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Communism Vs Fascism

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It is too obvious that Communism and Fascism resemble each other like two drops of fresh water. However, there are very few historians and sociologists have compared these two greatest expressions of modern totalitarianism, which has a strong ideological stench. The German philosopher and political theorist Hannah Arendt, made the comparison and "The Origins of Totalitarianism," published in 1951, showed that these two social experiments who trounced the twentieth century are twins. If we refer to encyclopedias and essays on the subject, fascism is a political ideology that raises collectivism over individualism, places the state and the nation above individual, rejects the "bourgeois democracy", the free market, capitalist competition, …show more content…
(History of Communism) In June 1961 Fidel Castro repeated the same phrase to draw the Cuban socialist cultural policy: "Inside the Revolution (read state) all against the revolution, nothing, no rights". Coincidence? I do not think so; Castro in his youth was a great admirer of Mussolini. The foundations of communism are equally collectivism, the only party, propaganda and indoctrination of the "masses", of which requires total submission to form the new man who will live in the upper society. Press freedom is suppressed hatred are encouraged to an imaginary enemy (imperialism and its internal agents) to exacerbate the patriotic nationalism and maintain a permanent psychology besieged. All state powers are concentrated in the first secretary of the Communist Party, which became Caesar. The system also settles on repression, disinformation and manipulation of national and international reality, prohibiting the free market, identifies homeland and people with the supreme leader, and totally controls the life of the individual, which is stripped of almost all their …show more content…
As Che Guevara said, turning every revolutionary in "a perfect killing machine." The Soviet Union expanded socialism at gunpoint by Eastern Europe and part of Asia. Cuba since the 60’s spread throughout Latin America rural guerrillas, urban assaulting banks and committing terrorist attacks. Castro and Che Guevara’s plan was to continentally impose communism. As for repression, the Nazis surpassed all limits of horror, but Stalin, Mao, Pol Pot, etc. were not nuns of charity. They killed or caused starvation to 100 million people, according to the "black book of communism", a study by European teachers, almost all left, published in 1997. In Cuba, according to independent sources, have been shot about 5,500 opponents since 1959, many in situations without any legal process. In the 10 months he was in front of the La Cabaña Fortress, Che Guevara ordered the execution of 209 opponents without due process, many of which he personally gave the coup de grace in the

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