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Body To Tape Analysis Papers

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My freshman year of high school I was accidentally put into Sports Medicine II. I stayed in the class for a couple of months to see what the class was about. As I observed and began helping out more I became more and more intrigued by it, I later became a student athletic trainer. I learned a plethora of new skills and different ways to tape variant injuries. With certain injuries athletes must be taped a certain way. All tapings are different; some are intricate and take a long time and others are short and simple. My two favorite parts of the body to tape are ankles and elbows; ankles are such a challenge it makes you determine to perfect it and elbows have an interesting process. Taping ankles although a difficult process, but once attempted …show more content…
First I anchor the ankle started at the top of the ankle a single strip of tape is tightly wrapped around, then three strips of tape starting at the top of the ankle going straight down then bent at the arch of the foot connecting to the opposite side of the ankle; these are known as horseshoes. Once the three horseshoes are done another strip of tape is wrapped around the top to secure it. Next are the figure eights were one long piece is placed on the middle section of the ankle and I wrapped around the arch of the foot and ends at the starting place. The next step is the heel lock which is the most difficult step to me. Like the horseshoe the tape is placed a little bit lower than the mid-section of the ankle and wrapped around the arch of the foot and brought around the back of the heel and pulled upwards. After ripping the tape this step is repeated three more times each strip interchanging sides. To finish the ankle any open spaces showing pre-wrap are covered by small strips of tape on each separate opening; on both sides of the ankles there should be two triangle outlines which insures the ankle was taped

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