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Team Player Research Paper

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CHARACTERISTICS OF A “TEAM PLAYER” What is your definition of a team player? Whatever you said, you are more than likely correct. How is this you ask? There are an infinite definitions of being a team player. Although there are many aspects of being a team player, only having a couple of the aspects are not going to help you fulfill the role. It is not all about making the huge plays and looking good. It is more about what you do for the team and how you make the team look on and off of the field. Some say to be an outstanding team player all you have to is be athletic and the best on the team. Although this is not a hundred percent true, there is a little bit of truth in this. There are so many more and much more important aspects to …show more content…
Being committed will help you improve in the weak spots of your game and also your strong points. If you are committed then you need to show up every day dedicated and ready to put in hard work. Although it is dreadful and no one wants to put their bodies on the line and be sore all the time, but if you do this then you will only get into better shape. All the things that seem hard for you to do right now will only become easier. You also need to do more than show up and put hard work in. You will also need to go home and study the situation in which you may see during a game situation. This may sound stupid but if you do this then you will know exactly what to do when it comes down to it during the game. This way you will not second guess yourself and possibly miss your …show more content…
This way they know the situation as well and as a team you are overall better. Even after you let them know, when you get into the game and you notice something in which others may not; let them know what the situation is that you see so they have a chance to be ready for whatever may happen. Although giving this advice they might not listen to you, you still need to be respectful while presenting this information to them. If you just shout or yell at them then they may get angry or upset with you then become flustered and mess up. When one of your teammates mess up, that is the same as you messing up. Just be encouraging and reassure that they will get it the next time the opportunity comes up. Even if they continue to mess up repeatedly you still need to show support and cheer them on. Everyone has their off days, and sometimes the days turn into weeks. Eventually if you keep encouraging them to get better, they will end up getting better and getting out of the slump in which they were in. You need to be smart and competent. You do not need to be a complete genius, this just means to take what you can from what the situation is and to use common sense. When using common sense you take what is pretty much basic knowledge that everyone has and apply it to whatever it is that you are doing. If you are not using common sense and you act on something that may effect

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