...period and into modern times, there have been many schemes to protect sensitive data. Notable technics are George Washington's book-key ciphers, Thomas Jefferson’s ‘cylinder,’ (Menezes, Van Oorschot, & Vanstone, 1997, p. 243) and the Nazi Enigma Machine of World War II. (Piper & Murphy, 2002) There has always been a need to have secure communications and the ability to safeguard data that has been intercepted. Modern Cryptology is an art form that uses the science of mathematics in order to provide secrecy, authenticity, and security in the transport of data. “Cryptology also enables us to create trust relationships over open networks; more in general, cryptographic protocols allow mutually distrusting parties to achieving a common goal while protecting their own interests.” (Furnell, Katsikas, Lopez, & Patel, 2008, p. 105) The methods by which these transactions can occur are many; however, they can be broken down into two categories; symmetric key encryption and asymmetric key encryption. Public key encryption uses the asymmetric key approach. We will discuss both methods later. The advent of e-commerce has created a greater need for public-key encryption schemes to provide security and privacy during online ordering, banking, bill payment, and other sensitive transactions. We hear it in the news all the time about hackers breaking into...
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...period and into modern times, there have been many schemes to protect sensitive data. Notable technics are George Washington's book-key ciphers, Thomas Jefferson’s ‘cylinder,’ (Menezes, Van Oorschot, & Vanstone, 1997, p. 243) and the Nazi Enigma Machine of World War II. (Piper & Murphy, 2002) There has always been a need to have secure communications and the ability to safeguard data that has been intercepted. Modern Cryptology is an art form that uses the science of mathematics in order to provide secrecy, authenticity, and security in the transport of data. “Cryptology also enables us to create trust relationships over open networks; more in general, cryptographic protocols allow mutually distrusting parties to achieving a common goal while protecting their own interests.” (Furnell, Katsikas, Lopez, & Patel, 2008, p. 105) The methods by which these transactions can occur are many; however, they can be broken down into two categories; symmetric key encryption and asymmetric key encryption. Public key encryption uses the asymmetric key approach. We will discuss both methods later. The advent of e-commerce has created a greater need for public-key encryption schemes to provide security and privacy during online ordering, banking, bill payment, and other sensitive transactions. We hear it in the news all the time about hackers breaking into supposedly...
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...Prologue: Cryptography is an excellent art/science of protecting data from unwanted intruders by transforming the data to an unreadable format which can be brought back to the original form only by those who are authenticated to do so. This system depends vastly on a principle of key usage and is the basic underlying principle of network security. A detailed technical discussion of cryptography ,particularly from a network’s stand point provides a compelling and an up to date examination of the political and the social issues that are now inextricably intertwined with cryptography. A complete discussion of cryptography itself requires a complete book and so we touch on only the essential aspects of cryptography. It is now high time to introduce Alice and Bob who are essentially the widely accepted persons for a discussion on networks as communicators. Also ,the third party Trudy ,the intruder also has a wide role to play in hacking the discussion of the two. So the whole thread would hang about these three and the ways there adhere to secure and hack the data that is transmitted. A First look on Terminologies Now its high time to know the basic terminologies of Cryptography. Firstly the text that we type in the human understandable format is called as the Plain Text. The plain text is then converted to a generally incomprehensive form called as the Cipher text using a technique called Encryption which usually does this, and the cipher is transmitted. Precisely...
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...and whether higher education is ready to embrace it. Colleges and universities have significant opportunities to apply knowledge management practices to support every part of their mission A re the concepts of knowledge management (KM) applicable to colleges and universities? Some would argue that sharing knowledge is their raison d’être. If that is the case, then the higher education sector should be replete with examples of institutions that leverage knowledge to spur innovation, improve customer service, or achieve operational excellence. However, although some examples exist, they are the exception rather than the rule. Knowledge management is a new field, and experiments are just beginning in higher education. E D U C A U S E Q U A R T E R LY • Number 4 2000 Knowledge Basics Knowledge management is the process of transforming information and intellec- tual assets into enduring value. It connects people with the knowledge that they need to take action, when they need it. In the corporate sector, managing knowledge is considered key to achieving breakthrough competitive advantage. But what is knowledge? Knowledge starts as data—raw facts and numbers— for example, the market value of an institution’s endowment. Information is data put into context—in the same example, the endowment per student at a particular institution. Information is readily cap- 28 tured in documents or in...
