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Seminole People Research Paper

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The Seminole people called themselves the “unconquered people”. They were descendants from three hundred people who didn’t get captured by the United States Army. The Seminole people can be traced back over twelve thousand years. They are also called “The Tribe of Florida.” Now they live in modern day Tampa, which is in Southern Florida. More than 2000 Seminole people live in the USA on six reservations; Pierce, Tampa, Immokalee, Hollywood, Big Cypress, and Brighton. A reservation is a section of land the government saves for these Native Americans to live on.

The houses the Seminole people lived in were called “Chickee”. They have a thatched roof made of hay and grasses that is held up by branches. The roof makes a triangle shape …show more content…
Their main crops that they grew were corn and beans. They fished in the Hillsborough River. Just like today, the woman did most of the work including farming and gardening. They also took care of all the daily life. Daily life means cooking and making sure everyone has clothes. The men did do the hunting, fishing, and killing. Because the food allowed them to survive they celebrated it with the Green Corn Dance which was held just after the corn harvest. There was feasting and dancing. There was no fighting allowed during the Green Corn Dance.

Here are some interesting facts about the Seminole people. The Seminole people spoke a language with two different names either Creek or Miccosukee. The men would shave all except one little lock of hair. Mostly they they'd have tan skin to dark black skin. They usually had black hair.

After there were trading posts their clothes were made out of colorful cotton. The men would wear full cut shirts and a skirt. The women wore short blouses that showed their bellies and floor long skirts. Or they could both wear a poncho like dress. A story says that a baby girl would get a necklace of glass beads at birth and every year after she’d get another strand until middle age where she would give them away until she had only one. In reality they did increase and then decrease the number of beads but it wasn’t related to the number of years they

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