...[pic] Incident Response Plan Template for Breach of Personal Information Notice to Readers Acknowledgments Introduction Incident Response Plan Incident Response Team Incident Response Team Members Incident Response Team Roles and Responsibilities Incident Response Team Notification Types of Incidents Breach of Personal Information – Overview Definitions of a Security Breach Requirements Data Owner Responsibilities Location Manager Responsibilities When Notification Is Required Incident Response – Breach of Personal Information Information Technology Operations Center Chief Information Security Officer Customer Database Owners Online Sales Department Credit Payment Systems Legal Human Resources Network Architecture Public Relations Location Manager Appendix A MasterCard Specific Steps Visa U.S.A. Specific Steps Discover Card Specific Steps American Express Specific Steps Appendix B California Civil Code 1798.82 (Senate Bill 1386) Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA) Gramm-Leach-Bliley Act (GLBA) Appendix C Escalation Members (VP Level of Management) Auxiliary Members (as needed) External Contacts (as needed) Notification Order Escalation Member Notification List Notice to Readers Incident Response Plan – Template for Breach of Personal Information does not represent an official position of the American Institute...
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...and also blur out the license plates of vehicles and other information like that. Thus, we can see that, overall the German people did not provide a positive response to Google Street View; since they believed it would invade their private lives inside their homes by roaming the streets and taking pictures. Part B Jeff Jarvis tried to convince the German people that Google Street View was not actually invading their privacy, but it was taking pictures of historical sites and national monuments, which were publicly owned. Occasionally, it would include people in its pictures. But these would still be legal as the Google cameras were not focusing on specific individuals. Jeff Jarvis also compared the Google Street View with the European tabloid “Bild”, which also invaded people’s privacy. He tried to convince the people that the Google cameras would not be invading their privacy inside their homes. He also claimed that Germans were selective in their privacy policies because they took pictures of miscreants and criminals, which should be a violation of their privacy. The message he tried to get across was that Google Street View was an...
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...HIPAA- How To Avoid Data Breach? How do data breaches occur? • we suspect our information system has been • targeted and patient information exposed. After one a laptop and other portable device is lost or stolen. • We did a rapid assessment to mitigation of damage and is and define scope of the incident we discovered following facts: – – – – data are not encrypted laptop are not protected by password Information of patients are exposed. No log file exist What are consequences of these breaches ? A data security breach can have devastating consequences for healthcare organizations as well as patients or clients What are our strategies to prevent theses breaches • We must be in compliance with the final HIPAA Omnibus Rule through following : – Administrative safeguards – Physical safeguards – Technical safeguards What is HIPAA? • HIPAA: Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act • It was passed by Congress in 1996 • broadly applicable to the health care industry • intended to address security for both electronic and physical patient records • standardizing electronic exchange of administrative & financial data in health care system • It includes requirements for: • Transfer and continuation of health insurance coverage • Reducing healthcare fraud and waste – The protection and confidential handling of protected health information (PHI) What is a breach? – A breach is an impermissible use or disclosure that compromises the security or privacy of PHI and poses a significant...
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...Administrative Ethics Danjerell Burks HCS/335 December 10, 2014 Susam Miedzianowski Administrative Ethics In this paper I will discuss patient privacy and the population it affects the most. Along with ethical and legal issues dealing with breaches of patients records and explain managerial responsibilities related to patient privacy. Identify any proposed solutions. The issue is patient privacy” previous regulations had required a practice to notify affected patients and the federal government only if it determined that a breach involving patient records had occurred and that it carried a significant risk of financial or reputational harm to patients”. “Which raised concerns from privacy advocates that practices should not have the discretion to determine those matters” (Lubell, Jenifer, HIPPA gets tougher on physicians, February 4, 2013 www.amednews.com/APPS/PBCS.DLL/PERSONALIA?ID=JLUBELL). This issue has had and impact on physicians, “under the new privacy rules doctors must assume the worst case scenario in the event of a possible privacy breach”. “Now any incident involving patient records is assumed to be a breach, unless a practice conducts a risk assessment that proves a low probability that any protected information was compromised the breach must be reported”(Lubell, Jenifer, HIPPA gets tougher on physicians, February 4, 2013 www.amednews.com/APPS/PBCS.DLL/PERSONALIA?ID=JLUBELL). The argument that is being used is that “some of the largest security breaches...
