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Brain Based Learning Analysis

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1. Read the article Six Tips for Brain Based Learning. Describe two of the tips that you found useful and explain how you might apply them to the classroom.

One of the tips that I found useful for applying in the classroom is creating a safe climate for learning. I am working towards becoming a physical education teacher and having a safe climate is very important. There are many safety factors that go along with physical education. For example, proper clothing, good playing surface and making sure no one hurts each other. However, there is another form of creating a safe climate for learning. That is making sure students are engaged in learning. Physical education can be tricky. We all remember the kids who would just sit in the corner of our PE class never engaged in the activities. As a teacher, our emphasize is to have everyone engage and by doing so we need to create a safe climate for learning. Another tip that I will find useful in a classroom is emphasizing feedback. When showing children, a certain skill it is very important to provide them critical feedback. Without feedback students will not …show more content…
View the “Physiology of Learning” powerpoint in the “Learning Activities” folder. Which of the brain basics stood out to you and why?

The brain basic that stood out to me was number 2. Learning is a function of experience. The more sensory rich the experience the better. Reason why this stood out to me the most is because physical education requires much sensory recognition. For example, having a child keep a balloon in the area is very similar to keeping a volleyball in the air when you get older. Being sensory rich will better the experience. Prior experience and knowledge will help the student learn skills a lot easier than a student who didn’t have prior experience and knowledge.

3. View one of the videos from the Neuroscience and the Classroom: Making Connections Series. What insights about teaching did you gain from watching the video you

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