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Brittany Boggan Biography

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Brittany Boggan was born in Derry Township, Pennsylvania on September
13, 1857. She was the only child. Brittany always kept her options open for the next step. Brittany’s father was not very involved in the family. Brittany was a school drop out at the age of 14.
Brittany began to study about candy and later she borrowed money to produce her own candy store. For years and years she worked very hard making his business grow, but that didn’t really work out for her. Later on as the time progressed she decided to move and be with her father. As the time moved on he noticed caramel and how milk could be used for it. Brittany started the Boggan
Caramel Company later in 1883. The Caramel Company had great success.
In 1893, Brittany got interested in …show more content…
In 1907, Brittany invented the Boggan Kiss, then in 1924 the wrapper to the
Hershey Kiss was added. Brittany was very involved, she built churches, schools, and housing for his workers. Brittany also made a separate transportation for her employees. Brittany got married to her lovely husband Josh in 1898. The couple was not able to have kids of their own. Brittany and Josh later on invented a school for boys who were orphans. That school was invented in 1909. Brittany’s husband Josh passed away in 1918. Brittany was very wealthy at this time. During the Great
Depression, Brittany still kept her employees working to keep her business going.
Brittany was quiet, shy, and no one every thought her generosity was shocking. In her spare time she would read to write, she was determined to have a good education for herself, since she dropped out of school in her early years of life.
She then thought about making her own house but make sure his workers were a part of it.
After Brittany’s husband Josh passed away, she never remarried, but always kept a photo of her husband with her wherever she went. As Brittany continued to travel, she working until she was in her 80s. Brittany Boggan passed away

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