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...nutrients, salts, enzymes and urea. The cardiovascular system transports simple molecules and materials to the liver and the body cells via the blood stream. This happens through the hearts pumping actions. The Respiratory System The respiratory system always refreshes oxygen within the lungs, it gets rid of the waste products like carbon dioxide and water, and this is done throughout actions like breathing. The dissolved oxygen passes through the alveolar walls into the bloodstream; this is then transported into the cells. Body cells are persistently being made into raw materials such as glucose and other nutrients like dissolved oxygen. This happens so the process of catabolism can take place, this is when chemicals reactions breaking down the molecules to release energy. Glucose oxidisation also takes place and this is when energy can be released to do work within the cells, this takes place within...
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...SYLLABUS DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM & MIS MBA–3rd SEMESTER, M.D.U., ROHTAK External Marks : 70 Time : 3 hrs. Internal Marks : 30 UNIT - I Decision Support System : Overview, components and classification, steps in constructing a dss, role in business, group decision support system. UNIT - II Information system for strategic advantage, strategic role for information system, breaking business barriers, reengineering business process, improving business qualities. UNIT - III Information system analysis and design, information SDLC, hardware and software acquisition, system testing, documentation and its tools, conversion methods. UNIT - IV Marketing IS, Manufacturing IS, Accounting IS, Financial IS. 67 DECISION SUPPORT SYSTEM & MIS MBA 3rd Semester (DDE) UNIT – I Q. Define Decision Support System. Explain its characteristics and need. Ans. A decision support system is an information system application that assists decision making. DSS tends to be used in planning, analyzing, alternatives and trial and error search for solutions. A DSS as a system that provide tools to managers to assist them in solving semi structured and unstructured problems in their own. In other words, A DSS is an information system that support to managers for decision making. DSS is the intellectual resources of individuals with the capabilities of the computer to improve the quality of decision. A DSS can be defined as a computer based information system that...
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...Performance analysis of Substitution Cipher Based Cryptographic Algorithm Mihir Sanghavi 11MCA48, Student, MCA Programme, Institute of Technology, Nirma University, Ahmadabad Email: 11MCA48@nirmauni.ac.in Abstract Cryptography is the study of Encryption techniques related to aspects of information security, such as confidentially or privacy, data integrity and entity authentication. Today’s world, for secure data transmission via Internet or any public network, there is no alternative to cryptography. The role of Cryptography is most important in the field of network security. The main goal of cryptography is Confidentiality, Integrity, Authentication, Non repudiation. Cryptography is widely used by governmental and intelligence agencies around the world to safe transmission of any format of messages online or offline. In cryptography, a substitution cipher is a method of encryption by which units of plaintext are replaced with cipher text, according to a regular system; the "units" may be single letters, pairs of letters, triplets of letters, mixtures of the above, and so forth. The receiver deciphers the text by performing an inverse substitution. Caesar cipher is an example of substitution cipher method. In this paper substitution cipher based cryptography algorithms are compared and performance is evaluated. Keywords Cryptography, substitution cipher, cryptanalysis, Caesar cipher, monoalphabetic cipher and Polyalphabetic cipher. Introduction A substitution...
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...EVREN KUCUKKAYA E-COMMERCE SEMINAR Elias A. Hadzilias, PhD NTUA Assignment: On-line security: attacks and solutions 2012 ISG – INTERNATIONAL MBA Table of Context 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 3 2. MAIN TYPES OF MALWARE ................................................................................................................. 4 2.1. Computer Viruses ............................................................................................................................. 4 2.1. Computer Worms ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.3. Trojan Horses.................................................................................................................................... 6 2.4. Spyware ............................................................................................................................................ 6 2.5. Backdoor........................................................................................................................................... 6 2.6. Spams ............................................................................................................................................... 7 2.7. Keyloggers ....................................................................................................
