...Bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh bleh...
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...Republic of the Philippines Congress of the Philippines Metro Manila Eighth Congress Begun and held in Metro Manila, on Monday, the twenty-third day of July, two thousand seven. Republic Act No. 6977 January 24, 1991 as amended by R.A. 8289 AN ACT TO PROMOTE, DEVELOP AND ASSIST SMALL AND MEDIUM SCALE ENTERPRISES THROUGH THE CREATION OF A SMALL AND MEDIUM ENTERPRISE DEVELOPMENT (SMED) COUNCIL, AND THE RATIONALIZATION OF GOVERNMENT ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS AND AGENCIES CONCERNED WITH THE DEVELOPMEN Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the Philippines in Congress assembled:: CHAPTER I Section 1. Title. — This Act shall be known as the "Magna Carta for Small Enterprises." Sec. 2. Declaration of Policy. — recognizing that small and medium scale enterprises have the potential for more employment generation and economic growth and therefore can help provide a self-sufficient industrial foundation for the country, it is hereby declared the policy of the State to promote, support, strengthen and encourage the growth and development of small and medium enterprises in all productive sectors of the economy particularly rural/agri-based enterprises. To this end, the Senate shall undertake the spur the growth and development of small and medium enterprises throughout the country and thereby attain countryside industrialization: (a) by assuring, through the establishment of adequate support structure, and the creation and promotion of an...
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...Aisling McDonagh Mrs. Webster Latin II February 19th, 2014 Roman Engineering 1. How do we know anything about the Haterii family? Give two facts we can deduce from that evidence. The various carvings on the family tomb of the Haterii, especially the crane, suggest that at least one member of the family was a prosperous building contractor. One of his contracts was for a magnificent arch to commemorate the popular Emperor Titus who died after a short reign (a.d. 79-81). 2. What was the social status of the unskilled laborers? Most of unskilled laborers were slaves and poor free men. 3. List at least four hand tools that we have inherited almost unchanged from the Romans. Why was the use of hand tools so laborious in Roman times? Mallets, chisels, crowbars, trowels, saws, and planes are some modern hand tools that have been inherited almost unchanged from the Romans. The important difference is that the Romans did not have the small electric motor that makes the modern power tools less laborious to use. 4. What was the cement mortar used for? The cement mortar was used, as today, for a thin but effective adhesive layer between bricks or stones. 5. Name two main structural uses of concrete. Concrete became a substitute for stone in the building of arches and vaulted ceilings. They also used it on the aqueducts that supplied Rome with millions of gallons of fresh water daily. 6. Describe another use of concrete and described four...
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...| New Tech High@CoppellQuinceañeras Video | STUDENT: _____________________________EVALUATOR: ______________ DATE: _______ | CRITERIA | UNSATISFACTORY(Below Performance Standards) | PROFICIENT(Minimal Criteria) | ADVANCED(Demonstrates Exceptional Performance) | VideoWritten Communication | * Script does not include all required verbs and nouns. * Reflexive verbs are used improperly * Antes de and después de are not used properly * No mention of time when activities occur or time stated improperly * Script has many grammar and/or vocabulary errors * Script does not fulfill purpose of the assignment | Script includes * At least 10 reflexive verbs used properly * At least 5 nouns from the vocabulary list * Antes de and después de used properly * What time activities occurScript has few grammar and vocabulary errors.Script answers the question ¿Cómo te preparas para una quinceañera? | In addition to meeting the PROFICIENT criteria… * Script shows more complexity and /or variety in sentence structures. * Script has no grammar or vocabulary errors. * Exceptional creativity in the storyline. | | 0 - - - - - - - - - - - - 15 - - - - - - - - - - - - 30 | 35 - - - - - - - - - - - - 39 - - - - - - - - - - - -44 | 45 - - - - - - - - - - - -48 - - - - - - - - - - - - 50 | VideoOral Communication | * Learners pronunciation makes it difficult to understand * Some group members do not speak in the video | * Learners have good pronunciation...
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...Chapter 3 The Balance Sheet and Financial Disclosures Exercise 3–3 1. f Accrued interest payable 10. a Supplies 2. d Franchise 11. c Machinery 3. -c Accumulated depreciation 12. c Land, in use 4. a Prepaid insurance, for 2014 13. f Unearned revenue 5. g Bonds payable, due in 10 years 14. d Copyrights 6. f Current maturities of long-term debt 15. h Preferred stock 7. f Note payable, due in 3 months 16. b Land, held for speculation 8. b Long-term receivables 17. a Cash equivalents 9. b Bond sinking fund, will be used to 18. f Wages payable retire bonds in 10 years Exercise 3–8 | | | |CONE CORPORATION | | |Balance Sheet (Partial) | | |At December 31, 2013 | | | | |...
