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Milgram Disobedience Study Ethical

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Kim: This serves as a rebuttal to Waltenburg regarding her stated position that the Milgram Disobedience Study was ethical. Waltenburg asserted that deception is common place and warranted in many psychological research studies. She provided an example in which research participants are frequently provided with sugar pills versus other subjects given the drug being tested. Regarding Milgram’s study, Waltenburg stated that Milgram properly conducted an interview with all subjects just as soon as the study was over with and that all participants appeared to be well. This response will feature scholarly evidence that deception, while common place, is never ethical; and Milgram did not properly conduct debriefing interviews with all participants …show more content…
This means that animals can be tortured or killed, and humans can be deceived, denied a cure from disease, or physically or mentally harmed if the study is deemed to result in beneficial information (Hauptman, 2008). Regarding the famous Milgram study, the innocents were, however, transformed into monsters (Hauptman, 2008), referring to those who executed the study. Waltenburg’s findings that Milgram properly conducted debriefing interviews are not accurate. In fact, many of the subjects reported that they received absolutely no debriefing whatsoever (Brannigan, 2013). A debriefing would have explained that the “scientists” and “learners” were actors and therefore fake (Brannigan, 2013). The dehoaxing would have explained to the subjects that the screams were also fake and no one was hurt during the study (Brannigan, 2013). When the debriefing interviews did not happen, the subjects went home thinking they had actually killed strangers simply because they could not execute learning exercises correctly. Consequently, participants were most certainly harmed for good. While it may be simple to take a good and hard look at the Milgram study “from the rear view mirror”, it is, perhaps, far better to imagine that the traumatized participants were one’s own husband, brother, or son. Would one’s analysis of the study ethics then

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