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Counseling Career Research Paper

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Everyone has different reasons for choosing their respective careers, some because of their passion for the career, due to some experience in life that made them value it, or due to the fact that maybe their parents or guardians pursued the same career .For others, it might be purely due to the financial returns expected. A career in counseling is an absolute dream. Everything that can actually be considered as mentally helpful, or psychologically enriching, is in the domain of counseling. There is arguably no other profession, that essentially addresses the importance of the peace of mind, and the need to ensure that it is indeed a genuine flourishing. There are a number of reasons why a career in counseling is the ideal profession.
In order to fully appreciate this field, it would be good to start by looking at the basic definitions of counseling and professional counseling. Counseling can be defined as an expert relationship that people from different walks of life, to satisfy their mental health, wellness and respective career targets. Therefore, professional counseling is a professional relationship that applies counseling as its single mode of operation. From these two definitions, the clearer picture of …show more content…
It is true that one can only learn on how to deal with people, if you associate and relate with them at some level, be it personal or professional. The fact that I could easily strike a rapport with strangers, even at the first time of meeting, amazed even myself. My personal experiences too, played quite a hug role too. I have experienced quite a lot of emotional trauma, especially in matters to do with esteem. I had a very low self esteem while I was young. I did not have the confidence to face up even to my fellow kids, and generally had a defeatist attitude about myself. I also felt ashamed with my appearance, since I believed by then, that I was inferior to the

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