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A Different Definition Of Good Parenting Research Paper

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Words 784
Pages 4
Drew Colman
Ethics and Arguments
Stanley Lau
A Different Definition of Good Parenting Being a parent is a tough task, but what constitutes as being a good parent is an impossible one. Both Candy and Sharon believe that having a deaf baby is their right of choice. However, the opposing viewpoint believes that their choice to have a deaf baby is violating the sacred duty of parenthood. The sacred duty of parenthood is the belief that parents are supposed to provide their children with the best chances of being successful. Although some believe that having a deaf baby is unethical, Candy and Sharon have the right to have a deaf baby, and are still upholding the sacred duty of parenthood because they are promising to provide Gauvin an accepting community and safe household. …show more content…
Similarly to any other couple, Candy and Sharon have the freedom to choose whether Gauvin is deaf because their choice trumps Gauvin's. Their goal as parents is to raise their children in an open household, therefore, Gauvin needs to be deaf in order to create a strong bond with his parents. Communication is a vital element for the parents to relate to their child, and speaking the same language makes it easier. His parents are providing him a positive environment-in their home and in the deaf community-where he will learn that deafness is not a disability, but a difference that builds his identity. The deaf community will only be stronger with the addition of a new member. Candy and Sharon’s decision to have a deaf child makes humankind humane and accepting of

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