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...Security Breach Madeleisy Molerio HCS/533 December 1, 2014 KYM PFRANK Security Breach Patient medical records privacy and security is the most essential parts of the St. Johns Hospital program of behavior, the hospital take satisfaction in the complete policies and actions that are set to preserve patient privacy. Each worker is apprehended to an extreme standard of upholding the maximum level of confidentiality and privacy when is refer to patient health data. This document will make a summary of the strategy that St. John’s hospital has produced in a circumstance of a security breach or security risk in the service. The administration in the St. John’s Hospital have lately been informed that employees has perceived some of the cleaning person are browsing correspondence that was dropped in the Data Systems (DS) department, this has occurred on many occasions. The cleaning personnel is given by an outside company and are not hire directly by workers of St. John’s Hospital, which creates the security breach a little more dangerous. Workers have been trained to challenge the cleaning personnel if they eyewitness something similar like this, however a lot of the employee would prefer to have an affiliate of supervision to challenge the personnel. The employee in the DS department have been educated on what moves to proceeds when are conducting PHD and private data, nevertheless it appears that some of the employees are acting negligent when succeeding the guidelines...
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...Additional Comments about Employment Business Torts of: Assault Battery & False Imprisonment Assault And Battery Also known as “Trespass to the person”, this tort involves the intentional physical interference with another person. Even faking a punch, pointing a gun, threatening to hit someone with an object could be considered an assault and therefore a tort for which the victim could pursue an action in court (lawsuit). It is important to keep in mind that when we talk about a “business tort” of assault we are referring to a civil wrong, NOT a criminal wrong. However, the criminal law ALSO contains an assault as a criminal wrong (defined in the Criminal Code). This means that an individual could be sued for the tort of assault and battery at the same time an authorized government agency could charge the same person with a criminal assault. Consider the case of Mr. Todd Bertuzzi, a former Vancouver Canuck hockey player who was charged with assault as well as sued for the tort of assault at the same time. Reference: Bruce v. Coliseum Management Ltd. (1998), 165 D.L.R. (4th) 472 (BCCA). False Imprisonment False imprisonment can sometimes occur in the employment law setting. Effectively, this tort involves the intentional restraint of an individual against their will and without the lawful authority to do so. This could include holding someone in a back room of a store or physically restraining someone – scenarios that might occur in the retail or business environment...
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...are tasked with, because patient privacy can be at risk. Many times if the employee was not properly trained management can become liable for whatever damage was done. Located in Virginia, Bon Secours a seven-hospital health system recently announced that some 5,000 former patients had their protected health information compromised following an electronic health records data breach. Two members of the patient care team accessed patients' medical records in a "manner that was inconsistent with their job functions and hospitals procedures and inconstant with the training they received regarding appropriate access of patient medical records," according to a notice on the health system's site (Lubell). In this particular case, the employees involved in this incident have been terminated from their positions, and According to system officials, local and federal law enforcement agencies have formed The Peninsula Task Force to work with Bon Secours to thoroughly investigate this matter and to determine if any patient information may have been used illegally. This situation was unfortunate for the employee's involved as well as the patient's affected. Hopefully, there will be no fraudulent uses of the patient's information found once the investigation is over, but knowing that it was possible makes me the think about what measures need to be taken to make sure that the situation doesn’t occur again in any hospital o health care facility. Patient Privacy Laws and Ethics The Health Insurance...
