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Borders By Thomas King Summary

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Resilience and Acceptance: The Preservation of Cultural Identity. The connections to the traditions and territories of their ancestors are often fundamental to the identity and prosperity of many Indigenous Peoples and communities. The “Borders” by Thomas King and “A Mountain Legend” by Jordan Wheeler are two works that reflect both authors’ emphasis on conserving cultural heritage and resiliency when overcoming adversities affecting Indigenous identities. Specifically, Thomas King paints an upsetting portrait projecting the ongoing struggle for Indigenous acceptance and influence. The story follows an Indigenous boy and his mother on their expedition to cross the Canadian-American border to visit family while facing opposition from political …show more content…
At the same time, Muskawashee passes down his heritage and legacy to future generations. Jason’s journey reflects a deep desire to reconnect with his Indigenous roots and prove himself, showing the resilience of Indigenous identity. Similarly, Muskawashee’s tragic story reflects Jason’s struggles, highlighting Indigenous youth’s challenges when exploring their cultural identity. However, as Jason confronts his fears and embraces his heritage, he finds acceptance within himself upon climbing the mountain and meeting Muskawashee, going beyond social expectations to preserve his cultural identity. Whereas in “Borders,” the Mother conveys this differently as she demonstrates the preservation of cultural identity through her resilience in fighting for cultural recognition against others oppressing her identity. While initially confused about his cultural identity, Jason overcomes this obstacle. He demonstrates how preserving cultural identity strengthens resilience in the face of adversities, which helps guide the way to individual

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