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Black Plague In The 16th Century

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Imagine being surrounded by dead bodies of friends and family, with over 5,000 people per day dying every single day in just Rome alone. During the black plague epidemic, this was millions of people’s realities. Attempting to fight off the black plague was a major battle for the sixteenth century. This bacterial disease has some very disgusting, and cringey symptoms. It spread so rapidly, without any known treatments at all. The black plague was very promenade in European history, with sixty million people dying in just the sixteenth century, and 2/3 of Europe’s population being infected. In total, around seventy five million people died from this bacterial disease, in just the sixteenth century. In fact, there were so many people dying so quickly that there weren’t enough living people in most areas to bury all of the dead people. This is just skimming the surface of this disease’s violent history. …show more content…
The most notable symptom, and the symptom to give black plague its name is the big black bubbles, filled with blood and pus, which appeared all over the victim’s body. The bubbles filled with blood and pus showed up in the victim’s arm pits and hands first, then it quickly spread to the rest of the victim’s body. These were also very painful and swelled up. Then the bubbles all start to burst, when this occurred there was so much blood and pus, that people in hospitals would be stuck to their hospital sheets, unable to move. While victims of the black plague had the bubbles, they also and fever and flu

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