Premium Essay

Born Free Generation


Submitted By shayed13
Words 378
Pages 2
Over recent years, a lot of attention has been placed on this so called born free generation. But why? Born after 1994, this generation is born into Democratic SA, free from the horrors of apartheid, and it is this generation that is coming of age, able to vote and become participant’s in democracy rather than beneficiaries. It is this reality that has drawn the attention, mainly political toward potentially powerful generation.
They don’t carry baggage from apartheid for they were not there. They don’t feel loyalty to the ANC because the ANC did not free them.
Born free is not always a compliment. The social character of the born-free generation is perceived to be carefree over-indulgence in leisure, entertainment, and promiscuity. Reference to a born free is used to describe the youth as an ignorant generation that has no regard for history but is at the same time happy to enjoy life under a free and democratic dispensation.
This conception is true; 18 year olds are generally pleasure seeking, so why is this used as a negative characteristic? It is used by the elder generations in the ANC to remind youth what they did for South Africa; an attempt to gain the born frees loyalty to ensure the ANC’s stronghold in the government.
Change is inevitable as it is this Born Fee generation who are already showing signs of being fed up, with the standard of education, unemployment/crime, and BEE.
There is a general view that South African youth is faced with an array of life threatening challenges unemployment, teenage pregnancy, poor education system, improper up bring and socialization by parents who are still healing the sours caused by the bitterness of their past.
This generation has been left with the task to restore the true vision of a Democratic South Africa that was fought so hard for by Nelson Mandela and many other liberation heroes’. If the ruling

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