...Delprøve 1a I hver af nedende sætninger er en grammatisk fejl understreget. Ret fejlene, og forklar dine rettelser. Brug relevant grammatisk/faglig terminologi. Skriv den korrekte sætning sammen med din forklaring. Det er rigtig godt først at slå fast hvad problemet er, for derefter at forklare. EX. Forkert brug af pronominer…. Bla bla bla |Besvarelse 1a: | |1. |Mrs Ugwu is not happy in the small town and would had preferred to stay in the capital Lagos where the | | |family used to live. | |Forklaring: | | | |Forklaring: | | |I den forkerte sætning står verballedet i førdatid (pluskvamperfektum) - der kan ikke være førdatid i en | | |nutidssætningen. Verballedet skal stå i førnutid, da sætningen står i nutid. Man danner førnutid på | | |engelsk ved at have en nutidsbøjning af ’to have’ efterfulgt af en kort tillægsform. | | |Den rettede sætning: ...
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...The Rights and Responsibilities of an Employee My co-worker Amina worked with a marketing firm for many years. When she applied to undertake internal training in new information services, her application was denied because management thought she was too old to learn new information technology like Internet and World Wide Web Marketing. Amina was directly discriminated against based on her age. After suing the company, she was compensated with cash and upper management wrote her a formal letter of apology saying, “We regret the incident happened but we will make sure such thing will not happen again.” After she shared her story with me, I was eager to research about age discrimination because even though most of the time age discrimination occurs to older employees in a work place but young employees such us myself are also considered most of the time as inexperience and incompetent. So that whether you are old or young knowing your rights and responsibilities as an employee is very important in today’s work force. Age discrimination can also happen in a more indirect way. Sometimes a condition, rule or policy, which seems to be fair and neutral, can actually have a greater negative impact on people of a particular age. For example, a job advertisement specifying that applicants must have 15 years experience would disadvantage young people. Unless this was a reasonable requirement of the job, it would be indirect discrimination and against the law. Every body wants...
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...PRELIMINARY TITLE CHAPTER I EFFECT AND APPLICATION OF LAWS Article 1. This Act shall be known as the "Civil Code of the Philippines." (n) Art. 2. Laws shall take effect after fifteen days following the completion of their publication in the Official Gazette, unless it is otherwise provided. This Code shall take effect one year after such publication. (1a) Art. 3. Ignorance of the law excuses no one from compliance therewith. (2) Art. 4. Laws shall have no retroactive effect, unless the contrary is provided. (3) Art. 5. Acts executed against the provisions of mandatory or prohibitory laws shall be void, except when the law itself authorizes their validity. (4a) Art. 6. Rights may be waived, unless the waiver is contrary to law, public order, public policy, morals, or good customs, or prejudicial to a third person with a right recognized by law. (4a) Art. 7. Laws are repealed only by subsequent ones, and their violation or non-observance shall not be excused by disuse, or custom or practice to the contrary. When the courts declared a law to be inconsistent with the Constitution, the former shall be void and the latter shall govern. Administrative or executive acts, orders and regulations shall be valid only when they are not contrary to the laws or the Constitution. (5a) Art. 8. Judicial decisions applying or interpreting the laws or the Constitution shall form a part of the legal system of the Philippines. (n) Art. 9. No judge or court...
