...Industrial Organizational Psychology Paper Edward Oliver, Jr. 435/ Industrial Organizational Psychology May 23, 2012 Dr. Keisha Pou Industrial Organizational Psychology Paper In the 21st century various companies in the United States and internationally have used Industrial Organizational Psychology (I/O) in the workplace. For example, AT&T use extrinsic rewards programs to motivate their sales representative to increase sell volumes at each mobility center. Kaiser Permanente also has extrinsic rewards if the departments in the faculties have a high score in customer service they receive an expenses paid vacation to an exotic island in the Bahamas or Caribbean. In this paper the author will identify the evolution of Industrial/Organizational psychology, the difference of Industrial/Organizational psychology and other disciples of psychology, the use of Industrial/Organizational psychology in companies, and the role of Industrial/Organizational psychology in research and statistics. The evolution of Industrial/Organizational Psychology According to Spector (2008), the evolution of I/O psychology begins in the twentieth century, which started in the late 1800s. The two psychologists responsible for I/O psychology is Hugo Munsterberg and Walter Dill Scott both of these...
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...Hi Michele, Thank you for submitting the report on Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political, and Social Philosophy. I can see you have a personal philosophy expressing good ideas on the six fields of philosophy. When I reviewed the Unit 2 IP submission, I noted there was information that directly matched the content in several websites, word for word. (Identified on the Turnitin Report) at 17%. This is an instructional note Michele to let you know the issues with paraphrasing or using complete sentences without directly quoting and citing. When you paraphrase or borrow direct sentences, the information is written without your voice, words, phrases, or ideas. When paraphrasing a sentence citation and quotes are required. It is generally accepted that using three or more of the author’s original words is a direct lift and requires quotation marks or indentation. Changing one or a few words in a paragraph does not constitute paraphrasing the material. It is necessary to quote phrases or words identical to the authors, or it will change its meaning. However, direct quotes, not proper names or titles, should be limited. At least 85% of your paper should be in your own words, (not copied) and include a citation. When copying or borrowing other people's work, it is difficult to gauge your understanding of the material, because writing information verbatim does not show me that you read the material, thought about, perhaps analyzed it, broke...
Words: 3142 - Pages: 13
...Explanations of the Branches of Philosophy Jacqueline T. Ashley April 3, 2016 AIU Online Professor Ian McDougall Explanations of the Branches of Philosophy Philosophy is the study of the primary essence of knowledge, reality, and existence, mainly when viewed as an educational regimen. Philosophy includes an approach of questions and answers among a couple of individuals; this approach is referred to as a dialogue. In a dialogue, an individual is searching for a reasonable view and comprehension and the other individual already has to understand and wants to assist the other. Philosophy encompasses six branches to aid in the comprehension of the orderly and logical approach to philosophy. The six branches are Metaphysics, Epistemology, Ethics, Aesthetics, Political philosophy, and social philosophy. The first branch in understanding in understanding philosophy is Metaphysics is the branch of philosophy that handles the first concepts of things, including conceptual principles like being, knowing, substance, cause, identity, time, and space. Metaphysics is the first branch of philosophy credible for the research of existence and reality. It answers the question “What is?” It involves everything that occurs or lives as well as the type of existence itself. It determines whether the society is actual or simply a hallucination. It is an underlying perspective of society. It is the base of philosophy. If there was no justification or explanation of the society surrounding...
Words: 1351 - Pages: 6
...Psychology Industrial and organizational psychology is the scientific study of human behavior in the workplace. I-O psychologists contribute to an organization's success by improving the performance, satisfaction, safety, health and well-being of its employees. An I–O psychologist conducts research on employee behaviors and attitudes, and how these can be improved through hiring practices, training programs, feedback, and management systems. I–O psychologists also help organizations transition among periods of change and development. 2.2. Key areas of I/O Psychology * Training & Development * Employee Selection * Ergonomics * Performance Management * Work Life * Organizational Development 2.3. Various branches in Psychology * Abnormal Psychology * Behavioral Psychology * Biopsy Psychology * Cognitive Psychology * Comparative Psychology * Cross – cultural Psychology * Development Psychology * Educational Psychology * Experimental Psychology * Forensic Psychology 2.3. Organizational or Corporate Culture/Climate Organizational culture is the behavior of humans who are part of an...
Words: 2411 - Pages: 10
...Reflection of the Six Branches of Philosophy Various branches of philosophy have always become great debates in society. Many have questioned metaphysics, epistemology, ethics, aesthetics, political philosophy and social philosophy. The author will discuss and reflect on the six branches of philosophy in which she will describe a time in her life when she have asked similar questions. In addition, the author will discuss specific circumstances that brought her to each of the questions and what conclusions she came about. Metaphysics The author believes that people do have free will and that God has given men the greatest gift of all, the ability of choice. Growing up the author was accustomed to hearing that life is already predetermined by fate, but through a mature life the author has come to the conclusion that one can determine their own fate by the choices they make in life. Understanding that people from various cultures have different values, morals and beliefs can lead people to see things only one sided. If a person grows up in poverty it doesn’t mean that he or she is destined for poverty. Everyone has choice and free will to break the poverty cycle by becoming successful and living a rich and prosperous life. When the author speaks of rich it’s speaking in terms of supportive and appreciative friends and family who loves one another unconditionally. In the words of Wayne Dyer be miserable. Or motivate yourself. Whatever has to be done, it’s always your choice (2014)...
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