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Bitter Water Dispute Case Study

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The Bitter Water dispute began with Congress passing the 1974 settlement act which the Navajos were told they had to relocate. The people didn’t want to leave because they were connected and rooted to the land through their culture. When the federal government began putting the fence up the Navajo and Hopi people fought back to continue living in that area. The Government wanted them removed because of the minerals they found on Big Mountain or Black Mesa. Once they began extracting the coal, oil, natural gas, and uranium the people were then forced to reduce their livestock. A lot of people tried to prevent livestock reduction because sheep, cattle, and horses were their livelihood to support and raise their families. The Hopi land in 1988 …show more content…
When the federal government wanted to lease the land for the extraction of the mineral rights they had the Navajos convince the people by relating to them as grandma, auntie, or any other form of relationship terms which they were promised money in return. They got cheated with the original amount they were supposed to get. Now they suffer living in poverty when they were supposed to be the richest people on earth. Their own people are causing the health effects, poverty conditions, relocation, and loss of culture and language due to being assimilated into their ways of thinking and …show more content…
The Navajo have been affected through the extraction of the uranium, coal, and oil. The uranium has had a huge impact on the land and the people. The miners of the uranium health suffered, children born with birth defects, contaminated the air and water. The miners never knew the effects of uranium but the White people knew. When they would go in the mines they would wear suits to protect them from breathing it in and touching the uranium. The extraction of coal has caused damage to the environment of Black Mesa the animals and people suffered loss of food, homes, and land. The same goes for the oil it has destroyed the land that the Dine people utilize for their way of life. Benally states (2011), “The women speak about their lives on Dzilijiin, the Black Mesa regions, which are now small rural communities, along with a local Navajo chapter government, in Forest Lake, Hard Rocks, Cactus Valley, Mosquito Springs, Teestso, Thin Rock Mesa, and Big Mountain” (p. 3). I found this sentence unique due to the lengthiness and how he incorporated the Black Mesa in Navajo language. Also I would have added a semicolon before listing the chapter governments. Another is how he never added any word “and” because he uses quite a few commas in the

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