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Dissertation Process Assignments

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For the dissertation process interview assignment, I had the pleasure to interview two remarkable women. Both respondents have completed the dissertation process. Nonetheless, they are now giving support, encouragement, and resources for single mothers who are currently in a doctoral program or who have completed and/or defended their dissertation.
The first respondent, Dr. Cristine LaMontagne received her doctoral degree in Instructional Leadership Higher Education. Dr. LaMontagne dissertation topic was Attitudes of Students Not Meeting Performance Standards. Dr. LaMontagne advice for working on the dissertation was very supportive and inspiring. The most important advice shared was to make a schedule and stick to it. For example, chose 3 - 4 weeknights and one weekend day to work on the dissertation and …show more content…
These barriers are out of my control and I have to monitor and adjust if this does happen. Dr. Rivera also emphasizes, “There will be numerous of times you will write, submit and revise - over and over and over and over again. The key thing is to maintain your sanity and whatever is requested, you should make all efforts to complete in a timely manner.” Furthermore, now is the time to save up and hire an editor- this is worth the investment-and vital in maintaining your sanity.
Dr. Rivera advice for successful completion is to work ahead especially in your first few classes. Her suggestions are as follows: 1) start to think about your working topic during your first few classes- 2) collect 40-80 scholarly journal articles about your topic- 3) begin an annotated bibliography. Following these steps can help you to get started on the right track.” If your Chapter 1 is being reviewed – start outlining Chapter 2 if you are waiting for chapter 2 evaluation begin preparing for Chapter 3 ....all the way through chapter 5 and IRB

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