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Personal Narrative: Moving To Texas

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Emotional. Difficult. Daunting. These are three words that describe my move from Kansas to Texas. Moving to Texas during my junior year 3 months before the school year ended was a difficult thing to do. I had to make new friends all while focusing on football and my academics. Times were rough, I was losing my love for football, losing hope for college, and didn’t even know if I would graduate high school. Albert Schweitzer once said; “Sometimes our light goes out, but is blown again into instant flame by an encounter with another human being.” This quote means alot to me because before i came to Texas I was looking for my light in a city where people didn’t go to college, most just dropped out and for a long time my ambitions were suppressed by the environment I was in. But I wasn’t having it, I had to renew bonds with the things that meant the most to me, I had to find my light. …show more content…
One quality I gained from this is independence, Feeling like an outcast really teaches you to be independent. I learned to entertain myself, to carry my own weight, and to strive for greatness with nobody teaching me or applauding me along the way. In the future, independence is gonna be one of my greatest qualities,I feel that whenever things get tough I will be able to just stay to myself and pray to god and I will be just

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