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...HIPAA provides rights to patients over health information and limits who can see or receive health information. Patients or patient’s personal representation has rights to their own medical records; however do not have access to psychotherapy notes. HIPAA privacy rules limits on who can see your medical records. Any information pertaining conversations with medical staff, health insurance, billing information and health information is protected. For example, employers cannot see you medical records and can’t be shared; unless you give your employer, a written consent or authorization. If rights are being denied based on discrimination or a violation of HIPAA privacy or security rule occurs; a complaint can be filed. Therefore; HIPAA does affect medical records, but it also protects our health information. A complaint is filed; when a cover entity has violated health information either by privacy rights or violation of privacy rules or security rules. Any person can file the complaint. The complaint must be filed in writing either by paper or electronically. When emailing the complaint, a signature is not needed for consent forms or the complaint. An email represents the signature. The complaint must name the cover entity and description of the violation act of what you believed that was violated and what happened. The complaint must be filed within 180 days from the day the incident occurred. For an extension, you must show a good cause to the office of civil rights. A complaint...
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...Information Security Detroit Hospital Security Breach CMGT441 John Ebel May 18, 2014 Information Security Detroit Hospital Security Breach Security breaches can be a detrimental to any company, especially if the breach brings out sensitive information belonging to individuals. Sensitive information is as simple as a name, dates of birth, personal records, or any other type of personal information that is able to be used by someone to defraud any other individual or a business. The impacts of such a security breach like the one that occurred at the Henry Ford Health Systems hospital in Detroit, Michigan when a laptop was used to store data that was compiled on a spreadsheet that was not encrypted. This is just one example, though there were a few incidents at this hospital where data was stolen. Incident Background A laptop was stolen from an office at the Henry Ford Health System hospital, the laptop did contain password protection software but it was standard protection that could easily be broken by anyone that knew their way around a computer slightly. The information on the laptop didn’t include social security or health insurance information, but it did have “patient names, medical record numbers, dates of birth, telephone numbers, e-mail addresses, and treatment and doctor visits” (Moscaritolo, 2010, p. 1). The laptop is thought to have had about 4,000 patient’s information, and all records were related to services that were done over the past eleven...
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..."Information Protection and Privacy" Please respond to the following: Based on the e-Activity, evaluate the circumstances that contributed to the privacy violation, the consequence to the company to the breach, and management’s response to the breach, indicating the appropriateness of the response. Suggest how the company may have presented the breach and / or responded differently once the breach was discovered. Provide support for your rationale. Assess the ethical considerations for information privacy, indicating how these considerations should be addressed with a corporate policy. Provide support for your rationale. "Information Protection and Privacy": The word 'privacy' means different things to different people, it affect both personal and business. As individuals, we need some amount of privacy to succeed. As a person we need to protect our thoughts from intruders because if others new our must intimate thoughts they could use that information to manipulate our decision making process. Business, need to protect their trade secret and information they collect from their customer to succeed. My objectives for this week e-activity consist of, evaluating the circumstances that contributed to the privacy violation, the consequence to the company to the breach, and management’s response to the breach, indicating the appropriateness of the response. Facebook is an online social network that allows users to create detailed online profiles and connect with other users,...
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...Can a teacher’s (or parent’s) democratic right to know ever over-ride a child’s right to privacy? Fundamental to democracy is the right of the people to know. Democracy dictates that all citizens have a right to be fully informed, and thus have a right to know - this applies equally to children as to adults. However, counterbalancing the democratic right to know is the right to privacy. It is here that conflict arises – at what stage does the right to know override the right to privacy? The concept of privacy needs to be considered in five key areas – bodily observation (what we observe of others), bodily space (that which concerns our personal body), property (that which we own), information (documented and undocumented about ourselves) and thoughts and communication (personal thoughts and feelings). Each of these key areas has levels of privacy invasion acceptable to society. For example, bodily space invasion may be permitted when assisting those who are physically unable to perform a task by themselves. Privacy is something we value and may take for granted; however, there are occasions when an invasion of privacy may be justified. If privacy is to be breached, there must be compelling evidentially based reasons (legal, moral or prudential) for doing so. For example – parents have a vested interest in their children’s education, and in how they are performing. Information shared by the school with the parents regarding how their child is performing can assist...