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...EPPA409C LATIHAN INDUSTRI PERAKAUNAN PANDUAN UMUM PENULISAN LAPORAN LATIHAN INDUSTRI SARJANAMUDA PERAKAUNAN DENGAN KEPUJIAN Panduan yang diberikan ini adalah merupakan garis panduan umum berkenaan isi kandungan laporan latihan industri untuk pelajar Program Sarjanamuda Perakaunan. Para pelajar dinasihatkan untuk bertemu dengan para penyelia (pensyarah) masing-masing sebelum dan selepas menjalani latihan industri untuk pandangan dan persetujuan berkaitan isi laporan yang akan disediakan. BAHAGIAN A (PENGENALAN) (20%) PENGENALAN Jabatan Penempatan Objektif latihan Bentuk- bentuk tugasan yang diserahkan LATAR BELAKANG ORGANISASI Sejarah penubuhan, latar belakang pengasas Wawasan, misi dan objektif Struktur organisasi-carta organisasi, tugas setiap jabatan Aktiviti teras perniagaan seperti pengauditan, percukaian, khidmat rundingan, pengurusan kewangan dan risiko Saiz organisasi *Sediakan carta organisasi sebagai lampiran PERSEKITARAN DALAMAN ORGANISASI Hubungan kerja antara pekerja dan pihak pengurusan Hubungan kerja antara Jabatan Penempatan dengan jabatan-jabatan lain SISTEM PERAKAUNAN UNTUK PENGURUSAN ORGANISASI Latar belakang sistem perakaunan syarikat Proses pengumpulan data perakunan Sistem kawalan dalaman Fungsi-fungsi perakuanan untuk pengurusan dalaman yang diamalkan Misalnya penggunaan maklumat perkaunan untuk tujuan perancangan, kawalan, pembuatan keputusan dalaman atau BAHAGIAN B (ISI UTAMA LAPORAN) (60%) penambahbaikan berterusan Peranan unit atau individu yang...
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...www.ccsenet.org/ijbm Intemational Joumal of Business and Management Vol. 5, No. 11 ; November 2010 Product, Service, and Customer Management of Baskin-Robbins in Korea Hyting Seok Lee (Corresponding author) Department of Business Administration, Sahmyook University Hwarangro-815 Nowon-gu, Seoul 139-742, South Korea Tel: 82-2-3399-1561 E-mail: hslee@syu.ac.kr Eun Kyo Choi Graduate School of Business Administration, Ewha Womans University E-mail: eunkyo314@naver.com Abstract The purpose of this study is threefold: 1) to provide an overview of Baskin-Robbins in Korea; 2) to introduce its three key operations management strategies; and 3) to explain its successful localization in Korea. BR-Korea has enjoyed high recognition and financial success by offering high-quality services and products to customers. The key reason behind its success has been its efforts to better tinderstand its customers' needs. In other words, BR-Korea has clearly understood that, to achieve success, it must not only offer products of the highest quality but also meet the various expectations of its customers. Keywords: Product management. Service management. Customer management, Baskin-Robbins 1. Introduction Burt Baskin and Irv Robbins established Baskin-Robbins (BR) in the U.S. to capitalize on American's love of ice cream by providing tasty products of the highest quality. BR operates under the unified identity "Baskin-Robbins 31," which refers to a flavor for each day of the month. Since...
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...Marketing Mix – Place Place stands for distribution channels. The Hooters restaurant chain currently operates in 28 countries, over 430 locations. One of them is Japan, Tokyo The Hooters system is currently comprised of over 430 locations in 28 countries The fourth P in the marketing mix is the place where your product or service is actually sold. Develop the habit of reviewing and reflecting upon the exact location where the customer meets the salesperson. Sometimes a change in place can lead to a rapid increase in sales. You can sell your product in many different places. Some companies use direct selling, sending their salespeople out to personally meet and talk with the prospect. Some sell by telemarketing. Some sell through catalogs or mail order. Some sell at trade shows or in retail establishments. Some sell in joint ventures with other similar products or services. Some companies use manufacturers' representatives or distributors. Many companies use a combination of one or more of these methods. In each case, the entrepreneur must make the right choice about the very best location or place for the customer to receive essential buying information on the product or service needed to make a buying decision. What is yours? In what way should you change it? Where else could you offer your products or services? Read more: http://www.entrepreneur.com/article/70824#ixzz2ll1yuro8 http://travel.cnn.com/tokyo/drink/hooters-tokyo-sexist-but-what-did-you-expect-042915 ...
