...Black Friday, the day after Thanksgiving, started based on an accounting term when records were kept in ink with red signifying a loss in profits and black signifying a profit. Retailers generally operate in the red (unprofitable) throughout the year and depend heavily on the holiday season sales to end the year in the black with a profit. While Black Friday is not considered a national holiday, it has been commercialized as such a big deal that employees are given this day off in the hopes of increasing the number of shoppers. Although Black Friday is a tradition for many families, in today's society, Black Friday has become a bad sign for the US. As we witness every line wrapped around a building at 4am and as we see more and more people...
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...Avoid a black eye on Black Friday Black Friday is the most wonderful time of the year for most people. The Christmas shopping can be done subsequent to a delicious Thanksgiving meal. However, have you ever been elbowed for no reason? Have you ever received a gift for simply entering a store? Have ever been knocked upside the head in a failed attempt to dodge tossed objects? Black Friday is an event of mass hysteria, and yet a much anticipated American tradition. In 1966, Philadelphia Police Department, officially named the day after Thanksgiving Black Friday due to traffic jams and crowding in the downtown stores. Black Friday is very hectic, and if those in attendance for the festivities are not aware of their surrounding they could possibly end up leaving the store on an EMT stretcher. In 2005, The National Retail Federation NRF states that roughly 32% of Americans venture to stores for Black Friday. The discounted products are broadcasted through newspaper and media, which brings widespread attention to various stores that are important to shoppers. In most cases families plan their Thanksgiving gathering to accommodate various stores sale schedules, while other families actually implement the trip to the department stores as merely part of their Thanksgiving...
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...Now that November has arrived, our focus has shifted from the pumpkins and costumes of Halloween to another notorious fall holiday: Thanksgiving. It's an American tradition in which families get together to enjoy each other's company, food, football and - shopping? As recent Black Friday sales have stores opening earlier and earlier on the holiday, there are a select handful of retailers who have decided to go against the grain and keep its doors closed. It all started with Recreational Equipment Inc. (REI), who not only decided to not be open on Thanksgiving - they are also paying their employees to take off on Black Friday. "We think Black Friday has gotten out of hand and so we are choosing to invest in helping people get outside with...
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...My decision to not take part in the infamous Black Friday was an interesting one to say the least. Black Friday is looked upon as a day where you save a lot of money, for the price of missing most of Thanksgiving Day and the day afterwards. You save tons of money on these spectacular deals, but you have to go through a war to get to them. The amounts of people and violence that happens on this day, is one of the most violent Holidays we have. I don’t like taking part in it, because despite the amazing deals you get there’s tons of people who also have the same thought in mind and want that same thing. They also only stock so many of the product, so it’s first come, first serve and you basically have to be out there in the morning on Thanksgiving Day in order to get what you want. The conversations I’ve had with some of my friends and my family was astonished. A lot of my friends and family, take part in this ordeal. They like Black Friday and they take part in the deals, I even got invited to go with my sister now that I have my license; but, I said no. Most of my friends wanted to know what was wrong with me and the decision I had...
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...When you hear the words black Friday what do you think of? Some people think of madness and insanity ,while others might think of saving money and still being able to get holiday gifts for their family's. According to @NerdWallet. "The Pros and Cons of Shopping on Black Friday - NerdWallet." NerdWallet. N.p., 25 Nov. 2015. Web. 30 Nov. 2016. ''You’ve scanned the ads and thought about the gifts you need and the things you’d like to find on sale during Black Friday. You’ve done price comparisons and even mapped out where you want to shop. But you might be feeling relaxed after Thanksgiving dinner, and the thought of getting up before the sun (or, in some cases, shopping late into the night) might not be so appealing. As the holiday fades,...
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...The year was 1939, the date 13th January which became known as "Black Friday" which burnt out parts of Gippsland. The bushfires of 13 January 1939, known as the Black Friday fires, followed a long drought and a severe, hot, dry summer. Fanned by extremely strong winds, these fires swept rapidly across large areas of Victoria, causing widespread destruction. In Victoria an area of almost two million hectares was burned, with 71 people losing their lives. Whole townships were destroyed, many sawmills burned to the ground and thousands of sheep, cattle and horses were killed by the intense heat and flames. Three weeks after the bushfires, a Royal Commission was convened. Judge Leonard E B Stretton was selected to lead the Royal Commission. He...
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...meets MWF 1:05-1:55, Instructional Center 109 Instructor: Michael Murphree Sam Nunn School of International Affairs 137 Habersham Building Email: michael.murphree@gatech.edu Office Hours: Monday 2:00-3:00, 137 Habersham, or by appointment TA: Kathleen Thompson Email: kthompson136@gatech.edu Political economy is the study of the role of government, politics and collective human behavior in shaping economic outcomes. This exciting field is both old and new. Political economy predates both political science and economics but only reemerged as a distinct field in the 1960s and 70s. It is concerned with understanding how political forces (broadly defined) shape and are shaped by economic ones (broadly defined). There are many research and policy-relevant questions addressed in this field: 1. What is globalization and is it really good for everyone? 2. Is free trade really the only “appropriate” means for international exchange? 3. Why are some countries or regions rich while others struggle? 4. How did the global casino of high finance emerge and what is its purpose? 5. Is economic performance the root of power or power the root of economic performance? 6. What should be the role of government in the economy? 7. Is there a best practice for government economic policy or are there many workable practices? 8. Why has Asia seemed to perform so well over the last 30 years while Europe appears to have stagnated? 9. Does a rising tide...