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...ToK Essay Assessment Criteria AUnderstanding knowledge issues | marks | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 | | Treatment of relevant KIs … | very little | some | for the most part | consistently maintained as its focus | consistently maintained as its focus | | AOKs and/or WoKs … | merely mentioned | largely ineffective links | some effective links | effective links and some comparisons | effective links and comparisons are elaborated | | Understanding of KIs … | little understanding | rudimentary understanding | some understanding | good understanding | sophisticated understanding | BKnower’s perspective | marks | 1-2 | 3-4 | 5-6 | 7-8 | 9-10 | | Independent thinking about the KIs … | no evidence | very little evidence | some evidence | adequate evidence | much evidence | | Personal engagement with KIs … | limited | some | essay shaped in a way that shows personal engagement | essay shaped in a way that shows thoughtful personal engagement and some self-awareness as a knower | essay shaped in a way that shows personal reflective exploration and significant self-awareness as a knower | | Different perspectives … | no attempt to acknowledge or explore | mentioned, but no attempt to explore them | awareness they may exist, but little attempt to explore | acknowledgment, and some attempt to explore | serious consideration | | Examples chosen … | no appropriate | sometimes appropriate | appropriate, though may be little variety in sources | effective, with...
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...Throughout the novel, Mary Shelley’s Frankenstein proposes the parallel between monster and man, and the raises the question as who is the real monster; Victor Frankenstein or the monster he created. In passage A, Mary Shelley conveys that man and monster are not entirely different and rather the real monster is essentially mankind. In this case, Shelley uses specific word choices, along with character development and parallels to demonstrate that man and monster are indistinguishable. In the following passage, Mary Shelley’s choice of words and characterization indicates that man and monster are along the same spectrum. Robert Walton writes, “My affection for my guest increases every day. He excites at once my admiration and my pity to an astonishing degree. How can I see so noble a creature destroyed by misery without feeling the most poignant grief?” (Shelley 12-13). The idea that Walton addresses Victor Frankenstein as a “noble creature” is crucial in identifying as to what is considered to be human. He addresses Victor as a creature with understanding, and “gentle, yet so wise; his mind cultivated…” (Shelley 13). Mary Shelley associates man as creature; creature with intelligence, feelings, and innocence. This pinpoints to the idea that man is monster. In addition, the passage sets up the scene for the telling of Victor’s narrative. Mary Shelley uses Walton’s character as an introduction whose story parallels that of Frankenstein’s. In the second letter, Walton addresses...
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...Tristan Waters Tuesday 9:35-12:35 30 August 2015 Astronomy on the Internet In this lab report I have three objectives. The first will be to find and record information on a specific telescope/observatory. Next will be to describe an astronomical image and explain its interest. Lastly is to find and describe the events of a space mission. Though there are thousands of observatories/telescopes all around the world and after several minutes of researching I have chosen but one, the NAOJ Hawaii Observatory. It is located in Mauna Kea, Hawaii. This particular observatory is home to the Subaru Telescope and is operated by the National Institutes of Natural Sciences. The Subaru Telescope is one of the world’s largest and most advanced telescopes. It is 22.2 meters tall, 27.2 meters wide and weighs 555 metric tons. The Subaru Telescope’s main focus is in optical and infrared imaging. The telescope has been used to find many galaxies and has captured images all across the universe. One such image captured was the moment when a probe from the NASA spacecraft Deep Impact crashed into Comet Tempel 1 in July 2005. The Subaru Telescope has made several great discoveries and because of its open use program, which allows astronomer from throughout the world have access to it. Using telescopes scientist are able to capture images from across the universe. One such images is of an asteroid that was slowly breaking down into several pieces as it neared the sun. In the image an asteroid...