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...Vita Basic Education School Near terry hills Subd. Zone 10 Bulua CDOC Water with Salt in Bottle As Solar light Bulb Researchers: Ivette Claire Eduave Maricris Aliwate Merlo Tagolimot Reymart Baquirquir September 2, 2014 Introduction A Light Bulb is a a glass bulb inserted into a lamp or a socket in a ceiling, that provides light by passing an electric current through a filament or a pocket of inert gas. Without this invention we would still be spending our days and nights in darkness.Unless you prefer the use of candle light, oil lamps, camp fires and the such all the time, light bulbs are an important part of our daily lives because simplyspeaking they provide the light we need in order to see.The invention enables us to be able to conduct work at night. This greatly improves productivity, enhances the quality of our life, and reduces crime rates. Statement of the Problem 1. Will the water with salt inside the bottle be able to retract sunlight? 2. What is the effect of the amount of salt to the brightness of the solar light bulb? Hypothesis Is the water with salt can retract sunlight then it is possible for us to make a solar light bulb? Secondly, if the amount of salts affects the brightness of the solar light bulb then we can consider the quantity of salt as the brightness of the salt. Review of Related Literature Alfredo Moser got the idea of a solar bottle bulb as he was figuring out a way to illuminate his workshop...
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...Case 25: KFC and the global fast-food industry (1) Using the five forces model, assess the strength of each force within the fast-food industry. The fast-food industry includes group of companies that are offering different products and services, which satisfy customers’ needs. These products and services might be considered as close substitutes for each other. Therefore, the critical task of managers is to analyze the competitive forces in the industry’s environment in order to identify the threats and opportunities that the firm can protect or get benefit from. Porter’s five forces model helps manager to identify and analyze the competitive force within the industry. This model stated that the increase in the strength of a particular force limits and reduces the ability of established companies to increase their prices and earn more profits. By using this model, managers would be able to identify new opportunities or threats that might affect their businesses’ operations. The five forces model includes the following: 1- Risk of entry by Potential competitors. Potential competitors are companies that are not currently operating and competing in a certain industry, but they are expected to enter the industry as they have the capability to compete with other companies if they choose. Potential competitors might face some difficulties or barriers that are formed by established companies that are already operating in the industry (incumbent companies) to discourage them...
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...History of Starbucks: Starbucks Corporation is an American global coffee company which sells tea, coffee, pastries and smoothies. The first Starbucks opened in Seattle, Washington, on March 30, 1971 by three partners who met while students at the University of San Francisco. Jerry Baldwin, Gordon Bowker and Zev Siegel. The first Starbucks cafe was located at 2000 Western Avenue from 1971–1976. However the first venture out of North America was when they opened a store in Tokyo, Japan in 1996, and entered the UK market in 1998. The business only started to create a small profit in the early 1990's. Now the business has more than 20,000 resturants in over 62 different countries. The headquarters still found in the hotspot of the boys success in Seattle. Starbucks has always followed a misson statment this is: The Starbucks mission statement Establish Starbucks as the premier purveyor of the finest coffee in the world while maintaining our uncompromising principles while we grow. The following six guiding principles will help us measure the appropriateness of our decisions: • Provide a great work environment and treat each other with respect and dignity. • Embrace diversity as an essential component in the way we do business. • Apply the highest standards of excellence to the purchasing, roasting and fresh delivery of our coffee. • Develop enthusiastically satisfied customers all of the time. • Contribute positively to our communities and our environment. • Recognize that...