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...Civil War Research Paper This unit can be broken down into three different areas: the causes of the Civil War, the atrocity of the Civil War, and America’s Reconstruction after the war. With each unit there are a multitude of things that have had a significant impact on our development as a country since this period. With that in mind, you will be expected to research a topic of your choosing and write an in-depth research paper on it. My rationale for this assignment is two-fold. One, we are towards the end of the semester and I feel it is important to push your limits and force you to continue to work hard. Two, you will be in high school next year. This is a type of assignment you could and most likely will have in the near future. It is something you must work on in order to perfect it. Topic Choices (broken into 3 subunits) • Middle Passage • Indentured Servants • Jobs of Slaves • Resistance to Slavery • Slave Rebellions • Political Compromises • Abolition Movement • Life on Plantations • Free Blacks • Runaways • John Brown • Underground Railroad • Black Codes • Josiah Henson • Harriet Tubman • Frederick Douglas • Harriet Jacobs • Henry “Box” Brown • Olaudah Equiano • Economic Causes • Election of 1860 • Abraham Lincoln • Confederate States of America ...
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...Income inequality damages growth, OECD warns Chris Giles in London Rising income inequality over the past 30 years has damaged growth rates in rich countries by limiting educational opportunities for poor children, according to research by the OECD, the group of mainly rich nations. The finding that higher inequality harms economic performance mirrors the results of a similar study by the International Monetary Fund earlier this year. But the OECD’s analysis goes further because it concentrates on rich countries and attempts to establish the exact cause of inequality’s harmful effects on growth. The OECD said the research showed governments should focus policy on ensuring poorer children gain better education and the supporting people into employment. As inequality has moved higher up the political agenda in rich countries, there has been a flurry of research papers looking into the link between inequality and growth. Clear conclusions have been difficult to achieve because economic theory is ambiguous and the subject has been plagued by research finding spurious associations in the data rather than meaningful causal relationships. Higher inequality can hinder growth by destroying trust in society, hitting investment in skills and reducing demand growth for goods and services from poorer families who tend to spend more of their incomes. But it also provides greater incentives for people to strive to climb the ladder of opportunity and can provide necessary savings to...
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...Grant Still MGMT 320 Section C November 18, 2014 Consumerism: Gotta Buy ‘Em All It is the day after Thanksgiving, known colloquially to Americans as “Black Friday”. Hundreds of thousands of shoppers line up outside of department stores, anxiously waiting to get their hands on the latest of gadgets and gizmos to purchase for families, friends, and loved ones for the holiday season. Many of the retailers in America have offered attractive promotional sales on this day to attract high traffic and volume in their stores. Realizing this, consumers in America who take a part in Black Friday see this as a fight to the death. This “fight to the death” literally came true in the year 2013, as one death and fifteen injuries resulted from the madness of the shopping event, according to BlackFridayDeathCount.com. On the flip side for businesses, Americans spent an average of $407.02 from the Thursday through Sunday that bookends Black Friday, as stated by the National Retail Federation. This topsy-turvy day recognized by a vast majority of American culture has been seen by many as the yearly peak of the country’s ever-increasing trend towards consumerism. Consumerism, the belief that goods give meaning to individuals and their roles in society, has presented itself to Americans in both a positive and negative spirit. On the one hand, consumer spending drives the economy, gives consumers a vast myriad of retailers to choose from, and renders shopping as a social experience. ...
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...General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination June 2012 Sociology SCLY2 Unit 2 Friday 25 May 2012 1.30 pm to 3.30 pm For this paper you must have: an AQA 12-page answer book. Time allowed 2 hours Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Write the information required on the front of your answer book. The Examining Body for this paper is AQA. The Paper Reference is SCLY2. This paper is divided into two sections. Choose one section and answer all the questions in that section. Do not answer questions from more than one section. Do all rough work in your answer book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 90. Questions carrying 12 marks or more should be answered in continuous prose. In these questions you will be marked on your ability to: – use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate. G/T80704/Jun12/SCLY2 6/6/6/ SCLY2 2 Choose either Section A or Section B and answer all the questions in that section. Section A: Education with Research Methods You are advised to spend approximately 50 minutes on questions 0 You are advised to spend approximately 30 minutes on question You are advised to spend approximately 40 minutes on questions 0 to 1 0 6 0 4 . 5 . to 0 9 . Total for this section:...