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...MIDNIGHT SUN 1.Πρώτη ματιά Αυτή ήταν η περίοδος της ημέρας κατά την οποία ευχόμουν να μπορούσα να κοιμηθώ. Λύκειο. Ή μήπως καθαρτήριο ήταν η σωστή λέξη; Αν υπήρχε κάποιος τρόπος να επανορθώσω για τις αμαρτίες μου, τότε μάλλον αυτός ο τρόπος θα ήταν να πηγαίνω στο Λύκειο. Η πλήξη δεν ήταν κάτι το όποιο το συνήθιζα. Κάθε μέρα φαινόταν ακόμη πιο μονότονη από την προηγούμενη. Υποθέτω πως αυτή ήταν μια μορφή ύπνου-αν ο ύπνος προσδιοριζόταν ως η αδράνεια ανάμεσα σε άλλες ενέργειες. Παρατηρούσα τις ρωγμές του απέναντι γωνιακού τοίχου της καφετέριας και φανταζόμουν σχεδία που δεν υπήρχαν στην πραγματικότητα εκεί. Ήταν απλά ένας τρόπος να σβήνω τις φωνές που μουρμούριζαν σαν ορμητικό ποτάμι μέσα στο κεφάλι μου. Αρκετές εκατοντάδες φωνές τις έδιωχνα από βαρεμάρα. Όταν είχε να κάνει με το ανθρώπινο μυαλό, τα είχα ακούσει όλα πολλές φορές. Σήμερα, όλες οι σκέψεις είχαν επικεντρωθεί σε μια προσθήκη στον μικρό αριθμό του μαθητικού σώματος εδώ. Με το παραμικρό ενθουσιάζονταν όλοι. Το είχα δει το καινούριο πρόσωπο σε τόσες σκέψεις, από τόσες πολλές διαφορετικές οπτικές γωνίες. Απλά ένα κανονικό ανθρώπινο κορίτσι. Ο ενθουσιασμός για την νεόφερτη ήταν προβλέψιμος και κουραστικός, σαν να κουνάς ένα γυαλιστερό αντικείμενο σε ένα παιδί. Τα μισά αγόρια του σχολείου ήδη φαντάζονταν τους εαυτούς τους ερωτευμένους μαζί της, απλά επειδή όταν κάτι καινούριο. Προσπάθησα σκληρότερα να διώξω τις σκέψεις τους. Μόνο τέσσερις φωνές έδιωχνα από ευγένεια παρά αποστροφή : της οικογένειάς μου, των αδελφών...
Words: 16487 - Pages: 66
...BASIC PAY—EFFECTIVE JANUARY 1, 2014 Pay Grade O-10 1 2 or less Over 2 Over 3 Over 4 Over 6 Over 8 Over 10 Over 12 Over 14 Over 16 Over 18 O-91 O-81 O-71 O-62 O-5 O-4 O-3 O-2 O-1 O-33 O-23 O-13 W-5 W-4 W-3 W-2 W-1 E-94 E-8 E-7 E-6 E-5 E-4 E-3 E-2 E-15 9,946.20 8,264.40 6,125.40 5,106.60 4,405.80 3,873.90 3,347.10 2,905.20 10,272.00 8,648.40 6,729.60 5,752.50 5,100.30 4,391.40 3,812.10 3,024.00 10,488.30 8,826.00 7,171.20 6,150.60 5,440.80 4,739.70 4,390.50 3,655.50 10,548.60 8,967.30 7,171.20 6,225.60 5,516.40 5,167.80 4,538.70 3,655.50 5,167.80 4,538.70 3,655.50 4,551.60 4,015.80 3,699.90 3,401.10 10,818.60 9,222.90 7,198.50 6,474.30 5,832.30 5,415.30 4,632.30 3,655.50 5,415.30 4,632.30 3,903.30 4,761.00 4,179.60 3,909.90 3,606.60 11,269.20 9,475.80 7,507.20 6,622.80 6,171.00 5,687.10 4,632.30 3,655.50 5,687.10 4,779.90 4,047.90 4,968.30 4,501.80 4,236.00 3,909.30 3,959.40 3,594.90 3,228.60 2,922.30 2,427.30 2,034.90 1,716.90 11,373.90 9,767.70 7,547.70 6,949.50 6,593.10 5,862.60 4,632.30 3,655.50 5,862.60 5,028.60 4,195.20 5,178.00 4,837.20 4,397.40 4,050.60 4,836.90 4,134.30 3,709.80 3,331.50 3,076.20 2,427.30 2,034.90 1,716.90 11,802.00 10,059.00 7,547.70 7,189.50 6,921.30 6,151.50 4,632.30 3,655.50 6,151.50 5,220.90 4,340.10 5,493.90 4,995.00 4,556.40 4,247.70 4,946.40 4,242.90 3,914.40 3,530.40 3,094.80 2,427.30 2,034.90 1,716.90 11,924.70 10,351.20 7,976.70 7,499.70 7,149.60 6,302.40 4,632.30 3,655.50 6,395...
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...Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh Bleh bleh bleh ...