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...Lecture 6: Soil & Water 1. What is Soil Water? 2. What is Groundwater? 3. How does irrigation affect soil quality? 4. What is the significance of soil erosion? 5. An example from the past: the Dust Bowl 1. What is Soil Water? Hygroscopic • Capillary water • Gravitational water 2. What is Groundwater? • What is an aquitard/aquifer? 1 What is the Water Table? Boundary between unsaturated (vadose) and saturated zones What are the consequences of overdrawing groundwater? • What are the consequences of overdrawing groundwater? • Cones of Depression – e.g. O ll l Ogallala aquifer, U.S. – What is the difference between Nonrenewable vs Renewable R bl groundwater? • 2 What are the consequences of overdrawing groundwater? • Consequences of overdrawing groundwater? • Salt water intrusions: i t i San Joaquin Valley California, 1977 Sinkhole in Florida, 1981 3. How does irrigation affect soil quality? What is irrigation? • Types of Irrigation Drip Irrigation Gravity Flow • Turns inadequate cropland into adequate cropland Center Pivot 3 What is Salinization? • Accumulation of salts in and on the soil to the point that plant growth is suppressed • How can it occur? Land impacted by salinization Positive Feedback Mechanism • Low ppt • Low productivity • • • • • • Initially increases productivity • Positive Feedback Mechanism • Low ppt • Low productivity • • Increase in desertification • Decrease in productivity...
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...Balloon Kebabs This is a good visual challenge that requires a bit of lateral thinking. Ingredients • balloons • wooden kebab skewers Instructions 1. Blow up the balloons (not full) and tie them off. 2. Challenge your audience to make a 'balloon kebab' – to insert the wooden skewer all the way through the balloon without popping it. Let a few people have a try – they will invariably try to insert the skewer fairly slowly through the side, and the balloon will pop. 3. Show them how physics can make the trick work: i. Start by lining up the skewer point with the darker patch on the balloon, opposite the tie end. Gently push the skewer through. You may find that a twisting motion works best. ii. Once the skewer is through one side, push it gently through the balloon until the point of the skewer is at the opposite end – the darker area around the tie. iii. Insert the skewer tip gently through the soft part of the balloon where the tie is – again use the twisting motion if it helps. Voila! – you have made a balloon kebab! How does it work? This trick works through an understanding of surface properties. A balloon is formed by inserting air into a flexible thin rubber sheet. Most of the balloon is stretched evenly, but there are two points where the rubber is least stretched – and thus there is the lowest surface tension. These correspond to the tied section and the darker patch at the opposite side of the balloon – in fact the darker...
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...Ümumi təhsili həyata keçirən təhsil müəssisələrində tam orta təhsil səviyyəsi üzrə təhsil alanların biliyinin yekun qiymətləndirilməsi (attestasiyası) üçün istifadə olunacaq test tapşırıqlarının nümunəsi Azərbaycan dili 1. Məntiqi ardıcıllığı tamamlayın. 1. a 2. o 3. ö 4. e 5. ... B) i C) u A) ü D) ı E) ə 12. Biri felin keçmiş zamanının şəkilçisidir: 4 2 2 4 B) -ca C) -ar D) -ır A) -mış E) -malı 2 2. Sonu qoşa samitlə bitən təkhecalı sözlərdən hansını bir samitlə də yazsaq, yanlış olmaz? B) xətt C) fənn D) hiss E) haqq A) sirr 3. Hansında altından xətt çəkilmiş sözlər bir-biri ilə omonimdir? A) o, çay içir; uşaq süd içir B) çayda üzür; üzr istəmək C) el gücü; gücü çatmırdı D) dəftərə üz çəkin; bu işdən əl üz E) meyvələri dərin; çayın dərin yeri 4. Ümumişlək sözlər nəyə deyilir? A) məna və şəkil etibarilə yaxın olan sözlərə B) müxtəlif ixtisas sahələrinə aid olan sözlərə C) mənası hamı tərəfindən anlaşılan sözlərə D) yalnız ayrı-ayrı bölgələrdə işlədilən sözlərə E) başlanğıc formada yazılışı və deyilişi eyni olan sözlərə 5. Sözlərdən birinin başlanğıc forması düzgün göstərilməmişdir: B) soldakılar A) cəriməmizdən yorğunluqdan C) D) vidalaşmaq E) əməkçilər 6. Birinin tərkibə görə təhlili bu sxemə uyğundur: A) ucalıqda D) sümüksüz B) kitabxanada E) mərdlik C) dənizçilərdən 13. “Biz müdafiə olunurduq” cümləsindəki felin təhlili ilə bağlı doğru cavabları seçin. 1. İndiki zamandadır. 2. Şühudi keçmiş zamandadır. 3. “İdi” hissəciyi ilə işlənmişdir. 4. Təsirli feldir...
