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Submitted By saritagkrishnan
Words 3057
Pages 13
SRATEGIC MEMO INTERIM REPORT ON KARNATAKA POWER TRANSMISSION CORPORATION LIMITED (KPTCL) By, Suma Ragupathi (10050) Sunil M (10051) Swathy Swaminathan (10053) Thirtha (10055) Gunjan Modi (10078) Sarita G. Krishnan (10103) GROUP B2 : NAPOLEON |


1. HISTORY 3 1.1 Power Generation and Transmission in Karnataka State 3 1.2 Re-structuring of KEB into KPTCL 4 2. VISION AND MISSION 5 2.1 Vision 5 2.2 Mission 5 3. ENVIRONMENT ANALYSIS 6 3.1 Political situation in Karnataka 6 3.2 Economic situation in Karnataka 6 3.3 Social situation in Karnataka 7 3.4 Technological innovations in power sector 7 4. INDUSTRY ANALYSIS 9 4.1 Current Scenario 9 4.2 Challenges and Risks 9 5. SWOT ANALYSIS of KPTCL 11 5.1 Strengths 11 5.2 Weaknesses: 11 5.3 Opportunities 12 5.4 Threats 12 6. KPTCL’s CURRENT SITUATION 13 6.1 Demand-Supply Status 13 6.2 Present Karnataka State Power Scenario 14 6.3 Financial Position of ESCOMS 15 6.4 Energy Sufficiency – Capacity Addition 15 7. DELIVERABLES FOR THE FULL REPORT 16


1.1 Power Generation and Transmission in Karnataka State
The erstwhile Mysore State had the enviable and glorious position of establishing the first major hydro-electric generating station at Shivasamudram as early as 1902 for commercial operation. The art at that time was still in its infancy, even in the advanced countries. The longest transmission line, at the highest voltage in the world, was constructed to meet the power needs of mining operations at Kolar Gold Fields
The generating capacity of the

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