Premium Essay

Gary Bredfeldt Leadership

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Words 1466
Pages 6
Laurie Pelosi
July 7, 2016
Book Review: Great Leader, Great Teacher

Submitted to:
Dr. Mary Lowe


Bredfeldt, Gary J. Great Leader Great Teacher. Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2006.
Barker, Kenneth L and John R Kohlenberger. Zondervan NIV Bible Commentary. Grand. Rapids, Mich.: Zondervan Pub. House, 1994


1.Gary J Bredfeldt, Great Leader Great Teacher (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2006).pg. 98
2.I.BID(pg. 133)
4.Gary J Bredfeldt, Great Leader Great Teacher (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2006).
7. Gary J Bredfeldt, Great Leader Great Teacher (Chicago: Moody Publishers, 2006)pg. 125
8. I.BID
9. NIV

The Book, Great Teacher Great leader by Gary Bredfeldt …show more content…
“Even in the church, new voices are being heard that call for a departure from a “leadership of ideology” to a “values-driven” leadership and from a “leadership of controlling hierarchy” to a leadership of “empowered networks of Christ followers.”[6] Bredfeldt reminds us of 1Timothy 3:1-13(NIV) who theologically understood his mission and his aspirations were followed. The description of virtue vs. values is clear and accurate and anyone who is concerned with their ability to lead should take notice of this section. There is a great deal to learn from these concepts because they all take into account our leadership role which can often be misconstrued for charisma. With passion we are lead with a belief that these competencies are necessary to achieve the goal. These skills always need to be self-assessed so our leader can lead a true secure spiritual life that members of the church and feel self-assured with their spiritual leader.
The remaining chapters give a clear vision of the challenges that arise when leading and ends with a sense of resolve to preserve the foundation of scripture and not to conform to the world’s many …show more content…
“Changes in the life of the contemporary church have created a crisis of leadership”. [7] Studies suggest that leaders are caught up in the influence of the size and demands of the church while trying to be virtuous and blameless. However, being a dedicated CEO does not provide leadership to the flock. I had to ask myself if this way of management was truly unbiblical. After further review, I have come to the conclusion that there is a place for church administrators to value special programs, but not in place of or define the leader’s role to equip those they minister too. Pastors and leaders are mandated to exhort and be committed to the Authority of the Bible and not to be swayed by the CEO models that are more easily accepted and

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