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Bob Seay Research Paper

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The Story of Bob Seay
Bob Seay is a 56-year-old man who was born in Dallas, Texas on July 17, 1979. He is now married with 5 children and he works as a music director at Lamar High School in Lamar, CO. He attended college at the University of Memphis where he received his Bachelors in Music Education. In 2016, Bob ran congress and lost to incumbent, Ken Buck. Bob is currently the chair for the Prowers County Democrats. Bob has been featured on the Huffington Post several times and his most circulated article was titled, “I Am Not Trayvon Martin”.
Bob grew up with both his parents and 5 siblings. His father worked primarily in the aerospace industry and he stated his mother was a “housewife”. The Seay family was a lower-middle-class family, …show more content…
Bob lived in neighborhoods with lower-middle class families that were ethnically mixed. He stated that Mexican people were not considered non-white back then. The neighborhoods that Bob lived in tended to be low in crime, there was a police presence, but it was rare for there to be any serious criminal activity. Bob stated that there were not any burglaries around nor gangs, people did use drugs such as glue (rubber cement) sniffing. Bob did not hear of any drug overdoses in his neighborhoods, if it happened, it was after he graduated college. An instance of crime that Bob witnessed around his neighborhood included a case of embezzlement at the grocery store that he worked …show more content…
(1969). Causes of Delinquency. Berkeley: Univeristy of California.
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