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...Running Head: SECURITY BREACH Security Breach faced by Sony Corporation Introduction In the global marketplace, to attract the customers and provide relevant information to the customers, internet is used by most of firms as a promotional tool. In this, web-sites, social networking sites, etc. are used by the firms to communicate with the customers. Although, many security tools and techniques are used by the firms to secure the data of firm and customers, yet, some security breaches are also faced by the firms due to technical advancement. For this paper, Sony Corp. is selected that has faced security breach. Sony Corporation is a multinational firm that operates its business in global market and belongs to Japan and produces electronic products for the customers (Sony Corp. Info, 2011). There will be discussion about products information, contact information, internet marketing strategies, privacy policy of the firm, etc. Evaluation of Website Sony Corporation provides whole relevant information on the website of the firm about its products, services, etc (Sony Corp. Info, 2011). Areas that are evaluated for the firm are as follow: Product information: Sony Corporation has developed its website effectively that attracts the customers to purchase products. The firm provides all relevant information about the products on its website. Additionally, the firm also has made a list of its products that includes various categories of products...
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...Internet Technology, Marketing and Security ------------------------------------------------- BUS508029VA016-1122-001 Prof. Etido Akpan Internet Technology, Marketing and Security An online presence is vital for today’s businesses. Many major corporations use social networking and the Internet to market and sell products, which requires the collection of data in order to facilitate these purchases. Unfortunately this can leave these corporations vulnerable to security breaches in an attempt to steal the information contained in these databases. One major corporation that suffered a security breach recently was Sony Corporation, which had two database security breaches in 2011. Sony Corporation was founded in May of 1946 and is headquartered in Tokyo, Japan with a U.S. Division called Sony Corporation of America. They have approximately 168,000 employees worldwide. Their major product lines are audio, video, televisions, information and communications, semiconductors, and electronic components. In 2010 global consolidated sales and operating revenue were $7,181,300 billion Yen or approximately $89.8 million US dollars (Sony Corporation, 2012). Sony Corporation has two websites, www.sony.com for the U.S. business lines and www.sony.net for the global corporate site. Each website is very similar in its offerings. Product information is available with detailed specs, and there are options to purchase some products online or links to purchase from a Sony store...
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...A Literature Review “Privacy and Health Information Technology” Deborah Jones Dr. Udoh Udom Health Information Systems HAS 520 12/06/10 Introduction The increased use of health information technology (Health IT) is a common element of privacy of medical information. Proponents hope that the increased use of health IT will improve health outcomes for individual patients by facilitating the delivery of evidence-based care and reducing medical errors. Additionally, proponents hope that increasing information sharing among providers will better coordinate care within and across health care settings. Health IT facilitates the creation of a comprehensive health record that can move with an individual over his or her lifetime, in contrast to the fragmented records that exist today. Further, health IT is promoted as a critical tool for improving population health by allowing for the more efficient gathering of data regarding the effectiveness of certain treatments. Finally, health IT is also expected to help decrease health costs by reducing the duplication of services and the delivery of unnecessary or inappropriate care. This paper examines some of the “gaps” in privacy protections that arise out of the current federal health privacy standard, the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability (HIPAA) Privacy Rule, the main federal law which governs the use and disclosure of health information. Additionally, it puts forth a range of possible solutions, accompanied by...
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...I. Introduction: Because of the rapid and comprehensive utilization, sharing and information dissemination of data on the internet, guidelines that are enacted to protect data security have to undergo a lengthy process and several amendments to effectively address problems that may arise from data breach involving data subjects and organizations. Such is the case for the Philippines Data Privacy Act of 2012 and the EU Directive of 1995 which have both undergone reforms to keep up with the evolving demands of data security. This research aims to tackle how the newly revised policies of the Philippines Data Privacy Act of 2012 and the European Union’s new data protection framework would affect issues on data protection as business relationships...
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