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...EVREN KUCUKKAYA E-COMMERCE SEMINAR Elias A. Hadzilias, PhD NTUA Assignment: On-line security: attacks and solutions 2012 ISG – INTERNATIONAL MBA Table of Context 1. INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................... 3 2. MAIN TYPES OF MALWARE ................................................................................................................. 4 2.1. Computer Viruses ............................................................................................................................. 4 2.1. Computer Worms ............................................................................................................................. 5 2.3. Trojan Horses.................................................................................................................................... 6 2.4. Spyware ............................................................................................................................................ 6 2.5. Backdoor........................................................................................................................................... 6 2.6. Spams ............................................................................................................................................... 7 2.7. Keyloggers ....................................................................................................
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...FIN 3716 Midterm Exam Click Link Below To Buy: http://hwaid.com/shop/fin-3716-midterm-exam/ Q 1 : Activities of a firm which require the spending of cash Q 2 : The sources and uses of cash over a stated period of time are reflected on the 3: Common-size income statement is an accounting statement that expresses all of a firm's expenses as a percentage of 4: Standardizes items on the income statement and balance sheet relative to their values as of a common point in time 5: Relationships determined from a firm's financial information and used for comparison purposes 6: Formula which breaks down the return on equity into three component parts 7: U.S. gov't coding system that classifies a firm by the nature of its business operations 8: Source of cash (Asset decreases, Liability increases) 9: Use of cash (Asset increases, Liability decreases) 10: Increase in accounts payable, acquisition of debt, decrease in inventory 11: Increase in long-term debt & dividends paid are _____ on the Statement of Cash Flows 12: Cost of Good Sold, Decrease in accounts payable, Interest paid are _____ on the Statement of Cash Flows 13 : According to the Statement of Cash Flows, a decrease in accounts receivable will ___ the cash flow from ___ activities According to the Statement of Cash Flows, an increase in interest expense will ___ the cash flow from ___ activities On a common-size balance sheet all accounts are expressed...
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...1 Learn Java/J2EE core concepts and key areas With Java/J2EE Job Interview Companion By K.Arulkumaran & A.Sivayini Technical Reviewers Craig Malone Stuart Watson Arulazi Dhesiaseelan Lara D’Albreo Cover Design, Layout, & Editing A.Sivayini Acknowledgements A. Sivayini Mr. & Mrs. R. Kumaraswamipillai 2 Java/J2EE Job Interview Companion Copy Right 2005-2007 ISBN 978-1-4116-6824-9 The author has made every effort in the preparation of this book to ensure the accuracy of the information. However, information in this book is sold without warranty either expressed or implied. The author will not be held liable for any damages caused or alleged to be caused either directly or indirectly by this book. Please e-mail feedback & corrections (technical, grammatical and/or spelling) to java-interview@hotmail.com First Edition (220+ Q&A): Dec 2005 Second Edition (400+ Q&A): March 2007 3 Outline SECTION DESCRIPTION What this book will do for you? Motivation for this book Key Areas index SECTION 1 Interview questions and answers on: Java Fundamentals Swing Applet Performance and Memory issues Personal and Behavioral/Situational Behaving right in an interview Key Points SECTION 2 Interview questions and answers on: Enterprise Java J2EE Overview Servlet JSP JDBC / JTA JNDI / LDAP RMI EJB JMS XML SQL, Database, and O/R mapping RUP & UML Struts Web and Application servers. Best practices and performance considerations. Testing and deployment. Personal and...