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...To Love is to love but not to love is to die an what not…pineapples what are they are they the product of a pine cone loving a apple and limes does it hurt that everyone loves lemons over you does it hurt how oranges are so good yet grapefruit are fucking disgusting the dog flew the cat lived the mango was good on my water ice… if cucumber can become pickles why cant I become a phoenix if jake can love a rainacon why cant I love you to love is th love an wtf is this shit bleh bleh bleh bleh 250 words why must I hurt with love I love you yes I do I do I do love orange soda who do you do that’s who now fly with me to the land of ooohh pickles fly high in the sky like rain on the ground high like a bird or down like a turd up up an away on this beautiful day I sore but no more cuz my wings hurt I worked a 12 hr shift when I meet her she will love me for me an I for her we will love an be loved by me she was a child an I was a child by the seagull im alomost there just about don’t the finish line is within reach do u see me hun I loe u u love me we will be will be bam bitch 250 mother humping...
Words: 251 - Pages: 2
...------------------------------------------------- CH 1 : NATURE OF STRATEGIC MNGEMENT WHAT IS STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT?? Meaning = art n science of formulating, implementing n evaluating cross functional decisions that enable an organization to achieve the objective Focus on = marketing, finance/accountg, R&D, production/operation Purpose = to exploit n create a new n different opportunities for tomorrow (long term) n optimize for tomorrow the trends of today STAGES OF STRATEGIC MANAGEMENT I. Strategy formulating * Melibatkn top manager * Apa kne buat??? * Develop vision n mission * Knalpasti pluang n ancaman luaran bg sbuah organisasi * Knalpasti kekuatan n klmahan dlmn organisasi * Generating alternative strategy * Pilih strategy tbaik utk dlksanakn * Issues??? * Bisnes apa nk buat @ dlpskn? * Cne nk pruntukn sumber2 yg ade * Nk kmbgkn bisnes @ x? * Nk msuk intrntional market @ x? II. Strategy implementing * Melibatkn semua pkrja n manager * Called as “action stage” n mrupakan most difficult stage * Prlukn interpersonal skill yg tngi * Apa kne buat??? * Wjudkn obj thunan * Devise polisi * Motivate people * Pruntukn sumber spaya strategy frmulatg dpt dlksanakn * Prepare bajet * Utilizing information system * Memerlukn disiplin, komitmen n pngrbanan yg tngi * Uji kmampuan manager utk motivate pkrja (more art than science) * Issues??? * Ape yg ptot kte buat utk...
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...School with the grades, standards and expectations is a never-ending struggle. In middle school I was an amazing student, I even got recognition for maintaining above a 3.5 gpa through the whole of middle school. I expected similar successes in high school, but high school hit, and it hit hard. After a while I realized the hole that I sank into, and hence ensued the mad, erratic, crazing fight to get up. I tried hard, I tried real hard, but especially in 11th grade, it seemed the whole cosmos strained malevolently to hold me back. Time after time; my crazed, desperation soaked, striving self was viciously/cruelly undermined by the dark malicious hand of luck/fate, and constant, hapless human error. From failure I would rise and rise, but these blind superficial movements with no rejuvenating reprieve of the ever elusive success, would debase to mere writhing of anguish. The frustration was immense: how do you prove that you really know a concept when your test scores fail to attest to your understanding and effort put in? However my redemption did come. As it turns out, I got to my immense surprise and delight, fours on my ap tests, at last I could shove something in everyone's face, it was that long awaited reprieve, something to lift my chin up, and regain faith in myself and in my future, Yeah nigga long enough. This review assignment for algebra 2 trig honors, illustrates the kind of method of learning that I can use in the future to learn. This review assignment is essentially...
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...Baking Tools and Equipment Mixing Tools Ovens Preparatory Tools Baking Tools Measuring Tools Baking Pans Other Baking Equipment Newtons 2nd Law of Motion The second law states that the net force on an object is equal to the rate of change (that is, the derivative) of its linear momentum pin an inertial reference frame: The second law can also be stated in terms of an object's acceleration. Since the law is valid only for constant-mass systems,[16][17][18] the mass can be taken outside the differentiation operator by the constant factor rule in differentiation. Thus, where F is the net force applied, m is the mass of the body, and a is the body's acceleration. Thus, the net force applied to a body produces a proportional acceleration. In other words, if a body is accelerating, then there is a force on it. Consistent with the first law, the time derivative of the momentum is non-zero when the momentum changes direction, even if there is no change in its magnitude; such is the case with uniform circular motion. The relationship also implies the conservation of momentum: when the net force on the body is zero, the momentum of the body is constant. Any net force is equal to the rate of change of the momentum. Any mass that is gained or lost by the system will cause a change in momentum that is not the result of an external force. A different equation is necessary for variable-mass systems (seebelow). Newton's second law requires modification if the effects of special...
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