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Research Paper On Henry Higgins

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Professor Henry Higgins is a professor of phonetics who deeply cares about studying about the scientific aspects of things. He has no feelings for others and has no manners. He does not care at all about other feelings, has no manners and will say whatever he wants to anyone no matter what. Under the Myer Briggs analysis, he is an ENTJ as he possesses the trait of extroversion, intuition, thinking and judging. An extroverted person is outgoing, talkative, can easily talk with strangers, and love interacting with many people. An intuitive person is creative, inventive, lives for the future, and like to change and looking for new ways of doing something. A thinking person makes a logical and factual decision and does not have feelings involved in …show more content…
In the beginning of the second act. Eliza Doolittle came to Higgins to learn to speak English in a genteel way. After Pickering bets Higgins that he cannot turn Eliza into a duchess, Higgins takes the challenge and says, in six months, he will turn her into a duchess and in three months if she has “good ear and a quick tongue.” This is a very challenging task as changing the behavior, way and how someone speaks at her age of anywhere from 18 to 20 years old is hard to achieve, especially in six months but since he is intuitive, he took the possibility to have her changed in that time. He thought of first having her filthy clothes she always wore burned and have her wear a dress that would make her look more like a duchess which shows creativity since it’s hard to think anyone else would. As well, he wants to better humanity which seems more like a belief or an extremely tall task of achieving but since he is intuitive he sees the possibility of making it a reality. A sensing person would not agree to Higgins two goals since factually, they seem almost likely not possible to achieve or too hard, so why bother when you can help the world in other ways based entirely in

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