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Brief Summary Of The Book 'My Men Are My Heroes'

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“My Men are my Heroes”
This is a book written about Sergeant Major Brad Kasal, and his iconic motivational photo of him holding his pistol even while injured and bleeding. It is truly a story of inspiration and motivation as it speaks about him being a country boy from Iowa, and moves on into his story of joining and being a United States Marine. I enjoyed reading this book from start to finish and I believe it demonstrated what true leadership and heroism is.
SgtMaj Kasal was born in Afton, Iowa in 1966 he was the fourth son of five. His Family lived on a farm in a rough landscape surrounded by all sorts of trees. As a child SgtMaj Kasal labored because he had no choice, there was always work to be done. SgtMaj Kasal was a high school football player and a standout wrestler with cauliflower ear, and ran for pleasure. He always liked a challenging himself. “It takes more self-discipline to do hard things when nobody is making you,” and with that mindset it made his choice of becoming a Marine easy. …show more content…
He was assigned to 2/1 and was meritoriously promoted all the way through Sergeant. As a young NCO he served as a section leader which is SNCO billet, this showed that he was a strong leader, and in being such a strong leader he was afforded the opportunity to go to US Army’s Ranger School where he graduated near the top of his class. SgtMaj deployed with 1/4 to a WestPAC, where he was with the Battalion Landing Team (BLT) he was training in the jungles of the Philippines when his team was called and told to return to the ship they were going to be headed to Kuwait where they would be part of the 100 hour

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