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...Dictionary of Economics A & C Black London First published in Great Britain in 2003 Reprinted 2006 A & C Black Publishers Ltd 38 Soho Square, London W1D 3HB © P. H. Collin 2003 All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means without the permission of the publishers A CIP record for this book is available from the British Library eISBN-13: 978-1-4081-0221-3 Text Production and Proofreading Heather Bateman, Katy McAdam A & C Black uses paper produced with elemental chlorine-free pulp, harvested from managed sustainable forests. Text typeset by A & C Black Printed in Italy by Legoprint Preface Economics is the basis of our daily lives, even if we do not always realise it. Whether it is an explanation of how firms work, or people vote, or customers buy, or governments subsidise, economists have examined evidence and produced theories which can be checked against practice. This book aims to cover the main aspects of the study of economics which students will need to learn when studying for examinations at various levels. The book will also be useful for the general reader who comes across these terms in the financial pages of newspapers as well as in specialist magazines. The dictionary gives succinct explanations of the 3,000 most frequently found terms. It also covers the many abbreviations which are often used in writing on economic subjects. Entries are also given for prominent economists, from Jeremy...
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...Built for speed, accuracy and performance at an affordable price, the robust 2000 series of hand-held digital thermometers provides a range of enhanced features to meet the changing demands of both industrial and food environments. The rugged 2000 Series provides precise, stable readings and high accuracy even in the harshest of environments. They are simple to operate, fast, reliable and built to last. In this unique range we can offer advanced features such as logging and dual input instruments which combined with interchangeable probe options makes this series a leader in its field. Optional colored rubber boots add protection and style to these multi-functional instruments. Key Features * Thermistor type sensor * Plug type connector * -40°C to 120°C/-40°F to 248°F range * Hold function * 2 year standard warranty * Long battery life: typically 500 hours * Standard splash-proof IP65 * Robust case for long life in harsh environments * Accuracy exceeds European food regulations * Ergonomic design * Magnified backlit digital display Logging mode – enabling retrieval and output of readings Long battery life – typically 500 hours Accurate performance – 0.2% of reading Robust Case – Ensuring long life in demanding and harsh environments Selectable auto switchoff – saves on operational costs Automatic zero calibration – for added accuracy This is a function that gives an indicative reading within 14 Seconds for poor thermal...
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...Valuation of Bonds Suresh Herur Using PV formula to value Bonds A Bond is a long term debt A bond is a legally binding agreement between a borrower and a lender that specifies the: • Par Value • Coupon rate • Coupon payment • Maturity period Bonds - Types • Pure Discount bonds • Level coupon bonds • Consols Pure Discount Bonds • Make no periodic interest payments (coupon rate = 0%) • The entire yield to maturity comes from the difference between the purchase price and the par value. • Cannot sell for more than par value • Sometimes called zeroes, deep discount bonds • Treasury Bills are examples of pure discount bonds. Pure Discount Bonds ICICI Bank is offering (in 1996) for subscription the following Bonds : Ashirwad Deep Discount Bond Each Deep Discount Bond of the face value of Rs.2,00,000 will be issued at a discounted price of Rs. 5200 and will be redeemed at its face value of Rs. 2,00,000 at the end of 25th year from the Deemed Date of Allotment on July 15, 2021. Level Coupon Bonds • Make periodic coupon payments in addition to the maturity value • The payments are equal each period. Therefore, the bond is just a combination of an annuity and a terminal (maturity) value. • Coupon payments are typically semiannual. Consols • Not all bonds have a final maturity. • British consols pay a set amount (i.e., coupon) every period forever. • These are examples of a perpetuity. Using PV formula to value Bonds Value of...
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