, then the system will check if orders are still pending on the shop floor. If pending orders are for more than 5,000 brake pads, then someone should order 2,000 lbs of carbon powder; otherwise, someone should order for 1,000 lbs of carbon powder. Similarly, perform the same check for other raw materials iron, ash, and resin. The list of all the raw-material vendors is available with Shemrock Inc. The system should read and store the vendor information and then, depending upon the raw material that is to be ordered, print out the purchase order for that raw material. The purchase order will contain the details of the raw material such as the name, quantity, total cost, and vendor address. Create a flowchart and pseudocode using control breaks that enable the user to print invoices for any raw material that is selected. submit a document containing the flowchart and the pseudocode Explain how you implemented the system and describe the logic steps of the system. follow the link given below to view Solution http://goo.gl/P1vAM Shemrock Inc. is a brake pad manufacturing company. This company uses raw materials, such as carbon powder, iron, ash, and resin. It wants to develop an inventory management system that will have the following...
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...Research Used Data Gathering Instrument Analytical Tools Method Used in Developing the System Justification of Methods Used Method Used for Product Evaluation Chapter 4 Presentation of Data, Software Product, Analysis and Interpretation The Existing System The Need to Develop the Proposed System The Objective of the Proposed System The Prospective Users and Beneficiaries The Components of the Proposed System System Development Implementation of the Proposed Software Product Evaluation Chapter 5 Summary, Conclusion and Recommendation Summary Conclusion Recommendation Appendixes Interview Guide Questionnaire Evaluation Data Flow Diagram Visual Table of Content (VTOC) Input Process Output (IPO) Program Flowchart T-test Computation Cost Benefit Analysis (CBA) User’s Manual Program Listing Sample Output Curriculum Vitae COLLEGE OF INFORMATION TECHNOLOGY SAMAR COLLEGE AUTOMATED GRADING SYSTEM A proposal presented to the Faculty of the College of Information Technology Education Samar College In Partial Fulfillment of the Requirements for the degree Bachelor of Science in Information Technology By Xenia M. Mabanan Deoscoro T. Astorga III Marc Angelo P. Lorente Bartolome B. Latigar Ma.Rizza P. Toling March 2013 Chapter 1 Introduction Grading System is designed to provide incentive reward for...
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...implementation) are composed of steps, which rely upon techniques, which produce deliverables. 2. Describe the major phases in the SDLC. planning- fundamental process of understanding why an information system should be built and determining how the project team will go about building it analysis- answers the questions of who will use the system, what it will do, and where and when it will be used design- decides how the system will operate, in terms of the hardware, software, and network infrastructure implementation- the system is actually built 3. Describe the principal steps in the...
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...To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/itm-5400-chapter-7-homework/ 1. Would the new reservation and booking system be a horizontal or a vertical application? Explain your answer. 2. What software development and acquisition strategies should Sandy Shores consider? 3. Conduct an Internet search for online reservation systems, software, and services that Sandy Shores might consider. Describe your findings. 4. As a systems analyst, what would your role be in helping Sandy Shores develop a new system? Would the acquisition strategy affect your role? Why or why not? ITM 5400 Chapter 7 Homework Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/itm-5400-chapter-7-homework/ 1. Would the new reservation and booking system be a horizontal or a vertical application? Explain your answer. 2. What software development and acquisition strategies should Sandy Shores consider? 3. Conduct an Internet search for online reservation systems, software, and services that Sandy Shores might consider. Describe your findings. 4. As a systems analyst, what would your role be in helping Sandy Shores develop a new system? Would the acquisition strategy affect your role? Why or why not? ITM 5400 Chapter 7 Homework Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwcampus.com/shop/itm-5400-chapter-7-homework/ 1. Would the new reservation and booking system be a horizontal or a vertical application? Explain your answer. 2. What software development and acquisition...
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...------------------------------------------------- (5.3) ------------------------------------------------- Train CSR Staff on collection method ------------------------------------------------- Dur=15 days ------------------------------------------------- (5.2) ------------------------------------------------- Train CSR Staff on collection method ------------------------------------------------- Dur=15 days ------------------------------------------------- (5.2) ------------------------------------------------- Install new system for collection ------------------------------------------------- Dur=15 days (5.1) ------------------------------------------------- Install new system for collection ------------------------------------------------- Dur=15 days (5.1) ------------------------------------------------- Implement system ------------------------------------------------- Dur=10 days (2.3) ------------------------------------------------- Implement system ------------------------------------------------- Dur=10 days (2.3)...
