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Pill Bug Lab Report

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Taxis is a directional movement that veers away from or toward stimuli while kinesis in the context of this lab refers to non-directed movement that is made in response to stimuli. This isopod, which is a sow bug (Oniscus sp. / Porcellio sp.), generally moved to and stayed in the chamber that was under the foil upon the introduction of the lamp. In the darkness, the isopod was considerably more active than in the light. Though Morris’s (1999) study did not explicitly focus on sow bugs and pill bugs, his research is based around isopods and his results support the idea that this was an example of kinesis, in that the presence of the light in one chamber decreased the bug’s activity in that area. Since negative photokinesis describes the increase …show more content…
In the first trial, the sow bug remained in the dry area for an extended period of time, often turning away from the entrance to the moistened chamber until 3:25 when it entered the wet chamber, as can be seen from Table 3. The isopod spent a longer time in the moistened area in the second run; it sought out the wet chamber after only 33 seconds. This behaviour seems to be an example of taxis, placing heavier emphasis on the second trial as the sow bug quickly entered the wet chamber. Since the isopod directly entered the moist chamber after a short period of time in the dry chamber, the behaviour can be classified as taxis. As can be seen in Table 3 for the first trial, after entering the moistened area at 3:25 it left for the middle compartment momentarily before returning to the chamber at 4:20. It repeated this behaviour in the second trial where it entered the wet chamber at 0:33, left for the middle area at 2:40, but returned to the moistened chamber at 2:50. The sow bug exhibited positive hygrotaxis, or the process of moving towards an area of higher humidity. This is due to its response to noticing the existence of the moistened area; once it entered the chamber that was wet, it remained in the vicinity for the duration of the 5-minute time

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