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Rise Of Isis Analysis

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Words 1357
Pages 6
Topic: The Rise of Isis
Thesis Statement:
The reckless desire for power in the middle east has lead to persistent complications throughout the Muslim population regardless of the Sunni and Shia peoples’ beliefs. These uprising difficulties have caused disturbances within the civilians of various countries in the middle east, political complications between the middle east and western regions as well as global fear of unknown uprising terror attacks.
The rise of ISIS, explained in 6 minutes by “Vox” Despite the short length of this six minute video, it contains extensive content to provide all viewers with general information on the rise of the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria. The video thoroughly …show more content…
The conflicts began in 1979 before ISIS even existed and then it explains how all the difficulties eventually caused the group form. This is important as it provides insight and many viewers have come to the realization that the controversial religious viewpoints and extremists were not the only part of the war that played a role in the rise of ISIS. It also has to do with money and the extreme desire for power. Furthermore, the video talks about the war in Syria and how it has developed into its current condition. The video provides the viewers with information about Abu Musab al-Zarqawi, his past feud with Bin Laden in Afghanistan, Zarqawi death in 2006 and how Abu Bakr al-baghdadi created many changes such as the evolution of Al Qaeda in Iraq to the Islamic State of Iraq . It also briefly speaks about the unsuccessful Arab Spring protests in the middle …show more content…
The difference between the two strands began after Muhammad's death in 623 and the controversy grew over who should take over and reign. This conflict spans over 1400 years which is further confused with political aspirations. In Iran the majority of the population was Shia however the government was lead by a Sunni leader, Saddam Hussein. Once America got involved with the conflict within Iraq post 9/11, Hussein expanded the army and the militia and they all joined the Sunni-Zarqawi group becoming some of the most ruthless individuals constantly attack Shia territory. Sunni people in Iraq wanted revenge on the Shia government and people in

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