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Trends Research Interviewee Similarities Differences

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The outpatient hemodialysis units, are free standing facilities that services patients, with end stage renal failure disease, (ESRD). The outpatient hemodialysis unit’s personnel consists of an, on-call physician, (Nephrologist), nurses, technicians, clerical staff, and housekeeping. However, in the event of an emergency, the outpatient hemodialysis units are supported by nearby hospitals, and emergency departments. Hemodialysis is the process of removing toxins, from the body via arterial shunt. Hence fore, this is a necessary process to sustain one’s life. However, this process requires three times per week sessions, to adequately remove the toxins from the body. Consequently, normal removal of toxins is filtered through the kidneys, and secreted out through your urine. Most outpatient hemodialysis units have late hours, and some are open 24 hours. The reason for the late and extended hours are secondary to the …show more content…
ESRD patients, quality of life has been altered drastically with treatments. Quality of life of ESRD patient, directly correlates with the support or lack of support with ESRD patient’s family. 1. Change in appetite, secondary to new dietary restrictions and medications.
2. The dialysis patient does not want to be a burden to their families. Some patients decline treatment, secondary to decline in quality of life, and lack of family support.
Geographic Locations 1. Outpatient hemodialysis units are regionally dispersed.
2. Networking nationionally with other facilities are in place. Mrs. Reed agrees with facility networking, improves the quality of life for the dialysis patient. Outpatient hemodialysis unit’s proximity, to the patient’s residence is a significant factor. Interviewee stated they cannot circumvent schedules due to tardiness for the patient’s chair

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