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...Pardeep Binning TuTh 4-550pm Crime Unemployment and crime rate. They’re not the prettiest of terms, but they do raise a few eyebrows. The economic situation that the world has been in for the past few years has truly kept everyone on their toes regarding job security. Shouldn’t be surprising when the unemployment rate from 2007, which was 4.6%, more than doubled by the end of 2009 to 10% (Bureau of Labor Statistics). Without the steady income of a job, it’s common sense to infer that some people have to take drastic measures to reach end’s meet. Bruce Weinberg, an associate professor of economics at Ohio State University, says, "A decline in wages increases the relative payoff of criminal activity. It seems obvious that economic conditions should have an impact on crime…” Due to the high rate of unemployment, people have turned to a life of crime in order to stay. Most people do not intend to do harm to another person, however, while trying to commit even the smallest crime such as a robbery someone can get hurt or even worse die. That is why according to the report on CNN, there has been an increase in small time robberies such as convenient stores and gas stations. Those types of stores are small and have almost everything someone’s needs to survive. The robbers are not doing it because they want, but they are doing it because they have no other way of acquiring food for their family. Feeding your family has been a natural instinct, and most parents would do anything to...
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...W.E.B Dubois: African American Sociology Introduction to Sociology January 8, 2012 Sociology is defined by Merriam Webster as being “the science of society, social institutions, and social relationships; specifically: the systematic study of the development, structure, interaction, and collective behavior of organized groups of human beings” (2012). Sociology as it is known has many significant theorists noted for their individual contributions to this field. One of the most noted theorists in this field is W.E.B Dubois. He “was an African-American sociologist who embraced the tradition of merging scholarship and activism (Vissing, 2011). He laid the groundwork for Black sociology which studied the impact that social forces have on the Black family (Vissing, 2011). This study of Black sociology is still relevant in today’s society. His theory is most closely aligned with my personal views of sociology through his views on merging scholarship and activism, society’s impact on the Black family, and the importance of African (American) studies. Du Bois was abundantly talented in his education in the areas of Western literature and history. With a thirst for knowledge, Du Bois pursued degrees at Fisk University and Harvard University. Additionally, he completed post-graduate work in Germany. By the time he was twenty-six years old, after living a life in equality with all the ethnicities in Europe, he found himself returning to America...
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...The Theory of Constraints The Theory of Constraints (TOC) is a novel approach to managing operations, developed in the early 1980s by Dr. Eli Goldratt, a Ph.D. physicist from Israel. In the early 1980s, Goldratt developed a computer software package called Optimized Production Technology (OPT), for scheduling complex manufacturing systems. The package used the linear programming technique. However, customers were never told precisely how it worked. So, although copies of OPT were sold to a number of companies, the software was not exactly a thumping success, probably because managers will not use a tool they do not understand. To advertise his ideas more effectively, in 1984 Goldratt wrote The Goal, a book that translated the general logic embedded in OPT software into the fictional account of a plant manager who solves production, quality, and delivery problems.1 To further develop the concepts introduced in The Goal, Goldratt founded the Avraham Y. Goldratt Institute, an institute catering to educating managers on the principles and concepts of TOC. Many managers and consultants have since adopted these principles, modified them, and applied them to a variety of settings. The Cost World Perspective The conventional approach to managing a firm is based on the "cost world" perspective. With this perspective, cost control is a key measure that drives decision making. For instance, the cost world perspective could block a push to achieve a competitive edge...
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...a healthy physical body and a healthy spiritual body. Dr. Morris as a pastor and a medical doctor has written a new book, Health Care You Can Live With: Discover Wholeness in Body and Spirit in which be provides a unique view of the church and the medical industry and how they can each be a place of healing. He is a firm believer that health care through the government will not work, but has proven through his Church Health Center in Memphis that there is a real way for health care to work. See figure 1 in the appendix for a picture of Dr. Morris. Focus on the Leader The GOOD Dr. Morris’s leadership of the Church health Center in Memphis is outstanding. When the governments’ health care program is incapable of functioning effectively, from Dr. Morris’s book, Health Care You Can Live With, (see Figure 2 in the appendix for a view of the book’s cover), we have learned that his nonprofit health care center is treating 55,000 patients a year with only a 13 million dollar budget. This is equivalent to 100 million dollars a year that the government would spend for the same services provided by Dr. Morris’s Church health Center. The Church health Center focuses on prevention of illness. For every dollar, Dr. Morris spent on health care their goal is to spend a dollar on prevention of illness. From Dr. Morris’s book, Health Care You Can Live With, Phyllis Tickle, author of The Great Emergence, is quoted,...
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