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Bottled Water Research Paper

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Drinking from a water bottle has become a very normal everyday experience for many people; another everyday situation? Going for a walk down the street and encountering litter as far as the eye can see. Bottled water has its advantages but I, along with many others, see the bad in bottled water. This essay will focus on the problems bottled water has caused. Many people believe that their one bottle will not cause a large impact on the ecosystem. However, that one bottle will easily become many when you get into a habit of drinking bottled water. According to the International Bottled Water Association (2013) “In 2012, total U.S. bottled water consumption increased to 9.67 billion gallons…with every person in America drinking an average of 30.8 gallons of bottled water last year.” The average water bottle you buy in a store is 16.9 fluid ounces, 30.8 gallons is equal to 3942.4 fluid ounces, and 3942.4 divided by 16.9 is about equal to 233. Meaning, the average American in 2012 drank 233 bottles of water that year. The 9.67 billion gallons of water being consumed in a year in America, is similar to 73,240,236,686 bottles of water. After use, most of those bottles are put into our trash and taken to landfills. Many Americans find that using …show more content…
Contrary to popular belief, bottled water is not healthier. As bottles are reused, the water can absorb bacteria and chemicals such as DEHA, a possible human carcinogen, and benzyl butyl phthalate, a potential hormone disrupter from the plastic bottle itself. According to ABC News (n.d), "Bottled water may be no safer or healthier than tap water, while selling for up to 1,000 times the price.” So not only are you more than likely not benefiting when it comes to your health, but also spending more than 1000 times the price for your bottled water than the tap water that is readily available in most American

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