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...COMPUTER-BASED ENROLLMENT SYSTEM FOR SAN ANTONIO ELEMENTARY SCHOOL A Case study Presented to The faculty STI College Munoz-Edsa In partial Fulfillment For the requirements of the course of Bachelor of Science in Information Technology By: Mangampo, Ma. May O. Miguel, Christelle Mae Morata, Melanie G. Jayson, Limqueco Case Study Adviser CHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION Computer had been a powerful tool for progress, a reason that made every sector of the society adapts the principle of computerization. The technology will help to improve and manage the problems of the school. The computer will help the staff to make their work easier and faster especially when students start to enroll. As time goes by the population of the student will continue to increase. The school staff will not be able to update the student’s files. This will result in an increased of redundant and inaccurate information. The System is all about TPS (Transaction Processing System) or the transaction server which is a combination of software/hardware that supports transaction processing. Transaction Processing System processes large amount of data for routine business activities or transactions. The proponents studied and propose for the Transaction Processing System of Karamay Christian School. Base from their manual system of Transaction Processing System the proponent decided to change the manual system to computerize to make...
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...to execute the project. The Project Manager and project team use the WBS to develop the project schedule, resource requirements and costs. There are many ways you can present the WBS for your project; this template provides many of the most popular layouts from which you can choose. Depending on where in the Project Plan you're putting the WBS a different layout may be more suitable for you. For instance many Project Managers include a high level WBS within the project plan, then a detailed version as an appendix to the plan. You may find that you prefer one layout for a high level WBS and a different one for a detailed WBS. In order to save space in this template we only developed the WBS examples down to the third level. In your project you will want to develop them down to a much more detailed level using the 8 to 80 rule (where the WBS is broken down to where a work package contains between 8 and 80 hours of work to complete). The Work Breakdown Structure presented here represents all the work required to complete this project. OUTLINE VIEW The outline view presents an easy to view and understand layout for the WBS. It is also a good layout to use when developing the WBS because you can easily make changes, especially since the Microsoft Word auto numbering feature updates the WBS Code automatically. Widget Management System Initiation Evaluation & Recommendations Develop Project Charter Deliverable: Submit Project Charter Project Sponsor Reviews...
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...Presidential Task Force on Technical Education and Vocational Training recommended enhancing the capacity and capabilities of the TVEC in 1998. Accordingly, the Commission was re-established in December 1999 as a body corporate with additional powers on research and development and fund allocation under the provisions of the TVE Act. No.50 of 1999. 1.1 Vision A Technical and Vocational Education and Training (TVET) system where all seekers of training will have equal access to the highest possible standards of TVET, that assures gainful employment globally 1.2 Mission As the apex body in the TVET sector, we are committed to establish and maintain an efficient, effective and quality assured TVET system, which is relevant to socio-economic goals, and changing market needs. 1.3 Objectives The general objectives of the Commission are: a. Policy development, planning, co-ordination and development of the Tertiary Education and Vocational Education at all levels in keeping with human resource needs of the economy b. Development of a nationally recognized system for granting of Tertiary Education awards and Vocational Education awards including certificates, and other academic distinctions; and c. Maintenance of academic and training standards in institutes, agencies and all other establishments providing Tertiary Education and Vocational Education. 1.4 Powers of the Commission: Under section 4 of the TVE Act No. 20 of 1990 read with section 3 of the TVE...
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...Assurance and most importantly, Users. Develop a specification of the business process by conducting on-site surveys and discussions with users. Be sure to include exactly what tasks need to be accomplished, what information needs to be communicated, what information users require access to, etc. Define the system architecture by developing requirements for the following components based on the business process specification. Mobile computing devices, and stationary computers,. Develop migration, pilot, deployment, and solution support plans. Procurement of devices and hardware. Once developed, test the solution in the lab and, most importantly, in the field. Gather feedback from testing and make necessary changes. Train a small group of users and implement the pilot plan. Gather feedback and make necessary changes. Train all users and implement the deployment plan. Continue to gather feedback and improve/update the system as required. Develop the project team and a description of the role. Project Manager has overall responsibility for the wireless project. This person will oversee, manage and coordinate all aspects of the project from design through deployment. This person is charged with delivering a successfully working solution on time and on budget. IT Manager the IT manager must closely involve in the project as the solution will ultimately need to be integrated into existing systems. In addition, supporting the system will most likely lie with the IT department...
Words: 610 - Pages: 3
...individuals of all ages have access to affortable education.Tuition centre plays vital role to help students in their academic for better understanding in studies. Scope Inovative Tuition Centre no applying for IT / IS into the system for reducing the workload. Only used papers and manually filling for notation and reporting. Tuition Centre Management System (TCMS) is a system that will be used by Scope Inovative Tuition Centre of Pulai Utama , Johore as the case study. This TCMS is build due to lack of computerized in management system for SITC. The review to an existing system had been made and analyzed in order to discover the lack and inappropriate method from the existing system. The management system that is covered in this thesis is specialized to tuition center aspect. The user of this system are staff tuition centre, students, parents and tutors. This system has the ability keep huge data organized, secured and may reduce the uses of papers. The uses of database element can produce more structured system data. Tuition centre management system are going to be developed using the web-based system and a kind of client-server environment.This system will be reducd the inefficiency wat that is currently used. SDLC has been chosen as the method to develop this system which is planning, analysis, design and development, testing and implementation. This methodology is chosen because it attempts to reduce inherent project risk by breaking a project into smaller segments, provides easy...
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