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Breast Enlargement Research Paper

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Breast enlargement is also referred to as augmentation or sometimes referred to as a "boob job" by patients, involves using fat transfer or breast implants to increase the size of your breasts.
Types of breast implants
Saline breast implants
Sterile salt water is used to fill the breast implant. The saline implant will collapse if the implant shell leaks and the body will naturally expel it.
Saline breast implant enhances firmness, feel and a uniform shape. Saline breast implant is FDA-approved for augmentation in women who are at least 18 years of age.
Other types of breast implant include silicone breast implant, structured saline breast implants, Gummy bear breast implants, Round breast implants, Smooth breast implants, Textured breast implants
Do Breast Enlargement Work?
The truth is that there are no cereal bars, herbal pills, and lotions or creams that increase bust size. There are …show more content…
Most women feel full breasts enhance their femininity and also symbolize beauty.
During puberty, the breasts begin to develop by responding to changes in their hormones. Progesterone and Estrogen are the two hormones that help in the development of breasts. Genetics and nutrition re also major factors that determine the size of a woman’s breasts.
There are several breast enlargement options available today ranging from hormonal injections, pills, and creams to expensive surgical options. However, some natural remedies can produce a good result if you decide to adopt a natural method in enlarging your breast.
Natural methods are the most effective of all available options, but it will take patience, time, and a little bit of consistency on your part. Natural remedies may not be suitable for women with very small breasts as a result of hereditary factors.
Here are some home remedies for breast enlargement

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