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Military Drones Research Paper

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The controversy surrounding military drone usage in sovereign countries in an attempt to mitigate any potential terrorist threats has been portrayed as an ethical dilemma that has no immediate solution in sight. Drone usage is considered to be an inhumane way to wage war on enemies as many innocent lives are either brutally tortured or simply lost, and arguments indicate that drones ultimately aid in the propagation of war. Because of this there is a constant battel between The United States and the governments of the countries being invaded, not to mention the unrest of the civilians on both sides. However, on the contrary, evidence suggests that drones are not a completely detrimental tool of warfare, in fact the benefits of military drone …show more content…
By understanding drone capabilities, it becomes apparent that drones actually decrease the number of innocent lives lost, and to better illustrate their effectiveness the benefits can be divided into specific categories. Taking their physical capabilities into account, drones are far more effective when compared to their conventional fighter jet counterparts. By specifically examining the payload of a fighter jet, it is easy to understand why drones are better. Fighter jets inflict a catastrophic amount of damage to the targeted area due to the large bomb that is used (Byman, 2013). Because of their engineering, fighter jets lack the capability to hover over targeted areas for long periods of time silently waiting for the most optimal time to strike, with strikes usually only lasting a matter of seconds due to the associated risk (Byman, 2013). These limiting factors make fighter jets highly inaccurate, so much so that the untargeted surrounding environment is demolished as well, which is precisely where the innocent lives are lost. On the contrary, when a drone is signaled to engage in an airstrike, the warhead used is significantly smaller and more concentrated (Byman, 2013). This in turn allows for a smaller blast radius greatly limiting the level of damage caused and reduces the number …show more content…
Unmanned aircraft possess the capability of performing tasks of reconnaissance and surveillance, which are extremely useful in identifying potential terrorist threats (Gregory, 2012). Crucial tasks such as this require a stealthier touch which can be hard to accomplish with soldiers that have boots on the ground and regular aircraft that can be spotted very easily. This is where the aerial capabilities of drones open the door for a strong competitive advantage, “as they can survey land to identify patterns of behavior that signify potential threats and aid in mapping out attacks for soldiers with boots on the ground all at an imperceptible distance” (Valiaho, 2014). These advantages are complemented by a strong cost benefit, as drones are inexpensive to produce and deploy. This can be attributed to the fact that technology is constantly evolving, the components that go into making drones are becoming less expensive and easier to produce. Put together, all of these factors effectually lessens the level of risk associated with the possibility of collateral damage as military personnel will not be required to fly into extremely dangerous war zones, which is a major goal of the government (Sauer,

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