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Darkness Research Paper

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Pages 4
I haven't willingly written about darkness. I wrote an essay about it once but restricting my words to 500 was torturous. It is a topic I have thought about on many occassions and which means a lot to me, I cannot limit my art and expression to 500 words.
The darkness is never ending. It is constant and thus its absence is comfortingly permanent. It will always be there, in its complete and utter lack of presence.
The darkness is addicting. It is empty and devoid of all life. It is also by definition devoid of all pain.
There is no pain in the darkness. There is no happiness in the darkness. There is no anger in the darkness. There is no love in the darkness. There is nothing in the darkness.
The darkness can become a home to you. It can hold you in its black tendrils and swear to keep you safe for all eternity. All you have to do is give up your emotions. Just give them up and everything will be gone. Well, everything except boredom that is. The darkness is empty. Nothing happens in the darkness. It is merely an absent, silent guard that surrounds you and keeps you in its grasp.
Don't get me wrong...I don't hate the darkness. It saved me when I was so angry i felt I could explode, when i was so sad I thought I would shatter into a billion pieces. But it …show more content…
Tell me...what would you see?
First I used to see life. I used to see the world buzzing with activity and people and everyone was a collective unit, humanity as a species, just existing and being alive. It used to make me proud that I was a part of such a beautiful collective whole.
Then I used to see pain. I used to look down on the world and see it through a tinted red frame, I used to see the death and the ways people hurt each other and everything around them and I wanted so desperately to help. It used to make me sad that the world I live in is full of death I cannot

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