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Blizzards Research Paper

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There are many types of climates. One of these are cold climates. Cold climates can cause weather such as blizzards and snow. A blizzard is a large and dangerous snowstorm. Sometimes strong winds pick up snow that has already fallen, creating a ground blizzard. They can even create life-threatening conditions.
Snowstorms might disrupt traffic, but blizzards make any kind of traveling nearly impossible.
The roads can be partially or fully blocked by snowdrifts and piles of snow form by the wind and it can last for days after the storm has ended. During blizzards, with the combination of cold temperatures and strong winds, very low wind chill benefits can appear with cold temperatures and strong winds together. It is …show more content…
The storm make plenty of snow while strong winds spread because of a difference in

pressure between the low pressure of the storm and the high pressure over the storm. In order to

qualify as a blizzard, winds have to be at least 35mph and rage for a long time, no less than three

hours or more. Heavy snowstorms with stacks of over a foot in depth are normal in the winter

beside the eastern seaboard of the United States.

Blizzards only occur in places where there is snow and where it is very cold. Some

examples are Siberia, Minnesota, parts of Canada, Washington, Eastern Europe, and etc.

However, In the United States, blizzards are common in the upper Midwest and the Great Plains

but they occur in most areas of the country except for the Gulf Coast and the California coast.

Snow is snow is precipitation in the form of ice crystals. Snow is most common in high

altitudes and high latitudes, most of the times among the mountainous regions of the Northern

and Southern Hemispheres. Snow is usually in places like Alaska, Antarctica, North Pole,

Greenland, Siberia, Canada and etc. Cold weather is not is places like Africa, South America,

and Australia because they are close to the equator, where it is very tropical. But snow does

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