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Blast Zone Case Study

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(Reno, Nevada) reports the average cost of renting a bounce house for one day is $150 to $200 for a standard house and $250 to $600 for a more elaborate one with slides and other features. Individuals and companies who use these inflatables frequently often benefit from buying a bounce house, as opposed to renting one. Blast Zone ( offers inflatable for both personal and commercial use and prices begin at only $169. Anyone interested in renting an inflatable should consider this option.

"Building a better inflatable requires a commitment to quality, continual testing and caring about the end user. The inflatable needs to be durable and safe while providing hours of enjoyment for all. Blast House offers a wide range of options to meet the needs and budget of every customer, and we don't cut corners. We reinforce them, as we understand that the inflatable is only as good as the last jump or splash. This explains why we use commercial grade vinyl to ensure our products hold up with frequent use," the staff at Blast Zone ( explains. …show more content…
There are a number of reasons for this. First and foremost, children love bounce houses and parents do too. The parent can use his or her time to play in the bounce house for the child or allow the child to play on their own, freeing up the parent's time for other activities. Obviously, supervision is needed, but a parent can have a relaxing time reading a book or engaging in another activity while keeping an eye on the

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