Words: 1561 - Pages: 7
...BUSINESS NOVEMBER 23, 2010 The Just-in-Time Consumer By ELLEN BYRON Julia Robinson for The Wall Street Journal Rebecca Seabern in her destocked pantry. She is using groceries that she already has before buying more. Executives peddling wares from canned goods to cashmere say the shift in consumption habits is prompting them to change how they produce, package, price and deliver their goods. When the economy sank two years ago, Rebecca Seabern realized she could shrink her grocery bill just by eating into her crammed kitchen pantry. "I had eight boxes of lasagna in there and a year's worth of paper towels," says Ms. Seabern, a 31-year-old accountant and married mother of two in San Antonio. Today, Ms. Seabern still has her job, but her antipathy to hoarding hasn't changed. "I've stopped purchasing things just to have them on hand," she says, preferring to make bigger mortgage payments instead. The Great Depression replaced a spendthrift culture with a generation of frugal savers. The recent recession, too, has left in its wake a deeply changed shopper: the just-in-time consumer. Access thousands of business sources not available on the free web. Learn More For over two decades, Americans bought big, bought more and stocked up, confident that bulk shopping, often on credit, provided the best value for their money. But the long recession—with its high unemployment, plummeting home values and depleted savings accounts—altered the way many people think about the future...
Words: 2120 - Pages: 9
...General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination January 2012 Sociology Unit 2 Friday 20 January 2012 For this paper you must have: an AQA 12-page answer book. SCLY2 9.00 am to 11.00 am Time allowed 2 hours Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Write the information required on the front of your answer book. The Examining Body for this paper is AQA. The Paper Reference is SCLY2. This paper is divided into two sections. Choose one section and answer all the questions in that section. Do not answer questions from more than one section. Do all rough work in your answer book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 90. Questions carrying 12 marks or more should be answered in continuous prose. In these questions you will be marked on your ability to: – use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate. GJ74914/Jan12/SCLY2 6/6/6 SCLY2 2 Choose either Section A or Section B and answer all the questions in that section. Section A: Education with Research Methods You are advised to spend approximately 50 minutes on questions 0 1 0 6 to 0 4 . 9 . You are advised to spend approximately 30 minutes on question You are advised to spend approximately 40 minutes on questions 0 5 . to 0 Total for this section: 90 marks Education Read Item A below and answer questions...
Words: 1479 - Pages: 6
...STUDY ON ANIMALS FOR “INTERNSHIP TRANING” AT ARINGNAR ANNA ZOOLOGICAL PARK HUSBANDARY PRACTICES OF MAMMALS IN CAPTIVITY 6-5-11 FRIDAY PREPARE FOR SCHEDULE 7-5-11 : OBSERVE THE ENCLOSURES OF ANIMALS 8-5-11 : CAPTURE THE ANIMALS 9-5-11 : LION 10-5-11: INDIAN GAUR 11-5-11: WILD DOG 12-5-11: SLOTH BEAR 13-5-11: NOCTURAL ANIMALS 14-5-11: ZEBRA 15-5-11: GIRAFFE 16-5-11: TIGER 18-5-11: ELEPHANT 19-5-11: STORE ROOM 20-5-11: DIET SHEET 7-5-11 Saturday OBSERVE THE ENCLOSURE OF ANIMALS Second day we observed the enclosures of mammals. In these zoo there are two kinds of moats. One is dry moat and another one s wet moat. i)DRY MOAT – This kind of moat is hollow type because the animals cannot escape easily. They are afraid to jump or cross the moat. So it will be safe and another aim is for to prevent the public visitors from animals. The hollow depth is depends upon the animals. ii)WET MOAT – This kind of moat is filled with waters. Because some animals are afraid for waters. This type of moat is mostly suitable for primates. It looks like an island. There are three kinds of enclosures: i)Public, ii)Zoo handling...
Words: 1422 - Pages: 6
...General Certificate of Education Advanced Subsidiary Examination January 2012 Sociology Unit 2 Friday 20 January 2012 For this paper you must have: an AQA 12-page answer book. SCLY2 9.00 am to 11.00 am Time allowed 2 hours Instructions Use black ink or black ball-point pen. Write the information required on the front of your answer book. The Examining Body for this paper is AQA. The Paper Reference is SCLY2. This paper is divided into two sections. Choose one section and answer all the questions in that section. Do not answer questions from more than one section. Do all rough work in your answer book. Cross through any work you do not want to be marked. Information The marks for questions are shown in brackets. The maximum mark for this paper is 90. Questions carrying 12 marks or more should be answered in continuous prose. In these questions you will be marked on your ability to: – use good English – organise information clearly – use specialist vocabulary where appropriate. GJ74914/Jan12/SCLY2 6/6/6 SCLY2 2 Choose either Section A or Section B and answer all the questions in that section. Section A: Education with Research Methods You are advised to spend approximately 50 minutes on questions 0 1 0 6 to 0 4 . 9 . You are advised to spend approximately 30 minutes on question You are advised to spend approximately 40 minutes on questions 0 5 . to 0 Total for this section: 90 marks Education Read Item A below and answer questions...
Words: 1479 - Pages: 6